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I'm still getting nice shots from my D3S that is still soldiering on well.

I may upgrade to the D4S but not immediately.
I'm still getting nice shots from my D3S that is still soldiering on well.
I may upgrade to the D4S but not immediately.
I agree. Dslrs are not like iphones. You dont upgrade every couple of years.
If you need to upgrade the D4s is a good option but a good dslr can hold for approx 10 years.
Maybe replace the shutter after a few years.
I agree. Dslrs are not like iphones. You dont upgrade every couple of years.
If you need to upgrade the D4s is a good option but a good dslr can hold for approx 10 years.
Maybe replace the shutter after a few years.

And they aren't cheap either! When the D4 came out here, they were asking AUD$7099! That was to get one immediately. I told them they were dreaming and how can it possibly be justified. I ended up getting a D800E immediately. Love that camera. For the fast photos, the D3S still does it well, for everything else, that D800E does staggering images.

Still I shouldn't complain, my Nikon stuff has been rock solid dependable and Nikon themselves have always been good.
Blech -- it just seems to me there's a gaping hole in Nikon's prosumer lineup where the 5D Mark III equivalent should be. Don't get me wrong -- D4s looks absolutely amazing, but it's either sell a kidney to pay for it, or dish out $2,800 for the disappointingly impractical D800.

D800 isn't necessarily "worse", and the image quality is good (as one would hope), but man, 36.1 MP is only necessary for a subset photographers, the file size chews up HD space and any non-desktop computer processor (makes my RBP at 2.6 ghz, 16GB ram and 512GB flash just beg for mercy) and, as expected, comes at the expense of low-light performance.

Any suggestions for a middle ground, price and performance wise?
Blech -- it just seems to me there's a gaping hole in Nikon's prosumer lineup where the 5D Mark III equivalent should be. Don't get me wrong -- D4s looks absolutely amazing, but it's either sell a kidney to pay for it, or dish out $2,800 for the disappointingly impractical D800.

D800 isn't necessarily "worse", and the image quality is good (as one would hope), but man, 36.1 MP is only necessary for a subset photographers, the file size chews up HD space and any non-desktop computer processor (makes my RBP at 2.6 ghz, 16GB ram and 512GB flash just beg for mercy) and, as expected, comes at the expense of low-light performance.

Any suggestions for a middle ground, price and performance wise?

Buy a 5d Mk III and never look back. :rolleyes: :cool:
Now that the D4s has been announced,how many on here will say" I wouldn't buy it because.............etc,etc,etc," when the real reason they wouldn't buy it is because they can't afford it !!!

I wouldn't buy it because I'd rather have a Leica M Typ240 for the same cost (though in reality, while I could afford it, I don't really want either).
Blech -- it just seems to me there's a gaping hole in Nikon's prosumer lineup where the 5D Mark III equivalent should be. Don't get me wrong -- D4s looks absolutely amazing, but it's either sell a kidney to pay for it, or dish out $2,800 for the disappointingly impractical D800.

D800 isn't necessarily "worse", and the image quality is good (as one would hope), but man, 36.1 MP is only necessary for a subset photographers, the file size chews up HD space and any non-desktop computer processor (makes my RBP at 2.6 ghz, 16GB ram and 512GB flash just beg for mercy) and, as expected, comes at the expense of low-light performance.

Any suggestions for a middle ground, price and performance wise?

I occasionally to process 24.5MP D3x images on a 2006 C2D (2 cores at 2.16G Hz, 2G RAM,) so I'd happily trade you ;)

That "low-light expense" still gives the D800 useable files out to about ISO 3200 and the noise is mostly easily controlled luminance noise from what I've read/seen. But if you want lower res, the D610 covers that- or you could just get a 5DIII if that's your preference.

You could also shoot the D800 in medium JPEG as a standard and crank up the res for when it's needed. Picture Control makes that not a bad option IMO:

Blech -- it just seems to me there's a gaping hole in Nikon's prosumer lineup where the 5D Mark III equivalent should be. Don't get me wrong -- D4s looks absolutely amazing, but it's either sell a kidney to pay for it, or dish out $2,800 for the disappointingly impractical D800.
D800 isn't necessarily "worse", and the image quality is good (as one would hope), but man, 36.1 MP is only necessary for a subset photographers, the file size chews up HD space and any non-desktop computer processor (makes my RBP at 2.6 ghz, 16GB ram and 512GB flash just beg for mercy) and, as expected, comes at the expense of low-light performance.
Any suggestions for a middle ground, price and performance wise?
D800 files are perfectly fine on any mac in the year 2014. Hd space is super cheap!
Th 5d mark III is a sweet camera but it seems overpriced at todays standards.
I know i will get slammed on here for this but 22 megpix is not enough. 35mm film resolution equals about 20 megpix. The D610 has a way better sensor and hits the sweet spot at 24 megpix and beats the 5dIII at DR and low light for way less cash. The d800 and d800E have by far the best video quality in well light scenes.
Canon needs a 5d mark IV.


At least according to one test, the D4s is not Nikon's best performing low light camera....I'm surprised.
The D4s is a workhorse for fast shooting. You want the best low light performance outside of that niche you have to go the D600/D800 way. The D4s is only reserved for specific professional photographers. It makes no sense for anyone else. Just imagine going on a vacation with that monster around your neck. The Df would be could for that occasion though.
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The D4s is a workhorse for fast shooting. You want the best low light performance outside of that niche you have to go the D600/D800 way. The D4s is only reserved for specific professional photographers. It makes no sense for anyone else. Just imagine going on a vacation with that monster around your neck. The Df would be could for that occasion though.

Perhaps. But my D800 comes nowhere close to my D3s in terms of low light focus. Based on that experience, I expected more from the 4s. And, yes, I have taken the 3s on vacation.......and yes it is a beast.
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