I agree with almost everything else that's been said, so won't bother repeating
I will add though - why do you have your logo twice, prominently, on your pages? I know it's part of your footer and header, but they are big and bright and it seems too repetitive. maybe reduce the size and use a simpler version in the foot?
I agree with this. If you are to use the logo in the footer, I would extend the footer slightly and have simply a black and grey bezeled effect on the footer. It would make it look sleeker and less distracting, as the portfolio pieces on the bottom lose their impact at the moment.
Also you background doesn't flow properely to the right and left. Nothing that can't be fixed with a quick gradient. Also since it is justified to the top left and not top center it looks inconsistent with different window sizes.
The featured text on the iPad is also slightly hard to read. If you were to put a left to right white to transparent gradient inside the text, it would make the left stand out more helping it's readabililty.
The blue smileys look too generic and don't match the rest of the theme, also they look like the layout is either too narrow or should have been justified to the center. I'm not sure this section is finished, but I would also get rid of the more info buttons under each, which doesn't do the expected action and to put a large Call To Action contact button on the bottom right.
The horizontal rules, I like the two by the side of the latest news. However the 'tagline' box reaches too far to the right hand side of the iPad and they would look far better cut short behind it. Also the two horizontal rules before the bottom do not seem to fit that well and would probabaly look better as whitespace.
From a usability perspective, quite a lot of people visiting your site might have gmail or hotmail addresses and would have to copy and paste your email address. Consider having a pop-up form so that people can send you an email without having to log in to any site. It will help increase your enquiries. You can still put a valid email address in your footer with the text the same as the mailto address.
Also from a usability perspective, your site doesn't really have a prominent tagline. Since this thread is in the design/graphics forum viewers will know what it is, but the tag line should be the second thing the reader notices and should explain the site without them having to look elsewhere. An example tagline for your site.
"Remarkable flyers and logo designs."
Don't get me wrong I do REALLY like it. And I have bookmarked your portfolio if I ever need ideas for text effects, and definitely looks better than mine. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't spend this long criticising it.