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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple's new Mac Pro has a "Product of Thailand" label, but final assembly of the desktop computer still takes place in the U.S., according to an FCC filing.


We have been informed that the new Mac Pro is assembled at the same Austin, Texas facility where it has been assembled since 2013, and units distributed to U.S. customers continue to include components designed, developed, and manufactured by more than a dozen American companies. Apple has not indicated why a "Product of Thailand" label was added to the Mac Pro — this fine print does not appear on the previous model.


Fine print on 2023 Mac Pro models sold in the U.S. reads:
Designed by Apple in California. Product of Thailand. Final assembly in the USA.
Fine print on 2019 Mac Pro models sold in the U.S. read:
Designed by Apple in California. Assembled in USA.
All other Macs are fully manufactured and assembled in Asian countries.

The new Mac Pro features the same overall design as the 2019 model, but it has been updated with Apple's custom M2 Ultra chip. The computer can be ordered now, and will begin arriving to customers and launch in stores this Tuesday.

Article Link: New Mac Pro Has 'Product of Thailand' Label, Final Assembly Still in USA
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macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
Considering it looks like about everything outside of the systemboard and SoC enclosure are the same as on the 2019 model, my guess is that parts of the 2019 model was also sourced from/manufactured in Thailand and Apple is now required to disclose that on the lable.


macrumors 603
Jun 8, 2017
It's nice to know they are keeping a few people in the US employed still, even if they're just boxing them up.
I believe California is in the US, and they probably also employ the designers. Though they don’t employ Ive anymore, so who knows.


macrumors G5
Aug 17, 2007
Seattle, WA
Where was the previous Mac Pro made?

The 2013 model had their final assembly in the United States due to tax subsidies to make it in Texas. Those expired after the launch of the 2019 model, so production for that either was moved to Taiwan/China or machines intended for the US were still assembled in the US with other country's models being assembled in Taiwan/China. It is a bit fuzzy as the WSJ had an article about production being moved to China, but then there was the photo-op in 2019 at the Texas plant with Cook and President Trump during talks about applying tariffs to Chinese products and Apple and the Administration were said to have worked a deal to exempt Apple from them by expanding US production.

I presume most of the other components came from Taiwan and mainland China, but it is possible the OEM memory DIMMs were sourced from US manufacturers.
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