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Sean Dempsey

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Aug 7, 2006
Hello. I purchased a Mac Pro this morning, the instant they were available. I have been waiting for this day for a few months, and I am glad it was here. Now that I've done it, I have just a few questions before it arrives. I'm all nervous now. I am a web developer who has worked mainly on PC for the last few years, but my White MacBook has convinced me its time to switch.

First, I got the standard NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 256MB card with it, since I don't do 3d rendering, video, or gaming. Dual 2.6 cpus', 2 gigs of ram, and the 250 gig hard drive. So hopefully it kicks the hell out of my 3 year old pentium4 2.8 2 gigs of RAM PC...

But now that I've pulled the trigger, I have all sorts of worries.

First: I have 2 brand new Samsung Syncmaster 214t LCD's that run at 1600x1200, both are DVI. Will I be able to use both of these at 1600x1200? I know macs can run dual displays, but I am not sure how they handle resolution, alot of time it seems like mac uses a much lower resolution than PC.

Second - how does expose~ work on dual displays? Do the windows on each screen get thumbnailed onto their respective monitor, or do they all go to the main monitor? Same with the dock, where does that go? can I have a dock on each monitor? the system bar at the top too, what about that?

Anyways, thanks, I am sure I'll be here alot now that I have finally switched.
Your dock will go on one screen, whichever you define as your 'main' screen. Same goes for the menubar.

Expose takes advantage of both screens just fine.

Not sure about the monitors, but I don't see why they wouldn't run at native.
About the new macpro hard drive bays:

I ordered a 250gig with the machine, so I have 3 bays open. Right now in my PC, I have an 80 gig SATA, and 80 gig SATA, and a 120 gig IDE.

With a reformat and such, will the mac pro take the two 80 gig drives no problem? They are 3 years old, but they are SATA, so I don't see why not?

Also, does anyone know if I can make those 2 drives a raid? So have a 160 gig raid drive, and a 250 gig main drive?

Thanks ahead of time!
You should be able to using the included disk utility app. I am sure someone else here can verify it for you.
In doing some research, I am feeling a little doubtful about my purchase, regarding macromedia and adobe software.

I bought this computer because my PC was running pretty slow with Adobe CS2 and Macromedia studio8 apps.

Now that I read that Rosetta will cause a noticable downgrade in performance in both those suites, I am wondering if it was worth the money right now, seeing as how the SOLE reason I bought this machine was to run photoshop and macromedia.

any thoughts on this?
Wish I had 4k to spend on a mac pro :( Personally I would think that adobe etc would run FASTER than on a mini etc but still they are PC programs. Until they are made especially for mac I would think there might always be a lag :(
I would say try running them first and see if you are happy with the performance. Or go to an Apple store and try the applications out in the store. Don't know if Mac Pros are running in Apple stores yet. Maybe you could even try running them on your white Macbook. I'm sure that's faster than your current PC. If you are happy with perfomance on the Macbook, you will be really happy with the Mac Pro.

Then, if you are not happy, you could always use Boot Camp and run them in Windows. On Quad Xeons I am sure it will fly. Or return the quad and run your apps in Windows on your white Macbook.

But if you are, and you keep the Mac Pro that's even better. :) :D
Sean Dempsey said:
In doing some research, I am feeling a little doubtful about my purchase, regarding macromedia and adobe software.

I bought this computer because my PC was running pretty slow with Adobe CS2 and Macromedia studio8 apps.

Now that I read that Rosetta will cause a noticable downgrade in performance in both those suites, I am wondering if it was worth the money right now, seeing as how the SOLE reason I bought this machine was to run photoshop and macromedia.

any thoughts on this?

Well, the 5100-series Xeons are noticeably (I'm talking units of folds increase) faster than NetBurst/P4 generation chips. Yes, Rosetta will cause it to be slower, but it's either that or you can wait for the Universal Binary which looks to be an '07 affair.

I'm guessing you need to use it now--nothing wrong against future-proofing.
I have just a lowly Duo iMac with 2 gigs of ram and the 256 video card and to be honest I don't do that much in photoshop but when I do I have never noticed any lag. and if anything here's to hoping that adobe gets there products by the time the year is up :) enjoy your new beast I'd love to have one especially for using in final cut!!!
viccles said:
Wish I had 4k to spend on a mac pro :( Personally I would think that adobe etc would run FASTER than on a mini etc but still they are PC programs. Until they are made especially for mac I would think there might always be a lag :(

Vic, what do you mean "they are still PC apps"?

Adobe Creative Suite is a Mac-native app, it's just not Universal yet (doesn't run on PPC and Intel natively). Rosetta doesn't mean that PC apps can run on OS X, it means that PPC-only Mac apps can run on Intel Macs.

When CS3 is released next year it will be Universal and will run very, very fast.
Chundles said:
Vic, what do you mean "they are still PC apps"?

Adobe Creative Suite is a Mac-native app, it's just not Universal yet (doesn't run on PPC and Intel natively). Rosetta doesn't mean that PC apps can run on OS X, it means that PPC-only Mac apps can run on Intel Macs.

When CS3 is released next year it will be Universal and will run very, very fast.

