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I had the same problem. I created the file using Handbrake and ran the resulting mp4 and it worked in iTunes. I tagged the file with MetaX and lost the audio track. I did this twice with the same results. Previous versions of MetaX did not do this. This is the update. I will send a bug report.

Don't use the toggle like you did on previous versions, because it also now toggles the 'chapters' check box. Which for some reason will rewrite the chapters with no audio. I had the same issue you did.

I now just check the few boxes I need and it works fine now from iTunes and my ATV
Don't use the toggle like you did on previous versions, because it also now toggles the 'chapters' check box. Which for some reason will rewrite the chapters with no audio. I had the same issue you did.

I now just check the few boxes I need and it works fine now from iTunes and my ATV

So, if I am getting no audio and therefore need to re-tag my file, will I have to re-encode the file and then tag it without toggeling anyting? Or, can I just re-tag in MetaX without toggeling?

There was a bug in MetaX that caused a crash when posting to tagChimp. The newest version has the fix.

Some people were experiencing 'problems' when doing an automated lookup in tagChimp. The lookup was returning results, but taking a long time because the search was quite broad. Some people assumed that they weren't getting results. they were, it just took a long time so they exited. A specific cause for this was the size of the cover art. Some people were uploading files that were very high-res, which made the search take forever, because each image had to be downloaded to MetaX before the search returned any results.

The search is faster and more refined. :)


Cool man. Anything to make tagging easier, I am for.
Don't use the toggle like you did on previous versions, because it also now toggles the 'chapters' check box. Which for some reason will rewrite the chapters with no audio. I had the same issue you did.

I now just check the few boxes I need and it works fine now from iTunes and my ATV

Good find, but this still doesn't explain the fact that after tagging I can play through QuickTime with audio and once I throw it into iTunes no audio. Plus the fact that if copied to AppleTV, they play fine also. Just an iTunes problem.
I want to drop you guys a note and let you know that I have fixed this chapter writing-audio issue. By fixing this bug the write time has been reduced as well. My thanks to all who submitted bug reports on this one. I hope to release the fix today.
I want to drop you guys a note and let you know that I have fixed this chapter writing-audio issue. By fixing this bug the write time has been reduced as well. My thanks to all who submitted bug reports on this one. I hope to release the fix today.

rodneyok, thanks for the update. Can't wait to try later, I will post my results.
Good find, but this still doesn't explain the fact that after tagging I can play through QuickTime with audio and once I throw it into iTunes no audio. Plus the fact that if copied to AppleTV, they play fine also. Just an iTunes problem.

I know, I had the same issue. File would play fine with VLC, but not in iTunes. Wasn't too sure why this was happening, but doing what I described above fixed it.

I had to use the clean copy of my encode, I tried using the already tagged one and it did not work.
Got the last 2 new updates 2.43 and 2.44 and this annoying error message still won't go away:

Persistent store migration failed, missing mapping model.

Pops up on start up.
Thanks rodneyok

Good news! 2.4.4 fixes the audio issue, thanks rodneyok. I have tagged three movies with the newest version and MetaX is back. Not only is the audio issue taken care of, tagging seems to take half the time.
Good news! 2.4.4 fixes the audio issue, thanks rodneyok. I have tagged three movies with the newest version and MetaX is back. Not only is the audio issue taken care of, tagging seems to take half the time.

Do you click toggle all still with 2.4.4 or are you just making sure the tagging of the chapters isn't selected?
Got the last 2 new updates 2.43 and 2.44 and this annoying error message still won't go away:

Persistent store migration failed, missing mapping model.

Pops up on start up.

Shut down MetaX and then move or delete the file in Library/Application Support/Metax. That should take care of the error message.
Do you click toggle all still with 2.4.4 or are you just making sure the tagging of the chapters isn't selected?

