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macrumors regular
Jun 19, 2008
You were doing so well... Why can't you just stop at "the market was tiny"? Why do you feel compelled to add the absolute like "nobody needed it"?

I just mean that a few hundred thousand sales over a course of several years in relation to the world's population... isn't much.


macrumors 68040
Mar 2, 2009
Waterloo & Georgian Bay, Canada
I think most who buy or settle on a 7" tablet are short changing themselves, the 10" provides a much better user experience. So much so I wish a 7" tablet didn't exist because people will buy due to lower price, a parent can get their kids one each instead of one iPad to share. And then they're missing out on the much better experience of the 10". Yes a 7" tablet is better than nothing I realize, but that's my opinion on the topic.

Steve Jobs was right in what he said about 7" tablets and if Apple comes out with one it will be just to make cash and compete with 7" Androids not because they think it's a great user experience, because it isn't.

My Nexus is going back to Best Buy, small fonts, scrolling up down and sideways and for long hours of use even watching a movie no thanks, I want my iPad.

My thoughts are similar to freudlng's for sure. Don't like it at all.

Stupid google, what where they too scared to come up with a 10" Nexus and compete with the iPad head to head. Yep, instead they come out with a cheaper device that screams poor user experience. It will turn people off tablets. I think its a joke.

I too would much rather use a smart phone, my 4.3" Android phone and my iPhone render text much better and are more enjoyable to use than the Nexus 7 by a big margin.


macrumors regular
Nov 6, 2004
I'm really, really tempted to get one, but I've seen that many receiving defective units, I think I' will just wait a while until all fixed and N7 is readily available.

I think 7" will be perfect for me (iPhone doesn't cut it for me anymore :p), for ebooks, twitter, reddit, forums, web surfing, watching/listening streams, and youtube video's. I heard many iPad owners go for Nexus 7 because iPad is way heavy for prolonged usage.

I also never used an Android before and thats scary and exciting at the same time. :D


macrumors 68030
Dec 30, 2009
I'm considering one, but I already own an iPad 3, and a TouchPad. The price is great but other than that, I'm not sure that I NEED one.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2008
Geneva Switzerland
Not wishing to sound mean or smart arse but there are a few of us that are actual human factors pros that need a 7" (+ or -) tablet for the advantages of that form factor. The tablets of the future will be fuller in convergence. Tablet computer, camera, remote HD VIDEO monitor and everything that a smart phone is now.
I have NO USE for the current ipad because it will not fit where I want a tablet to fit.
I have NO USE for a smart phone because even though iphone is good, it's not great for typing and I must be able to type faster than 1 word per minute ;)
I have NO USE for a $500 tablet that will not interface with my HD video output devices (I already own two HD field monitors)


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I'm holding out for the hope that apple will produce a smaller iPad. The nexus is looks good but for the most part I think for my needs a 7" iPad would be better. If apple opts not to go that route, well then I'd say the Nexus may very well be in my near future.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
I have NO USE for a smart phone because even though iphone is good, it's not great for typing and I must be able to type faster than 1 word per minute ;)
I have NO USE for a $500 tablet that will not interface with my HD video output devices (I already own two HD field monitors)[/B]

Typing, I think, is a matter of practice. I've seen people typing away at quite fast speeds on iPhones. And I'm not sure how one would type on a 7" tablet -- I believe the keyboard would be too small to touch type in either orientation. So I'm guessing most people would end up doing some variation of thumb-typing or finger pecking, which might be easier to do with larger keys on a 7" tablet than on 3.5-4” phones, but will still require some practice to get up to speed.

HD output -- iPad has HDMI output. If your monitors don't accept HDMI input, I'm not sure any other company is going to make tablets that offer any better connectivity.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 24, 2011
I think most who buy or settle on a 7" tablet are short changing themselves, the 10" provides a much better user experience. So much so I wish a 7" tablet didn't exist because people will buy due to lower price, a parent can get their kids one each instead of one iPad to share. And then they're missing out on the much better experience of the 10". Yes a 7" tablet is better than nothing I realize, but that's my opinion on the topic.

Steve Jobs was right in what he said about 7" tablets and if Apple comes out with one it will be just to make cash and compete with 7" Androids not because they think it's a great user experience, because it isn't.