What you said LOL I just didnt make myself very clear
I actually cancelled the order.

I didn't want to, but after reading about Rosetta and reading the official statement of Adobe, I decided to wait until CS3 and Studio 9. Adobe themselves stated that there is noticable decrease in performance on the intel based mac chips.

I use Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver AND Flash all day, at the same time, constantly switching back and forth, importing, exporting, copying, pasting... and I couldn't justify buying the FASTEST new machine I could, and having everything I am using run through an emulator (translator).

All those seconds a day add up, and I just didn't want to intentionally cripple my workflow JUST so I could have a mac.

So.. here's to Adobe hurrying =/ Anyone got Dell's number in the meantime =(
Sean Dempsey said:
I actually cancelled the order.

I didn't want to, but after reading about Rosetta and reading the official statement of Adobe, I decided to wait until CS3 and Studio 9. Adobe themselves stated that there is noticable decrease in performance on the intel based mac chips.

I use Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver AND Flash all day, at the same time, constantly switching back and forth, importing, exporting, copying, pasting... and I couldn't justify buying the FASTEST new machine I could, and having everything I am using run through an emulator (translator).

All those seconds a day add up, and I just didn't want to intentionally cripple my workflow JUST so I could have a mac.

So.. here's to Adobe hurrying =/ Anyone got Dell's number in the meantime =(
Are you kidding?? Don't cancel your order! That machine will run Photoshop very well. Rosetta my arse, I've seen intel iMacs running Photoshop extremely well. Bad choice amigo -- I'd place the order again.
Just run XP for awhile under Bookcamp or Parallels, and don't buy the Mac version of Adobe products until the Universal is out.

Right now you can upgrade to a Windows Workstation, and then upgrade to OS X when you feel comfortable with that path.

However a slight degradation (those few seconds) may be worth the switch to OS X.

You can always test out the apps to see if they are worthwhile under Rosetta, most seem to think they are.


Anyhow a Dual dual core Dell Precision 690 workstation with the actual Mac Pro specs would likely cost you more than the Mac Pro.
Sean Dempsey said:
I actually cancelled the order.

I didn't want to, but after reading about Rosetta and reading the official statement of Adobe, I decided to wait until CS3 and Studio 9. Adobe themselves stated that there is noticable decrease in performance on the intel based mac chips.

I use Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver AND Flash all day, at the same time, constantly switching back and forth, importing, exporting, copying, pasting... and I couldn't justify buying the FASTEST new machine I could, and having everything I am using run through an emulator (translator).

All those seconds a day add up, and I just didn't want to intentionally cripple my workflow JUST so I could have a mac.

So.. here's to Adobe hurrying =/ Anyone got Dell's number in the meantime =(

If you are so worried about PS, run it through bootcamp, and switch back over to the other Mac apps as you need them. What the heck would you dump thousands of dollars down the crapper for a Dell or any other PC when the Mac Pro is still a better PC than they are, plus you have the advantage of it being a Mac.
quigleybc said:
Do what you want, but I generally avoid buying the first generation of anything from in point, the MBP.

I GUARANTEE you that they have fixed any issues likely to come up with the Mac Pro. The iMac hasn't had any hiccups, neither has the Mini. You can bet they won't risk problems with their big daddy.
The MP is actually a damned fine workstation to have, but I find it hard to believe that a first time user would just straight to the top of the range line without even having any idea how Rosetta is like.. to top it off he is coming from a PC (as in PC, not workstation) P4 2.8Ghz!

carletonmusic said:
Are you kidding?? Don't cancel your order! That machine will run Photoshop very well. Rosetta my arse, I've seen intel iMacs running Photoshop extremely well. Bad choice amigo -- I'd place the order again.

Actually, I think canceling is a smart move if those are the programs he uses all day long. Might as well save the money until those programs come out universal and use the old machine until then.

Photoshop is fine for low resolution stuff...but as soon as you bump up the resolution, things slow down pretty quickly.

The alternative is to buy the Mac Pro, and then run those programs in Windows...but that may not be a viable solution for him.
I personally woulnd't have cancelled. As noted above, why not use BootCamp if you feel they run too slow? You can download a trial copy of all of Macromedia/Adobes software via their website. Why not buy the MacPro and try the apps out under Rosetta? Rosetta will slow them down slightly but coming from a P4 PC you will def. see a huge speed bump. If you do feel they run too slow, use BootCamp. OR, visit an Apple Store and ask them if you can download the trial, I'm sure you will be aloud. Personally, I feel the worst thing you could do is go spend a large amount of cash for a Dell that will give out in a year or two.

I am not a troll, I assure you, lol. A first time mac buyer, yes, but also I am a working professional who has just HAPPENED to spend the last decade developing on PC's. It's a scary thing, the life of my family (and our finances) depend solely on Photoshop and Flash.

I mean... I'm a 12 hour a day designer running my own business. I might go through 100 psd's and 50 fla's a day, not to mention thousands of FTP transfers, sever logins, making stuff in Illustrator to import to flash, writing php in dreamweaver, designing print stuff in InDesign, exporting, importing... blah blah. My life depdends on my computer. And reading the adobe press release about the intel-mac, they state that somethings might not work, or work right, or plugins and such might go haywire, I just didn't want to deal with it. Adobe themselves state that their stuff is NOT going to run 100% or without error.

