Yes, I second that. If you could tap on the scrollable panel to get the specifics about that day, that would be awesome!
Thanks guys for the recommendations. I will add it to our enhancement list.
Yes, I second that. If you could tap on the scrollable panel to get the specifics about that day, that would be awesome!
Recently, the current conditions for my city are not being consistently updated. If you go to "Wheaton, MD" it shows no temperature and nothing for humidity. Yesterday, it also had nothing for Wind Dir and Wind Speed, although today it does have values for that.
Is there a reason for the data drop out for some of these cities? I have played around adding other cities nearby and some have values and some do not.
Also, another suggestion for the hourly forecast would be to move the temperature to the left near the hour. When I look at that page (which I do frequently), the quick thing I want to see is the time and temp, an then the other data.
Has anyone used the compass feature in the app?
Did anyone find it useful or not ?
I wanted to suggest that you add a "refresh" button to the radar, so that if you are just sitting there monitoring the radar, it will update on the 5 minutes when the next update is available. I have been just quitting the app and going back in every 5 minutes to get the latest update, but it would be nice if it would either do it automatically, or give me a refresh button to do it.
I'd like to post another suggestion...make the radar loop longer....I think it's 30 miutes now...I'd like to see it go to an hour....or maybe make it a settings choice with both options.
All layers will refresh automatically.
Mine doesn't seem to refresh automatically. I sit there in the radar, and when a 5 minute increment is up, there is no update. I have waited way longer than that, but it never refreshes. I have to leave the app and come back in.
A new version of the app has now been released, version 1.1.
This new version includes
* Earthquake plotting; tap a plot to see detailed info
* iOS 4 fixes
* HIGH Resolution Local Radar access for those clients that currently provide data e.g. WGRZ in Buffalo, NY (Stormteam 2)
NOTE: We're aware of some remaining issues with iOS 4 that we're currently working on and intend to fix in 1.2 due out SOON!
Thanks for the update. I have a feeling that the developers that integrate iOS 4 background functing and retina display support the quickest are the ones that are going to sell the most apps.
Hi Guys, wanted to give you a heads-up on V1.2 of our app just submitted to Apple for review.
We're very excited to release 1.2 which contains
- Storm Track plotting; tap a storm to display it's detail
- Hurricane Track plotting; tap it's historical, current or forecast position for more detail
- Bug Fixes
We really hope you like these new features.
Here are some screenshots of the Storm Tracks:-
Any chance that this update has some of the enhancement requests mentioned on this forum, like zoom depth level memory points and integrating the 10 day forecast with the scrollable web panel quick forecast? These features will probably be a lot more beneficial to the average user than have a hurricane track plot IMHO.
Any chance that this update has some of the enhancement requests mentioned on this forum, like zoom depth level memory points and integrating the 10 day forecast with the scrollable web panel quick forecast? These features will probably be a lot more beneficial to the average user than have a hurricane track plot IMHO.
This release does not contain the requested feature to display the detail 10-day forecast from the scrollable panel.
Can you explain what you mean by "zoom depth level memory points?"
Got it....still love the app, but haven't noticed anything major in the upgrade....we don't have any hurricanes to track in upstate NY
Try out the Storm Tracks when there's some active weather around!
P.S.*More to come ;-)