My Nexus is going back to Best Buy, small fonts, scrolling up down and sideways and for long hours of use even watching a movie no thanks, I want my iPad.

My thoughts are similar to freudlng's for sure. Don't like it at all.

Stupid google, what where they too scared to come up with a 10" Nexus and compete with the iPad head to head. Yep, instead they come out with a cheaper device that screams poor user experience. It will turn people off tablets. I think its a joke.

I too would much rather use a smart phone, my 4.3" Android phone and my iPhone render text much better and are more enjoyable to use than the Nexus 7 by a big margin.

After a week with mine, I just arranged a return. It is a nice device, and mine didn't have any issues other than light flickering at low levels, but I got tired of the constant zooming and scrolling to see pages I see on my iPad without doing so. I also have a Galaxy Note phone, and I honestly would rather use it for browsing over the Nexus 7. I guess I just don't haver the need for a device in-between my galaxy Note and my iPad, not to mention my Macbook and Imac27. Too may devices. With that said...the Nexus 7 is a superb device for $200, and if I didn't already have a large screen cell phone, I might have decided to keep it. For someone who does not have an iPad or a larger screen phone, it may fill the void. Ok...I just ate crow after touting this as the greatest thing since sliced bread and disagreeing with freudling in my earlier post. were right!


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2008
Geneva Switzerland
Typing, I think, is a matter of practice. I've seen people typing away at quite fast speeds on iPhones. And I'm not sure how one would type on a 7" tablet -- I believe the keyboard would be too small to touch type in either orientation. So I'm guessing most people would end up doing some variation of thumb-typing or finger pecking, which might be easier to do with larger keys on a 7" tablet than on 3.5-4” phones, but will still require some practice to get up to speed.

HD output -- iPad has HDMI output. If your monitors don't accept HDMI input, I'm not sure any other company is going to make tablets that offer any better connectivity.
Not sure about your logic. You suggest that it's harder to type accurately on a 7" screen than on a 3" screen ?????
Further. when I refer to interface I mean I/O not just 'OUT'. And I really mean wirelessly.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
Not sure about your logic. You suggest that it's harder to type accurately on a 7" screen than on a 3" screen ?????

That's not what I said -- I said "which might be easier to do with larger keys on a 7" tablet than on 3.5-4” phones"

My point was on the iPad, you can touch type in the landscape orientation, but on a 7-8 inch tablet, the keys will probably be too small to touch type comfortably. So people will have to figure out some other way to type on a 7 inch tablet, and I'm not sure if on the average, people will be able to type as fast on a 7 inch as on a smartphone or 9 inch tablet. But at the same time, I think people are adaptable, and I think most people would figure out a way to type at an adequate speed on whatever device they are using.


macrumors regular
Jul 27, 2008
I think most who buy or settle on a 7" tablet are short changing themselves, the 10" provides a much better user experience. So much so I wish a 7" tablet didn't exist because people will buy due to lower price, a parent can get their kids one each instead of one iPad to share. And then they're missing out on the much better experience of the 10". Yes a 7" tablet is better than nothing I realize, but that's my opinion on the topic.

Steve Jobs was right in what he said about 7" tablets and if Apple comes out with one it will be just to make cash and compete with 7" Androids not because they think it's a great user experience, because it isn't.

My Nexus is going back to Best Buy, small fonts, scrolling up down and sideways and for long hours of use even watching a movie no thanks, I want my iPad.

My thoughts are similar to freudlng's for sure. Don't like it at all.

Stupid google, what where they too scared to come up with a 10" Nexus and compete with the iPad head to head. Yep, instead they come out with a cheaper device that screams poor user experience. It will turn people off tablets. I think its a joke.

I too would much rather use a smart phone, my 4.3" Android phone and my iPhone render text much better and are more enjoyable to use than the Nexus 7 by a big margin.

Hmm.. when did best buy start selling the nexus 7? As of right now they don't.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I think most who buy or settle on a 7" tablet are short changing themselves, the 10" provides a much better user experience. So much so I wish a 7" tablet didn't exist because people will buy due to lower price, a parent can get their kids one each instead of one iPad to share. And then they're missing out on the much better experience of the 10". Yes a 7" tablet is better than nothing I realize, but that's my opinion on the topic.

