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If it beeps 3 times it's most likely something's wrong with the Ram.

• 1 beep = No RAM installed/detected
• 2 beeps = Incompatible RAM type installed
• 3 beeps = No RAM banks passed memory testing
• 4 beeps = No good boot images in the boot ROM
• 5 beeps = Bad ROM boot block or processor is not usable

Apple will take care of you, don't worry.

I have called Apple numerous times and haven't had one CSR with poor accent... I would try to call in again if you haven't already done so.
Err..while I don't really agree with the OP I just have to tell some of you that it is NOT racist or prejudiced (pre judge?) to say he got someone from India and it was hard to understand them. That is what you call recalling an incident.

No, that wasn't the offensive part. It was when he went on to say that those not equal to his literacy requirements (ironic, since his own writing skills are severely lacking) should be barred from employment.
Seriously, take your bogan racist remarks and go back into hiding. People like you are the reason Australia and Queensland in general comes across as ignorant and racist.

You disgust me.

And I LIVE in Brisbane.

Err..while I don't really agree with the OP I just have to tell some of you that it is NOT racist or prejudiced (pre judge?) to say he got someone from India and it was hard to understand them. That is what you call recalling an incident.

Now if he had said people from India cannot learn proper English, that would be different.

Regardless, it wasn't a very nice sentiment at least.

You can't even defend this person if you tried. As you see from the other comment above, A local Australian was disgusted with their bigotry and racism.... I'm not attacking you, I just had to reply to your statement and show you this.
Calm down people, i was in noway being racist!

I'm of european decent born overseas and moved to australia when i was 6. So ease up, if you read that wrongly so be it.

Anyways back to the issue at hand! I've decided to go for a replacement iMac. even though its only one ram module that is stuffed, it all should have worked right out of the box. TNT guy is picking it up on thursday and will be awaiting for another one.

I been using it none the less for the past 2 days and i must say wow! its a week 53 mac and there is no issues on the screen what so ever and no clicking noise from the HDD.

Apart from just the ram its a 100% working machine. Heres hoping to the next one! :)
Are there any other English-speaking Apple customers in the USA, Australia or Europe who have been required to speak Mandarin when talking to an Apple technician?
Aren't there any? You are telling me that Apple does not have technicians who speak Mandarin?
Calm down people, i was in noway being racist!

I'm of european decent born overseas and moved to australia when i was 6. So ease up, if you read that wrongly so be it.

Sorry, mate, but you are being racist. Not only that, you are ignorant too. The worst possible combo. And you handle English worse than the people you slander. Indians can speak English properly. English is actually an official language in India, I don't know if you knew that. You saying they don't deserve a job until they can speak properly just shows how absolutely moronic you are. Just because a Brissie boy can't understand the accent, doesn't mean it's not proper English.

End of rant.

Back to normal programming.
Thankfully every time I've called Apple I've talked to people who were at least American or Eastern-European. God help me if I'd have been connected with an Ozzie... :rolleyes:

That's funny. But on the serious side, I have several AU friends who live in the US, and they speak with a very nice and clear British accent. ;)
Apart from just the ram its a 100% working machine. Heres hoping to the next one! :)

I would have kept the machine and got the RAM sorted. Principles be damned, I would want to keep as much off the good stuff as possible :)
OK, I'll go along with that so long as we also agree that illiterate, hypocritical, racist morons are not allowed to post to user forums in English until they learn how to write properly.

And how would we know they are illiterate?

Tom B.
Come On Guys! You have to understand a Person's Frustration. You buy a Product that is between $1200. & $2000. & you want it to be tested out ahead of time. Before it is Boxed & Shipped. Apple is a Corporation, not a religion or God. They happen to make better products than most Electronic Companies & their ideas are innovative. But they are not to be protected from some ridicule when tons of people including me wind up with a Product that is inferior to what their Ad campaign is boasting. These screens should be perfect! This is my first Apple Product that has had a problem. I'm only an Apple customer since the 5th Gen iPod came out. Then bought Mac Mini, Time Capsule, a lot of older Macs & now the new latest & greatest iMac. Sometimes people need to vent & sometimes it's in a forum, because who else are us geeks going to talk to about it? :) The Language Communication Problem is sometimes hard, but if you are patient & relax a little, you will probably conquer the obstacle. And the person on the end of the phone will try & help solve your problem. I use to get frustrated with people that did not speak English as I know it to be spoken, but I learned to relax, Listen & try. You may be surprised at how you both will understand each other with the right attitude. They are of course, just doing their Job. I don't blame the little guy making $2 an hour for a corporations poor manufacturing of a product. It's the companies fault either way you look at it. Too many Lemons came out of Shanghai. Way too many! Just my 2 Cents! Happy New Year!
oh the irony of Japanese and Americans discussing English!