I actually did both, I first used toggle to select all and then deselected the ones I didnt want.
Just a question on how MetaX actually works. Does it somehow reprocess the entire movie, etc? The reason I ask is as follows:

I originally had a Mac Mini and hard wired to Time Capsule where I store all my media content. I now have an iMac that I just connected via wifi since it has wireless N. It now seems that everything is really slow when tagging in MetaX. Is it my wireless or the new version of MetaX?

hey i think i might have found a BUG...or at least intended usability has changed.

the "Title" tag in the "Info" tab at the top used to just use the name of the file if you left it blank when toggling all settings.

now under 2.4.4 if you leave this field empty to pick up the episode name when writing a TV show, and toggle all settings, it overwrites the data and leaves the Title blank when adding the track to iTunes.

i know this "new" way of doing it sounds logical, but it is very detrimental the the tagging process and i would like to know if it will continue to stay this way of if it is simply an oversight?

other small things that have changed, but are not of the caliber of importance as the former issue are :

the "X" button on the search bar doesn't seem to delete the text in the box anymore.

i have noticed when locking the "Video Kind" tab, it now reverts to "movie" under certain conditions instead of holding the locked type as before.

i have an issue that may be just me (i haven't figured out any rhyme or reason to its actions), but the Genre action/adventure seems to bounce back and forth between 2 separate distinct choices, and a combined choice? anybody else experience this?

these are more requests than issues...

the search title box is now always visible (yah!) but it seems to be of a larger font and now does not display the full title when a search has been performed. this would not be an issue except the bar can not be expanded to show all the criterion.

also can there be a small checkbox that will bring back the functionality or cloning the short and long descriptions please?
I've now tried the latest MetaX for both Leopard (my MBP) and Windows (for tagging M4V AppleTV encoded movies) and I have the same problem with both. Either I get no audio or no video with the resulting files about 80% of the time. If I change something and rewrite, sometimes I'll get video back but still no audio, etc. in iTunes. MetaX is clearly screwing something up in the file and by the dates in this thread, this has been going on for some time and they're doing nothing about it.

A tagging program that cannot reliably tag movies without destroying them is not worth using period. Sadly, iTunes own "get info" method will not reliably add movie artwork for some unknown reason, which results in the poster being shown on AppleTV, but that is preferable to no sound or video. I'm now going to try the older version for Tiger and see how it fares.
I've been using meta-x to tag my files for as long as I can remember (including the latest version), and apart from maybe the initial release, I've yet to have a problem tagging any .mp4, or .m4v file I've created. I don't think this is a clear issue that your having, might want to have a look at the files your trying to tag to see whats up.
I am having a similar issue, it seems to only occurs with videos created with handbrake. Those created by VisualHub can be tagged and retagged without issue, those created by handbrake always end up corrupted (some you can just hear the audio but some you get no audio or video and the chapter list in QuickTime just displays a load of random characters) if you attempt to tag them a second time.

I'm going to try the previous version of handbrake and/or the legacy presets tomorrow to see if using them has any effect but it is really annoying as I've lost 5 movies and 3 seasons of American Dad today to this problem and now I have to rerip them again >_<
I am having a similar issue, it seems to only occurs with videos created with handbrake. Those created by VisualHub can be tagged and retagged without issue, those created by handbrake always end up corrupted (some you can just hear the audio but some you get no audio or video and the chapter list in QuickTime just displays a load of random characters) if you attempt to tag them a second time.

I'm going to try the previous version of handbrake and/or the legacy presets tomorrow to see if using them has any effect but it is really annoying as I've lost 5 movies and 3 seasons of American Dad today to this problem and now I have to rerip them again >_<

I've had no luck with the latest Leopard OS X Intel version of MetaX in producing successful tags, but the Windows version OFTEN (not always) seems to get a usable file on the first write attempt. If you screw up (easy to do since many tags require editing to be what you want them to be in AppleTV) and try to write to the file a 2nd time, it has thus far corrupted it 100% of the time.

It just seems hard to believe that such an easy to reproduce problem (especially across platforms for goodness sake; it's not just the Mac or Windows version that has this problem) hasn't had more attention or notice by the developers. Perhaps it IS some kind of interaction between the latest Handbrake and MetaX, but from my perspective that's almost beside the point since there aren't a lot of other choices around to work with that I'm aware of (and Visual Hub isn't even available anymore).