I had always wanted to switch to mac, like I said (I think) I bought my wife a white MacBook, and I really really like it. And one of my business partners does all his design work on a PowerPC Mac. So for months, I have said "when the G5 gets an intel chip, I'll get one". Thats why I ordered on day 1, and that's why I ordered a fast one ;)

I'm a mac idiot... but I'm not a computing idiot. Hell I didn't even know what dashboard and expose~ were until a month ago. Suffice it so say, I never even THOUGHT of bootcamp until you mentioned this thread. I mean, imagine yourself as a 100% windows XP user... we don't think of those things. We just reformat it and install it again.

I figured that after I had time to see what other people are doing with their macpro, I can reorder. My business pays for the computer, so if in a month people are saying "photoshop runs fine, its really great" I'll be the first to buy.

I'm not mad at Apple, I just felt a little trepidation buying a brand new awesome machine, and then having to use bootcamp or Rosetta. Believe me, if the reports are that CS2 and Studio 8 run good, I'll drive to Vegas and buy one from the Apple Store in person. At least with my 3 year old PC, I know what it will and will not do.

Are there any other full-time photoshop/flash users that want to chime in here? Believe me, I WANT to be convinced to buy.
Sean Dempsey said:
I am not a troll, I assure you, lol. A first time mac buyer, yes, but also I am a working professional who has just HAPPENED to spend the last decade developing on PC's. It's a scary thing, the life of my family (and our finances) depend solely on Photoshop and Flash.

I mean... I'm a 12 hour a day designer running my own business. I might go through 100 psd's and 50 fla's a day, not to mention thousands of FTP transfers, sever logins, making stuff in Illustrator to import to flash, writing php in dreamweaver, designing print stuff in InDesign, exporting, importing... blah blah. My life depdends on my computer. And reading the adobe press release about the intel-mac, they state that somethings might not work, or work right, or plugins and such might go haywire, I just didn't want to deal with it. Adobe themselves state that their stuff is NOT going to run 100% or without error.

I had always wanted to switch to mac, like I said (I think) I bought my wife a white MacBook, and I really really like it. And one of my business partners does all his design work on a PowerPC Mac. So for months, I have said "when the G5 gets an intel chip, I'll get one". Thats why I ordered on day 1, and that's why I ordered a fast one ;)

I'm a mac idiot... but I'm not a computing idiot. Hell I didn't even know what dashboard and expose~ were until a month ago. Suffice it so say, I never even THOUGHT of bootcamp until you mentioned this thread. I mean, imagine yourself as a 100% windows XP user... we don't think of those things. We just reformat it and install it again.

I figured that after I had time to see what other people are doing with their macpro, I can reorder. My business pays for the computer, so if in a month people are saying "photoshop runs fine, its really great" I'll be the first to buy.

I'm not mad at Apple, I just felt a little trepidation buying a brand new awesome machine, and then having to use bootcamp or Rosetta. Believe me, if the reports are that CS2 and Studio 8 run good, I'll drive to Vegas and buy one from the Apple Store in person. At least with my 3 year old PC, I know what it will and will not do.

Are there any other full-time photoshop/flash users that want to chime in here? Believe me, I WANT to be convinced to buy.

Well, if you are able to handle your work on your current machine, It wouldn't hurt to delay the purchase a few more months until Adobe releases CS3. If you absolutely can't stand the speed, then I don't think the new machine+rosetta will help...I figure it will be about the same speed at best (I'm going on instinct, not numbers to back it up).

If you really do need a new machine right now, then at least the Mac Pro can run Windows, so you wouldn't be totally stuck, and you'd be ready for the OSX version when CS3 comes out.

Personally, I'd probably try to wait the 4-6 months...but then I don't know how badly you need the new machine.
Sean Dempsey said:
Are there any other full-time photoshop/flash users that want to chime in here? Believe me, I WANT to be convinced to buy.
See this thread:

Try out the test on your PC and see if it comes in under 4 minutes (approx the time Laslo Panaflex got on his Mac Pro, with 1GB RAM - 2GB would be a good deal faster). If the PC is faster, then you'd probably be better to wait.
Sean Dempsey said:
In doing some research, I am feeling a little doubtful about my purchase, regarding macromedia and adobe software.

I bought this computer because my PC was running pretty slow with Adobe CS2 and Macromedia studio8 apps.

Now that I read that Rosetta will cause a noticable downgrade in performance in both those suites, I am wondering if it was worth the money right now, seeing as how the SOLE reason I bought this machine was to run photoshop and macromedia.

any thoughts on this?
CS2 bounces in the dock for a while, but once it opens its blazing fast™

(im on a dual 1.83, 1.5 GB RAM MBP. The new MacPro is much faster than that.)
As long as you you have enough ram it should be fine. The startup will be a little slower but after that with 2gigs of ram it should run great especially with TWO 2.66Ghz dual core xeons. It should fly.
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