Steve Jobs was right in what he said about 7" tablets and if Apple comes out with one it will be just to make cash and compete with 7" Androids not because they think it's a great user experience, because it isn't.

My Nexus is going back to Best Buy, small fonts, scrolling up down and sideways and for long hours of use even watching a movie no thanks, I want my iPad.

My thoughts are similar to freudlng's for sure. Don't like it at all.

Stupid google, what where they too scared to come up with a 10" Nexus and compete with the iPad head to head. Yep, instead they come out with a cheaper device that screams poor user experience. It will turn people off tablets. I think its a joke.

I too would much rather use a smart phone, my 4.3" Android phone and my iPhone render text much better and are more enjoyable to use than the Nexus 7 by a big margin.

This is a strange post from beginning to end.

First Apple doesn't have a 10" tablet at all...

Secondly Google has a 10.1 tablet. Its the Xoom and it was technically better then its competition at the time (iPad 2) in nearly every way. Bigger screen with a HIGHER PPI, LTE, better cameras front and rear, stereo speakers, more RAM, expandable memory for 96gig, corning brand gorilla glass, dual LED camera flash, HDMI and USB out, did I mention LTE, etc etc. And yes it has Jelly Bean from Google because its their GED (aka Nexus).

Third and most importantly no one is settling. No one is saying "Damn I wish I could have afforded the full size tablet!". Its for people like me that want a lighter tab for reading in bed and watching movies on long flight without having a full size TV keeping the person next too you up. I have an iPad 2 and a Xoom and their weight and size can be very annoying. I've been reading post since the iPad 1 of people saying they wish there was a smaller version for a more enjoyable reading/multimedia device.

Honestly I don't think you've ever owned a tablet. I don't see the Nexus 7 at Best Buy. You've never seen the constant Apple loyal customers wishing for a smaller tablet. You didn't know the iPad isn't 10". You didn't know Google had a Nexus tablet over a year ago. I mean come on...

I'm still holding out to see what apple comes up with but I'm considering the Nexus 7.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2008
Geneva Switzerland
We know there is no 10" ipad, it's just a generalization of the size.
Let's all keep in mind that form-factor-wise, a 7" tablet is really a 7" screen PLUS surround, so there is no such thing s a 7" tablet either, only tablets with 7" screens. I too am holding out for an iPadMini tablet with 7" screen because it will be more private, lighter and allow me to do things that the current ipad2 cannot. It will be silly if it does not have a removable media port and at least one camera. Nexus 7 will be on my Christmas list if iPad Mini does not show by November of 2012. I'm pretty tired of waiting years for Apple to offer the obvious. BTW. I don't like phones so Wifi is plenty of connectivity for me.


macrumors 65816
May 14, 2010
South FL
I really liked the Nexus 7, fast, excellent build quality, screen is very nice, but can't get over non-expandable memory/no micro-sd. It's such a perfect device except for that one issue imo. I even used the fiance's Kindle Fire more than my iPad2 before selling it, even though the iPad2 was obviously better, just b/c it was so easy to kick back with, it was like holding and using a bigger phone or even iPod Touch. So have been waiting for a nice 7" tablet.

I know Google is focusing on their cloud user base just like Apple is, but the memory isn't enough to not care about being mainly cloud based. Like if it were 16 or even 8GB base but at least offering micro-sd slot for an extra 32GB etc. I'm sure other 7" tablets will be out this year that will be just as nice with expandable memory.
Last edited:

David Menzel

macrumors regular
Apr 1, 2012
I had the Nexus 7 and tried to use it for one week. It is a nice device and as other members already wrote the screen is ok, some apps are really good but it could not replace any of my iOS devices. A lot of apps are only optimized for smartphones and looking not very nice on 7 inch tablet (even iPhone apps on an iPad looking better). I missed a lot of Apple services like iMessage for example which a lot of my friends are using. Another point is the UI. Yes widgets are nice but the entire design of Googles apps and Android is not that polished like iOS or OSX. Apple has a passionate about every detail and for me that is very important. I love to discover things and like to see wonderful graphics. Android does not offer that experience for me. I have just sold the Nexus 7 again and look forward to get my hands on a iPad mini/nano or whatever its name will be.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
I had the Nexus 7 and tried to use it for one week. It is a nice device and as other members already wrote the screen is ok, some apps are really good but it could not replace any of my iOS devices. A lot of apps are only optimized for smartphones and looking not very nice on 7 inch tablet (even iPhone apps on an iPad looking better). I missed a lot of Apple services like iMessage for example which a lot of my friends are using. Another point is the UI. Yes widgets are nice but the entire design of Googles apps and Android is not that polished like iOS or OSX. Apple has a passionate about every detail and for me that is very important. I love to discover things and like to see wonderful graphics. Android does not offer that experience for me. I have just sold the Nexus 7 again and look forward to get my hands on a iPad mini/nano or whatever its name will be.