I too dislike intensely having to speak to offshore call centres. It's got to the point where if possible I'll find out where the support centre is and if possible I'll avoid products where majority support is based offshore.

If a buy a product in/from country X then why can I not speak to someone in country X about it? Whats difficult about it?

In Apple's case they tout the great mac experience and charge accordingly I just feel that Mac customers' deserve better. Isn't offshore support plentiful and no different no matter who the company is? ;)

When I've shelled out top dollar for the product and likely paying for the call as well is it too much to ask to speak to someone in the same country as me, regardless of their heritage.

If that makes me racist then fine chalk me up...I'm just trying to keep my sanity...! :D
oh the irony of Japanese and Americans discussing English!

Although I live in Japan I'm an American. Location ≠ Nationality.

You seem very concerned with this nationality thing. More on that below.

When I've shelled out top dollar for the product and likely paying for the call as well is it too much to ask to speak to someone in the same country as me, regardless of their heritage.

Oh OK, so you don't care what language they speak so long as they share your nationality, or does every single person in your country speak English natively?

If that makes me racist then fine chalk me up...I'm just trying to keep my sanity...! :D

No, I don't think that makes you a racist, just an ultranationalist. lol
I haven't met an Aussie who speaks with a "British" accent yet. Not only that, if I accused them of such they'd be insulted. :)

Nonsense;) In the US with our political correctness, maybe. But these people aren't American and are friends of mine. It's here in the US where people take offense for such things.
english isn't my native language , ok i live since 2003 in the uk , but i was born in and lived 35 years in germany, so i have a strong german accent as i come from a part of germany called Palatinate
but i never had problems with people not understanding what i say ,
ok , when i was in the states for holidays visiting some relatives there in wisconsin , texas , arizona , south dakota ,new jersey and new york
i was often asked if i came from pennsylvania:eek:(not by my relatives of course) ,
still dont know if that was a offence or a compliment :confused:
english isn't my native language , ok i live since 2003 in the uk , but i was born in and lived 35 years in germany, so i have a strong german accent as i come from a part of germany called Palatinate
but i never had problems with people not understanding what i say ,
ok , when i was in the states for holidays visiting some relatives there in wisconsin , texas , arizona , south dakota ,new jersey and new york
i was often asked if i came from pennsylvania:eek:(not by my relatives of course) ,
still dont know if that was a offence or a compliment :confused:

Not an offense, you probably have an accent similar to the Amish people that live in PA. I have a friend from a small farming town in Germany and he says the dialect in his area is the same as the German the Amish people speak. I use to live where I had Amish neighbors, it is not difficult to understand them.
Not an offense, you probably have an accent similar to the Amish people that live in PA. I have a friend from a small farming town in Germany and he says the dialect in his area is the same as the German the Amish people speak. I use to live where I had Amish neighbors, it is not difficult to understand them.

thanks for the answer , i googled up the amish and tumbled over
a language called "pennsylvania dutch"or "pennsylvania german "
and now i know why i sound so similar to them
"The ancestors of Pennsylvania German speakers came from various parts of the southwest corner of the German-speaking region of Europe, including the Palatinate"
"When individuals from the Palatinate region of Germany encounter Pennsylvania German speakers today, conversation is often possible to a limited degree. There are many similarities between the German dialect that is still spoken in this small part of south-western Germany and Pennsylvania German. There are approximately 2,400,000 Germans in Metropol-Region-Rhein-Neckar (a region almost identical to the historical Pfalz) speaking Pfälzisch, the specific German dialect from which the "Pennsylvania German" is mainly derived"
i should visit pennsylvania one day and have a look around at the amish
can't imagine a life without cars and electricity and telephone
seams to me they live a very peaceful life
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