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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 22, 2009
Brisbane, Australia
Well I just received mine, and I turned it on and I was welcomed to a digusting 3 beep tone! Blank screen and that's it!

Talking to apple to a well yes a Indian who had very poor English skills
and he has no idea so I demanded to speak to someone else so I'm waiting again! What could be th problem? Ram?

He told me that there is a very large volum who have called in the past 2 weeks with the issue. Like **** sakes
Sorry but where i'm from million of people are sick of speaking to people from india, china, etc etc and not being able to understand a single word they are saying. To me those people should not have jobs till they learn to speak properly.

But all in all this thead isn't about that.

Its about a new issue that is coming up with the new imacs!

It seems he said that the issues with the screens have been fixed, but over the past 2 weeks they been flooded with calls regarding a ram fault which then makes your system a DOA!

Quality control people.
as we pointed out in other posts , all these issues and problems have absolute noting to do with apple , apple is only selling the iMac but its build in china from parts sourced from all over the planet
so we can not blame apple for fitting non working parts, as these parts should have been checked by the manufacturer of these parts
apple is in the same situation as you as a customer , they received not working components and got the chinese to fit them into the iMac , so blame the manufacturer and not apple

thats called outsourcing

outsourcing, which means if you cant do it yourself and make profit , then get less competent people to do it for you and make profit and if something goes wrong you always got someone else to blame but not yourself
as we pointed out in other posts , all these issues and problems have absolute noting to do with apple , apple is only selling the iMac but its build in china from parts sourced from all over the planet
so we can not blame apple for fitting non working parts, as these parts should have been checked by the manufacturer of these parts
apple is in the same situation as you as a customer , they received not working components and got the chinese to fit them into the iMac , so blame the manufacturer and not apple

thats the drawback of outsourcing
That's right, Apple has no responsibility for the machines it sells! If they contain faulty parts, Apple is blameless! They shouldn't have, oh, for example, actually tested the machines before shipping them out... QC is so 20th century! :rolleyes:
as we pointed out in other posts , all these issues and problems have absolute noting to do with apple , apple is only selling the iMac but its build in china from parts sourced from all over the planet
so we can not blame apple for fitting non working parts, as these parts should have been checked by the manufacturer of these parts
apple is in the same situation as you as a customer , they received not working components and got the chinese to fit them into the iMac , so blame the manufacturer and not apple

thats called outsourcing, which means if you cant do it yourself and make profit , then get less competent people to do it for you and make profit and if something goes wrong you always got someone else to blame but not yourself

Im sorry, I work for a large blue chip company. We "outsource" a lot of our product range to various smaller / more cost effective suppliers and manufacturers.

We have our own people working in these plants ensuring that our product with our name on meets the end users needs and our specification.

Everyone of the broken units is 100% Apples fault.
:eek: you cant be serious we are talking about apple , i got the idea apple is never to blame for anything , like you cant blame god for earthquakes , now i'm totally confused :confused:
:eek: you cant be serious we are talking about apple , i got the idea apple is never to blame for anything , like you cant blame god for earthquakes , now i'm totally confused :confused:
Sorry, the superfan crowd here is so crazy sometimes that others of us may have mistaken sarcasm on your part for seriousness - your comment above is the kind of rationalization some others around here would actually make in earnest in defending absolutely anything Apple does.
Not sure you should be talking about someone else's language skills.

There is nothing wrong with what the OP said about language skills. At least in the US, when one buys an Apple computer there is a period of 90-day telephone support. Lets say that I live in the US and call an Apple technician to explain a problem I am having with my new iMac: should I have to speak Mandarin or whichever language the technician speaks? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
To the OP: I have no idea how it works in AU, but in the US all I have to do is to visit the Apple web page, select "Support," and under "Support" choose to have an Apple technician calling me at a specific time. I wonder if an English-speaking Apple technician can call you at AU?
Lets say that I live in the US and call an Apple technician to explain a problem I am having with my new iMac: should I have to speak Mandarin or whichever language the technician speaks?

