some, like a poster above, were against the update this summer, so maybe better sources/opinions are more valuable. I am all in for new MPs this summer. The processors aren't the only things that matter. There is TB, different casing, etc etc. In the MR buyer's guide one should trust
You want a new MP. We get that.
But you're grasping at straw men to validate the desire for it to show up when you want it to.
As per the buyer's guide, it's not that accurate (as mentioned by
Cindori, it's just a timer). As I mentioned before, search MR's MP threads on this, and you'll see the disappointment of past releases not meeting the avg. days per update.
VirtualRain and
Cindori; thanks for the humor!
Got to agree here; Unless the rumored Apple exclusive Intel chip is so superior when combined with new MP/ Lion server that IT managers world wide are going to be asking to increase their budgets to revamp entire server networks with pure Macs.
I don't see this happening, even if the next MP + Lion is the best thing since sliced bread, as there's other considerations besides hardware costs that could cause the brakes to engage for some, if not most large scale enterprise operations (migration issues, training, existing software investments).
...a whole lot would be riding on the chip "not available to pc's"
I don't see Intel doing this, as they need volume sales for components to be profitable. And despite Apple's desires, I don't see them being able to produce enough systems to be a sole buyer for Thunderbolt.
And there's evidence this is the case, as TB chips have already been sold to Sony (not getting into the different port, as that itself has nothing to do with the TB chip itself).
But in a world where new bullet proof MP servers are running massive clouds and networks, and the average workstation is a 19" or 24" touch pad (Job's vision, not mine).. maybe there is something to the Mac only Intel CPU

Maybe, but it's a long shot IMO, as even if it's a custom design from Intel, there's a strong likelihood that it's just modifications of an existing design (that's all the custom chip for the Air was - it was even sitting on a shelf as it were, and only needed to be dusted off and updated a bit).
I see Apple's implementation differences coming down to their software, not the hardware (from a circuits POV, Apple uses the same parts and reference designs as other vendors). There are differences in areas that Intel doesn't make parts for, such as what's used to create voltage regulators for example, but we're not talking about the main components. The CPU, chipset, and ICH sorts of parts are all Intel for an Intel based board, and the same in systems that are designed for the same CPU's.