Good honest review...

I am curious though. You say you like to discover things an Android doesn't offer that experience meaning iOS does? I feel the exact opposite. I find iOS to be a bit locked down so you experience the entire OS in about a week. Where as I continue to discover things with Android, like emulators, wireless streaming to PlayStation 3 or Xbox, USB hosting (mouse cursor pops up on screen when you plug one in, game controllers work etc), quality remote desktop over 3g, flash player for whoever still wants to use it (porn), etc....

Just my opinion but me discovering something in iOS is few and far between and its usually a work around to do some simple task...


macrumors 6502a
Jul 12, 2010
I'm holding out for a 7.8" iPad, but I'll consider a Nexus 7 this fall if a smaller iPad doesn't appear. My wife has a Kindle Fire and sometimes the smaller form factor is nice.

The 7.85 inch iPad at 4:3 is going to be 40% bigger than the Kindle. It might end up being too big (or not depending on personal preference).

David Menzel

macrumors regular
Apr 1, 2012
Good honest review...

I am curious though. You say you like to discover things an Android doesn't offer that experience meaning iOS does? I feel the exact opposite. I find iOS to be a bit locked down so you experience the entire OS in about a week. Where as I continue to discover things with Android, like emulators, wireless streaming to PlayStation 3 or Xbox, USB hosting (mouse cursor pops up on screen when you plug one in, game controllers work etc), quality remote desktop over 3g, flash player for whoever still wants to use it (porn), etc....

Just my opinion but me discovering something in iOS is few and far between and its usually a work around to do some simple task...

The number of functions like you wrote is out of the question and of course a big advantage of Android but I did not mean this. Apple always started with the basics and tried to provide this functionalities in a very intuitive way so that everyone out there can use it. Android has a lot to offer but I found it very difficult to use and find all this options and functionalities.

What I meant with discovering was the Apple's UI. Apple designs every little piece of software like (iOS 6) the effect of the buttons in Music when you turn the volume up and down, the animation to refresh in mail, the design of the icons with the paper plane in mail (drafts: unfolded, sent: folded), the design of apps like reminders or notes. I know, a lot of people will say who cares about that, but for me it is very important and that is what Android can not offer. I like to see this kind of details, the passion for design.


macrumors 6502
Jan 12, 2008
Geneva Switzerland
Although Steve Jobs had publicly dismissed the idea of a 7-inch iPad -- even going so far as to call the form factor "DOA" -- an email from Eddy Cue, senior vice president of Internet Software and Services to CEO Tim Cook in January 2011 reveals Jobs was actually "very receptive" to the idea.

I sure hope they've been working hard on it as I predict that 7" screen tablets will be the ball to run with over the next 10 years. or until eyewear comes close ;)


macrumors 65816
May 14, 2010
South FL
I think most who buy or settle on a 7" tablet are short changing themselves, the 10" provides a much better user experience. So much so I wish a 7" tablet didn't exist because people will buy due to lower price, a parent can get their kids one each instead of one iPad to share. And then they're missing out on the much better experience of the 10". Yes a 7" tablet is better than nothing I realize, but that's my opinion on the topic.

Steve Jobs was right in what he said about 7" tablets and if Apple comes out with one it will be just to make cash and compete with 7" Androids not because they think it's a great user experience, because it isn't.

My Nexus is going back to Best Buy, small fonts, scrolling up down and sideways and for long hours of use even watching a movie no thanks, I want my iPad.

My thoughts are similar to freudlng's for sure. Don't like it at all.

Stupid google, what where they too scared to come up with a 10" Nexus and compete with the iPad head to head. Yep, instead they come out with a cheaper device that screams poor user experience. It will turn people off tablets. I think its a joke.