Are there any other English-speaking Apple customers in the USA, Australia or Europe who have been required to speak Mandarin when talking to an Apple technician?
I can see where people are coming from regards offshore calls centres. God knows i 've had my problems with them esp AOL and ACER. My company have a offshore call centre and we get calls transferred in and transferred out and yes there is a language barrier. But until the world stops chasing a hefty profit margin, these offshore call centres is something we are just going to have to accept. In alot of situations you can't fault there desire to help just a lack of tech knowledge and training by the parent company. Anyway with all electronic appliances there is bound to be a small percentage of faults. They were built by man and man has many faults. And unfort many companies produce in mass and are unable to test every single product sold so unfort we the buying public are the lab rats and the companies QC
dont mention aol
i am a customer ;) mac's are valuable computers and not supported by
With Apple, I have always talked to people that sound like they are native U.S.. When I call somewhere where I get someone I can't understand, I just politely tell them I can't understand them and hang up and call again.
Not sure you should be talking about someone else's language skills.

Well, there are some limits of how much of a slack we can accept.
If I am having a problem with a Prime Brand Name Product I shouldn't be guessing what the guy is telling me to make the product work. We shouldn't be settling for much less (or we'll keep getting bad products AND bad services).

Tom B.
Thankfully every time I've called Apple I've talked to people who were at least American or Eastern-European. God help me if I'd have been connected with an Ozzie... :rolleyes:
Thankfully every time I've called Apple I've talked to people who were at least American or Eastern-European. God help me if I'd have been connected with an Ozzie... :rolleyes:

I heard a guest lecturer from Scotland last month. Do they speak English ? :D She laughed about it and said she had been turned down the first time she applied for US citizenship because of her accent.
as we pointed out in other posts , all these issues and problems have absolute noting to do with apple , apple is only selling the iMac but its build in china from parts sourced from all over the planet
so we can not blame apple for fitting non working parts, as these parts should have been checked by the manufacturer of these parts
apple is in the same situation as you as a customer , they received not working components and got the chinese to fit them into the iMac , so blame the manufacturer and not apple

thats called outsourcing

outsourcing, which means if you cant do it yourself and make profit , then get less competent people to do it for you and make profit and if something goes wrong you always got someone else to blame but not yourself

:eek: you cant be serious we are talking about apple , i got the idea apple is never to blame for anything , like you cant blame god for earthquakes , now i'm totally confused :confused:

*I see what you did there* :p

Sadly, some people actually think that's the case...
Sorry but where i'm from million of people are sick of speaking to people from india, china, etc etc and not being able to understand a single word they are saying. To me those people should not have jobs till they learn to speak properly.

Seriously, take your bogan racist remarks and go back into hiding. People like you are the reason Australia and Queensland in general comes across as ignorant and racist.

You disgust me.

And I LIVE in Brisbane.
Sorry but where i'm from million of people are sick of speaking to people from india, china, etc etc and not being able to understand a single word they are saying. To me those people should not have jobs till they learn to speak properly.

OK, I'll go along with that so long as we also agree that illiterate, hypocritical, racist morons are not allowed to post to user forums in English until they learn how to write properly.
Talking to apple to a well yes a Indian who had very poor English skills and he has no idea so I demanded to speak to someone else so I'm waiting again! What could be th problem? Ram?

Your the problem with society. Prejudice at its finest. You lost major points man, being frustrated about your product okay but then taking it to the level of being a racist, insensitive cretin, that's just crossing the line. :mad:

Your comment had nothing to do with your issue at hand.

Sorry but where i'm from million of people are sick of speaking to people from india, china, etc etc and not being able to understand a single word they are saying. To me those people should not have jobs till they learn to speak properly.

Now your still being a bigot. I hope your not from the USA (Cause you do not speak for me) If I come across someone who doesn't speak my language (english) I show patience and try to find a better way to communicate. If that doesn't work, I'll seek the alternative that will answer my problem. I don't make personal attacks on a culture or group of people.

I pray you do get your gorgeous iMac fixed.

I also pray you realize that people are people and ALL of us need to be compassionate and patient. Also you reap what you sow.


Err..while I don't really agree with the OP I just have to tell some of you that it is NOT racist or prejudiced (pre judge?) to say he got someone from India and it was hard to understand them. That is what you call recalling an incident.

Now if he had said people from India cannot learn proper English, that would be different.

Regardless, it wasn't a very nice sentiment at least.
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