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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 8, 2006
I opened MetaX today to be prompted with an update which I downloaded. I tried tagging a few movies I had on my computer.

Once completed I dragged the movie to iTunes to add to my library, but when I played the newly tagged movie, I got no sound. I tried this with three other movies with the same result. Picture was OK, but no sound.

I then tried to play the files VLC and to my shock got the normal sound.

Can you guys think of anything that could be causing this? I never had this problem with previous versions
Well, I've got a problem where MetaX will keep telling me it has finished tagging my files even after I click "OK".

As for your issues - are the .mp4 files playing fine before you tag them?
I tagged four files today, and one of them also has no audio. I'm going to do some more investigation.
I just confirmed that the VOB file HAS audio, so it does appear that MetaX did something to the file...

I'm had to run the VOB through VH again. This time I'm going to copy the mp4 before I have MX do the tagging.

I also have been getting an error dialog box on launch, "Persistent store migration failed, missing mapping model." This happened two revs ago, but up until now, seemed to have no impact.

UPDATE: Well the second .mp4 doesn't have audio straight out of VisualHub either...
I'm having the same problem. tagged 3 movies-no sound. tried without tagging-perfect. tagged again-no sound. wish i would have never updated.
I think there are some growing pain issues with the automated tagging service. For example, for whatever reason it could not connect to the service last night so instead of failing gracefully, it froze MetaX and killed the process... leaving me to retype all of my tags again. Hopefully a more graceful approach can be found so that even if it doesn't transmit the info to tagchimp, it still tags the files.

FYI, I have not noticed any issues with sound missing since upgrading, and I have run 15-20 encodes through since upgrading.
I'm on v. 2.4.0 and have not had any issues other than the dialog box popup noted above.
Just updated mine this morning but have not tried it yet. One thing though the update that came out a day or so ago that added the TagChimp stuff now it takes forever to tag movies like 4x the time that it did before. I don't know what is causing this performance decrease but it really sucks. Maybe the chapters thing that was added did this, I don't know.
I've had some issues with the new version as well. I have to turn off the option to share my tags with TagChimp otherwise the program crashes. I can still get information from TagChimp, it's when I try to transmit to them that I have problems.
Seems to be much slower also. Updates seem to be coming frequently to MetaX over the past few days so I'm confident that these issues will be resolved.
They just released 2.4.3 - which fixes certain issues that the update yesterday caused.
For the last couple versions its been really unstable when adding more than a few movies at a time.

One thing I noticed that I never saw is a warning on startup that said my Archive was over 100MB and that it should be backed up and deleted. So I tried this but saving the data crashes MetaX. So I just tried to clear everything to free up the program which helps, but if the program crashes or restarts all that archived information is back. So deleting it really isn't doing anything.
What do you need the archive for anyway? :confused:

I too disabled TagChimp. Don't really see the benefit.
What do you need the archive for anyway? :confused:

I too disabled TagChimp. Don't really see the benefit.

MetaX constantly crashed with the latest version when trying to tag. It turned out this happened when it was trying to "share" the tags. Like you I disabled this and it fixed the problem.
I found out why I was getting no audio. I was hitting the toggle button to select all the tags.

I guess this new version also allows you to edit the chapters of the movie, which was causing no audio when it was toggled for some reason?

Unchecking this box while tagging the movie did the trick. Hope this helps some of you.

Is it me or is MetaX trying to do too much stuff? Stick to simply tagging your movies/tv shows.
Be sure to let me know when you are having problems with MetaX. Sending crash logs will also help me track these gremlins down. I'm usually pretty good about getting things fixed when I know about them. Enjoy!
Very weird issue, two of my movies have no sound but when they are synced to my Apple TV they have sound.
Very weird issue, two of my movies have no sound but when they are synced to my Apple TV they have sound.

So are you saying that there is no sound when streamed to :apple:TV or no sound when played back on your (assuming) Mac?

There was a bug in MetaX that caused a crash when posting to tagChimp. The newest version has the fix.

Some people were experiencing 'problems' when doing an automated lookup in tagChimp. The lookup was returning results, but taking a long time because the search was quite broad. Some people assumed that they weren't getting results. they were, it just took a long time so they exited. A specific cause for this was the size of the cover art. Some people were uploading files that were very high-res, which made the search take forever, because each image had to be downloaded to MetaX before the search returned any results.

The search is faster and more refined. :)

So are you saying that there is no sound when streamed to :apple:TV or no sound when played back on your (assuming) Mac?

I am not streaming these, I have it set to sync all. To clarify, when I played the movies in directly in iTunes I get no sound, but the same synced version plays with sound on AppleTV. Very whacked. Thank god for Time Machine, I got all the movies back before I tagged them.
I am not streaming these, I have it set to sync all. To clarify, when I played the movies in directly in iTunes I get no sound, but the same synced version plays with sound on AppleTV. Very whacked. Thank god for Time Machine, I got all the movies back before I tagged them.

So this is not a 5.1/Perian issue?
I am not streaming these, I have it set to sync all. To clarify, when I played the movies in directly in iTunes I get no sound, but the same synced version plays with sound on AppleTV. Very whacked. Thank god for Time Machine, I got all the movies back before I tagged them.

I had the same problem. I created the file using Handbrake and ran the resulting mp4 and it worked in iTunes. I tagged the file with MetaX and lost the audio track. I did this twice with the same results. Previous versions of MetaX did not do this. This is the update. I will send a bug report.
Now I am having issues

Dammit. Yesterday I updated then tagged all of Family Guy Season 1 no problem. Tried to do Family Guy Season 2 and it gave me some 0 byte errors on all of the files. Went into the folder and all the season 2 files were deleted gone forever deleted too not even in the trash. So I re-ripped it this morning and will try again later and see what happens.
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