And to answer downinitjr, the files before MetaX (I maintain a backup drive so no I don't have to re-rip them again) work perfectly fine in both iTunes and AppleTV. iTunes, however, seems unable to add artwork to all movie files which is the main reason I'm looking at MetaX in the first place. The poster frames are usually terrible substitutes for movies (showing a Paramount logo or something equally drab or even black screens) and well, you tend to want AppleTV to provide a nice professional looking menu system to impress guests with, etc.


Here's a good example of how odd this all is. I just added tags to Back To The Future Part 3. The first time I did it, the output file was corrupted. It would not play in iTunes. I copied a backup from my PowerMac across the Network to the Windows PC and did the EXACT same operation again (same tag) with the same machine and this time the output file works fine (shrug).
I understand that you want everything to be correct and tagged with HQ artwork. Just might not be as clear cut of an issue as you think. I've tagged, and retagged literally hundreds of movies ripped with handbrake, added changed, updated tags and have yet to have a problem with meta-x. I've also used CLI programs such as mp4v2 to add the new hd tags, and retagged with meta-x, all with no issues. Being as meta-x is really the only good option for tagging files, I think you would see quite a few more people complaining if there was that widespread of an issue. And of course remember it is a freely offered program, so development/enhancement is completely at the whim of the developer.

Where exactly are the files that you are having issues with coming from? What container/format are they in .m4v, .m4p, .mov? Have you made sure to enable 64bit support in the preferences if you are trying to tag files larger than 4gigs? Delete meta-x preferences?

You can also try using a program such as squeegify to remove all of the metadata from one of your corrupted files, to see if it is playable again.
Here's a good example of how odd this all is. I just added tags to Back To The Future Part 3. The first time I did it, the output file was corrupted. It would not play in iTunes. I copied a backup from my PowerMac across the Network to the Windows PC and did the EXACT same operation again (same tag) with the same machine and this time the output file works fine (shrug).
Are you tagging the files locally, or are you tagging files located on a remote volume? When you add them to itunes, is itunes copying the files to its library? Just checking to make sure there isn't an issue with the files becoming corrupted when they are being copied across the network, either by you, or by itunes.
hmm, interesting. Seems enabling support for large files solves the problem I am having, even though the files were less than 4GB.

Just made 2 copies of a 150MB video, retagged one with Large file support enabled and it worked, then retagged the other with large file support disabled and it resulted in a corrupt file.

Will do some more testing tomorrow.

I had already tried using squeegify to remove the meta data and some files it made no difference, others it restored the video but not the audio. AtomicParsley also complained when I tried to do metaEnema on some files I got the following output

MacBook-Pro:Desktop stephen$ AtomicParsley "Pirates of the Caribbean - Curse of the Black Pearl.m4v" --metaEnema -o "cleaned.m4v"
You must be off your block thinking I'm going to tag a file that is at LEAST 18446744071702612930 bytes long.

Pretty sure the file wasn't 16,384 petabytes in size ;)
I don't see any 64-bit option in the Windows version of MetaX. None of my files are over 4GB (most aren't over 2GB). I've had a few more bad encodes, but the Windows version seems much more reliable than the OS X version for me thus far. I was even able to re-tag a mistake and the file was still OK.

My iTunes setups do not copy or organize on their own (save imports from CDs). The files are all M4V created using the AppleTV preset in Handbrake 0.93 modified to detelecine and decomb (default). Most have AC3 soundtracks and commentary tracks are included when available. Multiple soundtracks are set with the -A option in the windows version OR edited with Muxo on the Mac version (I encode with both my MBP and PC to double my output capacity; my PowerMac is too slow to bother with and runs Tiger most of the time anyway,a although I wouldn't mind getting an Elgato Turbo stick for it, but I hear its software has its own problems).

My PowerMac is the server for two AppleTV units and all three of my computers are connected via Gigabit Ethernet (MBP when docked; it has 802.11N when used around the house). Thank goodness for Gigabit or it'd take forever to move these giant files around in quantity.
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