I too would much rather use a smart phone, my 4.3" Android phone and my iPhone render text much better and are more enjoyable to use than the Nexus 7 by a big margin.
Depends on your use. I had an iPad2 and just barely used it. I found myself going for the 13" more whether relaxing on the couch or on a plane/trip etc. Whereas I actually found myself enjoying my fiances Kindle Fire more b/c at 7" you could perfectly hold it like it was a bigger phone and have no problem typing or browsing, whatever, comfortably. With the iPad can't really do that unless all your fingers are like 10 inches lol. iPad2 was still the better machine easily, but the KF was very nice to hold and use.

So guess just depends on your use. I'm waiting to see what others come out with for 7" tablets though. Even the KF 2 which is rumored to be getting some nice upgrades, and hope they still have that top notch build quality and rubber coating that made it so nice (quite a few other tablets felt flimsy in comparison). I'd pry get it but only if it can be rooted and flashed so it could run a nice ICS or JB rom with market access vs Amazons OS, you could in the beginning with the KF but then it became a pain in the ass and not sure if you can now or not.


macrumors member
Sep 25, 2009
You missed my point. If the iPad were $200, would anyone including your wife think about a smaller screen? Ask her, I'm not hating on Android. I'm a developer and I write code for both platforms. The real issue is the iPad's $500 price tag versus something that is less than half the cost that can do similar things and do them just as well for the most part.

Btw, Carouser and rmhop81, please quit your bickering. Agree to disagree?

If I had the choice of the iPad (which I have) and the new smaller mini for the same price I would choose the smaller version because if fits my lifestyle and needs. I enjoy my current iPad but it is a little to large for it to be as portable as I need. I for one am thrilled that Apple is considering the smaller iPad. I use an inferior device (in my opinion) now because of it's size alone, but will be gladly shelving if, the mini is indeed released soon.


Oct 9, 2005
If I had the choice of the iPad (which I have) and the new smaller mini for the same price I would choose the smaller version because if fits my lifestyle and needs. I enjoy my current iPad but it is a little to large for it to be as portable as I need. I for one am thrilled that Apple is considering the smaller iPad. I use an inferior device (in my opinion) now because of it's size alone, but will be gladly shelving if, the mini is indeed released soon.

While I'd not pay the same for a smaller iPad, I'm really looking forward to it. I bought a Nexus 7 on impulse at Staples a week ago and I've been very happy. Slightly larger, and running iOS, and it would be perfect (i.e., the predicted iPad mini).


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2009
Because a bunch geeks like us like gadgets... doesn't mean Apple should produce a product like a tweener. Every indication is that they will fail. Tweeners have failed in the market and the 7" form factor offers nothing over a smartphone.

Why doesn't Apple go bigger than a 3.5" screen? Because it gets too hard to one handed use the device. This can't be understated.

REmember when every indication was that a touchscreen phone device would fail? Every indication that a tablet would fail?

Basically if Apple put out a coil of poo and called it the iPoo. Everyone would eat it right up.

There has been more than enough interest in the 7" form factor on these forums to offer some doubt to your expertise. As well as enough consumers purchasing 7" devices on the market.

Steve was not right all of the time. I suspect that you may fall into the same hubris trap.


macrumors 68000
Aug 12, 2011
Philadelphia, PA
All you need to do is go to your local Apple/Walmart/etc. and pick up a back-protective cover that is rubbery/grippy. Some are pretty darn inexpensive. My niece has one on her iPad for like $5.

You can't expect a device to come with absolutely every single thing you'd want. There are some people who would moan and complain if the iPad backing were similar to the Nexus 7 backing.

I know Apple prefers aluminum, and it certainly does link nice, but I hope they eventually make the iPad rear covers out of something more grip-able.


Steve Jobs has also been known to have been persuaded on a great many things!
Although Steve Jobs had publicly dismissed the idea of a 7-inch iPad -- even going so far as to call the form factor "DOA" -- an email from Eddy Cue, senior vice president of Internet Software and Services to CEO Tim Cook in January 2011 reveals Jobs was actually "very receptive" to the idea.

I sure hope they've been working hard on it as I predict that 7" screen tablets will be the ball to run with over the next 10 years. or until eyewear comes close ;)
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