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well, that's a good point Rower. I guess we are going on two things: 1) that Jobs didn't mention free downloads in the speech, while he has in the past. 2) that cnet reported that downloads will no longer be free.

So yes, there could have been a whole lot of complaining for nothing. But it certainly seems that downloads will not be free anymore.
CNET also "reported" a while back that Apple wasn't going to release any further security updates for Jaguar once Panther was released. And Jobs not mentioning something in the keynote isn't solid enough for me.

I'm waiting until the 16th and/or a definitive statement from Apple.
One thing I haven't seen mentioned in this or the other iLife threads is this possibility:

What is the chance that iDVD4/iMovie4/iPhoto4/GarageBand don't play well with iDVD3/iMovie3/iPhoto2?

Maybe it's an integration/inter-operability issue?
everyone needs to remember that apple is primarily a software company... always has and always will be. that said, they, just like every other software company makes money by selling software. hence... apple needs to sell the iLife package to keep making money.
Originally posted by mnkeybsness
everyone needs to remember that apple is primarily a software company... always has and always will be. that said, they, just like every other software company makes money by selling software. hence... apple needs to sell the iLife package to keep making money.

Umm, I was pretty sure they were primarily a hardware company and need to keep hardware selling to stay in business... they hardly make any software... and I don't see any product activation on their software like a software companies usually do... since you already bought the hardware... where they make almost all of their revenues.
Well, I'll just have to leave my opinion here…

$49 - manage your photos, make home movies, make home DVDs, record music at home. it's a f***ing bargain. that's $12 per app. Not counting iTunes at all — why would they charge you to buy from their music store?. Garage Band comes on a DVD (lots of files like iDVD), so it'd never be a download.

I do see the point of making the apps available separately, maybe $20/each, but iLife is way more of a marketing strategy than a product and they want you to get and use the whole thing, experience the integration.

One more note for those of you who whine about not having the apps available for download. 50 MB (let's say iPhoto) x 1 million downloads in 3 months = 50 TB; yes, 50 terabytes, of bandwidth. Multiply that by ~$500 per terabyte (maybe too much?). Do you really think $25K/quarter in subsidized downloads is cheap? That's a quarter of some engineer's salary. I'm not even sure it's a tax write off. That's not counting iMovie, either.

come on!
Originally posted by mnkeybsness
everyone needs to remember that apple is primarily a software company... always has and always will be. that said, they, just like every other software company makes money by selling software. hence... apple needs to sell the iLife package to keep making money.

As ZildjianKX pointed out, Apple is primarily a hardware company. If their software sales stopped, they porbably will survive. If their hardware sales stopped, they'd be dead. Their software development is funded by hardware sales.
My gripe about the iLife 04 is the limited window for the upgrade. I would be willing to pay the $20 for my Xmas PB. But since that was before 1/6/04, I am out of luck.

Even Adobe and Microsoft have better policies than what Apple has done this time.

It is about having respect for your customer base.
Originally posted by jayscheuerle
Heck, I was just happy these things were able to run on Jaguar.

$50 isn't ridiculous for the iLife suite.

$250 for the mini iPod? That's ridiculous.

Mmmm, we mustn't forget our Jaguar bretheren.

4gig for $250
15gig for $300

Who the hell came up with that pricing scheme???
iPhoto, like 10.2, should have been free, especially since the previous version sucked so badly.

there's only so much a person can handle, then they break down and pay for the software that works.

Apple needs to make a little more right now, I understand that, so do I, though the software they realease seems to just not be up to Apple's speed... and when they do come up with a fix for that, or a fix for this, the charge for it.
First of all, it's good to see that this is a little milder than the 11-page mess I read through earlier.

Lots of good points. From my perspective, though, I'm so pumped about GarageBand that 50 bucks seems like nothing.

That's my point of view. If I were:

a) not interested in making music
b) a person who had just bought a machine recently
c) a person who had just bought Panther

or, finally,

d) a person who also had their free Mail and Homepages taken away...

I'd be a bit sour. Luckily, I'm not in that group but I can sympathize.

iLife Lite?

I think Apple (if iPhoto and iMovie will no longer be offered free) should offer an iLife Lite package with those 2 apps for $25.

I'll probably buy iLife but only have a CD burner on my desktop and a Combo drive on my iBook. Means I can't use all the apps.

I intend on buying a new desktop as soon as a G5 iMac comes out and I'll pay for the apps a second time that way.

I have no problem with Apple charging for software but this is a ill thought out bundle.
Re: iLife Lite?

Originally posted by rdowns
I think Apple (if iPhoto and iMovie will no longer be offered free) should offer an iLife Lite package with those 2 apps for $25.

I'll probably buy iLife but only have a CD burner on my desktop and a Combo drive on my iBook. Means I can't use all the apps.

I intend on buying a new desktop as soon as a G5 iMac comes out and I'll pay for the apps a second time that way.

I have no problem with Apple charging for software but this is a ill thought out bundle.

If you know anyone that is a college student you can just mention there name and get it at the Edu price of $29.
Originally posted by Chip NoVaMac
My gripe about the iLife 04 is the limited window for the upgrade. I would be willing to pay the $20 for my Xmas PB. But since that was before 1/6/04, I am out of luck.

Even Adobe and Microsoft have better policies than what Apple has done this time.

It is about having respect for your customer base.

What would you have apple do? They could move the date back to enable you the upgrade price but then the people who purchased a week before you would not get it and feel jilted. Respect has nothing to do with it. This is business you bought the powerbook with no guarantees that anything else was coming in the package other than the agreed upon warranty/Tech Support.

Like everything in life sometimes you're ahead of the curve...sometimes you're behind.
Lets go there...

Originally posted by nuckinfutz
What would you have apple do? They could move the date back to enable you the upgrade price but then the people who purchased a week before you would not get it and feel jilted. Respect has nothing to do with it. This is business you bought the powerbook with no guarantees that anything else was coming in the package other than the agreed upon warranty/Tech Support.

Like everything in life sometimes you're ahead of the curve...sometimes you're behind.


Your options are:

1) Suck it up and buy the damn thing. It's how supply and demand works. It's worth what you have to pay for it.

2) Screw it. Don't buy it. Don't touch it. Make a statement. Possibly lose out. Whatever...

3) Hit Limewire, Acquisition... steal it... live with the karma... own it... illegally... who cares?...! your call.............

We live in a strange time of fluctuating, but morally accounted for, acts or reason (or treason!?). Big picture?! Small picture.? We're defined by what we do. Not by what we say.

Or post.


Re: Lets go there...

Originally posted by jayscheuerle

Your options are:

1) Suck it up and buy the damn thing. It's how supply and demand works. It's worth what you have to pay for it.

2) Screw it. Don't buy it. Don't touch it. Make a statement. Possibly lose out. Whatever...

3) Hit Limewire, Acquisition... steal it... live with the karma... own it... illegally... who cares?...! your call.............

We live in a strange time of fluctuating, but morally accounted for, acts or reason (or treason!?). Big picture?! Small picture.? We're defined by what we do. