Correct, but that's if the next gen is indeed based off Caribbean Islands, which I'm hoping is not, otherwise it will take too long. February doesn't seem real to me.
If, on the other hand, they'll use the existing W7100/8100/9100 then it should be double mem like I said. The retail cards have between 8GB and 16GB, so for the nMP half that seems a logical choice - although full mem would be great, but GDDR5 is quite power hungry so I guess they'll cut it down for power optimization's sake.
Anyway, I find it very hard to believe Apple would release cards with that amount of memory at this point in time. No pro cards with that low amount of memory would be credible in 2015, and that would limit too much people who work with very large frame buffers, the current ones are already on the short side I'd say.
If they wait for HBM 2nd gen then I'm afraid not even in 2015 we get to see an update...