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macrumors 65816
Nov 3, 2013
It's incredible they don't put much effort for their app.
They have the unique advantage to be one of the partners that are very close to Apple.
There is a dedicated Nike watch for sport and running and they have the possibility and the cash to create a great running app that can fight against dedicated sport watches (like garmin or polar ...)
I really don't understand how they can provide an app with so poor features, an app that is less capable than basic apple app ...
It should be a killer app that pushes the Apple Watch for runners, but it's far to be the case
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macrumors 603
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
Nike has shown time and time again that they don't care about their web, phone, watch apps. They just don't care.

They have taken the strong platform that they built years ago (with iPod + Nike) and slowly chipped away at it until there's nothing. Then when you think they can't strip it even further, they surprise everyone by taking even more away. It's unbelievable.

I harken back to when the Nike+ system was new and awesome. You could put in you data via iTunes (or the website for FuelBand and NikeWatch wearers) and you'd have this awesome Nike Active website for competing against other Nike users around the world. This was in addition to the Nike Running website.

That site was built on Flash, so it was slow and people complained that Nike should go with HTML5. Eventually they did switch to HTML5, but in the process, they killed the NikeActive site, but instead of telling people that they were killing it, they put up an "under construction - don't worry, your data will accumulate and when the site reopens ....." And they never reopened, in fact, that page just went away with no explanation.

Then they kill off the Nike + iPod functionality. They're response to folks asking how to get their runs into Nike without the iTunes portal was to use the Nike Running app (on iOS and Android) and input the run data there. What?!?!?!?! What if you don't have a smartphone? Why not allow folks to punch in the data on the website? Jeez, who's running their web department?

Then, without warning, they killed off the Nike Running webpage. Can't even see your data and maps unless you use the smartphone app, which sucks compared to the sh*tty website.

Don't even get me started on the AW app ...

At one point, I was hoping that Apple would tell Nike that they would take over the Nike AW app and just repackage the stock workout app to just include running (in/outdoors) and have a direct export to Nike's servers. But then, what's the point if Nike's going to just keep screwing it up.

All Nike is really interested in is to use the apps to push advertising onto the users. It's so blatant. I don't need motivation speeches from Kevin Hart ... although I'll do whatever Allyson Felix tells me to do ;)

Aggghhh. Just broke my New Years' resolution about ranting about Nike. Dang it.
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macrumors 68030
Feb 27, 2006
Aggghhh. Just broke my New Years' resolution about ranting about Nike. Dang it.
You don't need to stop ranting about Nike. Let it out. Just do it. :D

I think those of us who rant about Nike+ so much do so because we loved the original concept and platform so much. It really was fantastic. I still have a couple of the original shoe sensors buried at the bottom of my office desk drawer. Every once in a while I spot them in there, and it makes me smile and remember how much I enjoyed my daily Nike+ workouts.

I still log my miles into the Nike+ app every day, but it's a not-entirely-enjoyable procedure of using HealthFit to import data from my Apple Watch Workout app, then export that data to Garmin's app, which in turn exports it to the Nike+ app. Who knows how much longer that will work, as Nike has been making it more and more difficult for other services to interface with Nike+ via its very restrictive API.

The Apple Watch-Nike+ combination could have provided the same joyful experience that the original iPod nano + Nike setup gave us. But nope. Because Nike clearly doesn't care about its customers.
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macrumors 65816
Nov 3, 2013
You don't need to stop ranting about Nike. Let it out. Just do it. :D

I think those of us who rant about Nike+ so much do so because we loved the original concept and platform so much. It really was fantastic. I still have a couple of the original shoe sensors buried at the bottom of my office desk drawer. Every once in a while I spot them in there, and it makes me smile and remember how much I enjoyed my daily Nike+ workouts.

I still log my miles into the Nike+ app every day, but it's a not-entirely-enjoyable procedure of using HealthFit to import data from my Apple Watch Workout app, then export that data to Garmin's app, which in turn exports it to the Nike+ app. Who knows how much longer that will work, as Nike has been making it more and more difficult for other services to interface with Nike+ via its very restrictive API.

The Apple Watch-Nike+ combination could have provided the same joyful experience that the original iPod nano + Nike setup gave us. But nope. Because Nike clearly doesn't care about its customers.
When I use this method to export my data to NRC, I have a problem with auto-pause that is lost between Garmin and Nike.
Do you have the same issue ?


macrumors 68030
Feb 27, 2006
When I use this method to export my data to NRC, I have a problem with auto-pause that is lost between Garmin and Nike.
Do you have the same issue ?
I haven't noticed any problem with the overall time exported from Garmin to Nike, if that's what you mean. I do have issues with GPS maps not getting exported. But I've given up on caring how the Nike app displays my data. Basically, I just want to keep my total number of workouts and overall distance recorded in Nike.


macrumors 65816
Nov 3, 2013
Yes, it's OK for the overall distance, but if you make a pause during the workout, the elapse time is paused in Apple workout activity, in HealtFit, in Strava, in Garmin, but not in NRC => you get a bad average pace as it consider the total workout time without removing the pause


macrumors 603
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
Yes, it's OK for the overall distance, but if you make a pause during the workout, the elapse time is paused in Apple workout activity, in HealtFit, in Strava, in Garmin, but not in NRC => you get a bad average pace as it consider the total workout time without removing the pause
I use iSmoothRun to track my run and it uploads to Garmin. I have my NRC and Garmin accounts linked so that anything in Garmin transfers to Nike.

I have to say that I don't have any issues with auto-pause messing up the times. Pretty much all of my runs include an auto-pause and all of the services are within a second or two for pace (I think the distance is individually calculated by each app from the map/GPS data and they all use a different way to add the distance between GPS points ... at least that's my theory.


macrumors 68030
Feb 27, 2006
Yes, it's OK for the overall distance, but if you make a pause during the workout, the elapse time is paused in Apple workout activity, in HealtFit, in Strava, in Garmin, but not in NRC => you get a bad average pace as it consider the total workout time without removing the pause
I just took a closer look at the times for a week's worth of workouts in my Activity app and the times registered in NRC, and they are identical.

You might want to reboot your watch to see if that resolves the issue.
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