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Wonder if we can get a "Redneck" model in primer finish. Such bad design. User who actually likes this should go get an Android Motorola thing cause it looks "like" an iPhone. Taste is very rare unfortunately.

Yes. I used to think I only had good taste because I studied graphic design and illustration but now seeing how many people agree I am assuming good design is general human trait. When I see someone who thinks something really bad looks good it reminds me of why the world is in its current state :p


The design of the Mac Pro doesn't need any improvement. The hardware, however, does.

Yeh i love the mac pro case except for the optical bays. I think they are a bit tacky but then again I never use them either so don't matter :p
For the record, I think the case design is ugly, and was only considering how it could be cooled. I've been told that you lose 20% efficiency when you bend airflow 90 degrees, so the next step is to have the air flow straight up through a cheese grater top, and redesign the internals to maximize that, while maintaining or improving use of peripherals and connectors.
Maybe if the bottom of the case were very open / cheesegratered, and then the fan slot on the rear was extremely high on the CFM scale. In fact, that might be pretty sweet to have the air flow from the bottom.

Airflow from the bottom is a terrible idea -- as it will end up sucking in far more dust, etc. than a vertically mounted air intake.
Hahaha, well as was mentioned, it's a great opportunity to build an easy-to-clean filter design into the case. It could slide out the front, be blown/cleaned out, and re-inserted easily. Problem solved on dust *and* cooling.

Airflow from the bottom is a terrible idea -- as it will end up sucking in far more dust, etc. than a vertically mounted air intake.

You missed the part where I suggested an integrated filter. It could slide in the bottom inside the case with a pop-out lever like the current side-panel lever. Pop out, blow out, slide back in. No dust bunnies, etc.
If it is as big as the current Mac Pro case, then I don't see much point. Reduced cooling and no handles on top to carry it by.

What I was thinking.

The same case with handles that are more comfortable is fine with me -- good, flexible, user accessible expansion and upgrading.
I have been hoping for a more scaled-down, slimmed down case, maybe something other than gray aluminum? I was thinking of an onyx-black trimmed in metal, something curvy and futuristic, something other than the sharp-edged boxy cheese grater Mac Pro/G5 design we have had since 2003

The current design just seems like a rectangular box with very sharp metal edges (yes, they are sharp). The Mac Pro tower is larger and heavier than a Power Macintosh 9500, even a Quadra 950! I am sure that Apple could scale down the design a bit and still have a cool-running and powerful machine (perhaps eliminating the ODD bay and one PCI port to cut down the size)

I am looking for something new in terms of Mac Pro design, something catchy and sleek, like the original iMac was -- that was an eye-catching computer with a revolutionary 'different' design'

I'm sure Jony Ive can think up something here. It is really time.
Nah... that thing is well, ordinary. Kind of thing you'd expect someone who is a reasonably good designer to create - which shows just how insanely great Ive is. The next Mac Pro will either a) look exactly the same, as there's no need to change it, or b) look utterly different to anything we've ever seen before, while at the same time being so completely baffling/obvious that designers will be banging their heads and wondering why they didn't think of it first.

I want something that quietly sits there, being deadly serious about what it's doing, with no visible indication of the computational apocalypse occurring within! Something that is the exact opposite of this:
I like the current Mac Pro design in many ways, but find the cheese grater holes look too busy, and cause interference patterns when I see them out the corner of my eye. I would rather there was a series of slot vents, like a repeated version of the single one on the rear of an iMac.
I am sure that Apple could scale down the design a bit and still have a cool-running and powerful machine (perhaps eliminating the ODD bay and one PCI port to cut down the size)

I am looking for something new in terms of Mac Pro design, something catchy and sleek, like the original iMac was -- that was an eye-catching computer with a revolutionary 'different' design'

Then you're not in the market for a MacPro. The people that really need/want a MacPro want more drive space and more pci slots. We also don't really care how big it is and what it looks like. Function over form.
I don't give a hoot about how it looks.
The current box is fine.
Give me power and connectivity.
Yep that screams PC to me.

Jonny Ives will come up with an amazing new design for the Mac Pro when the time is right.

I still remember when the Power Mac came out with the aluminum design. There were quite a few people who hated it but, everyone loves it now.
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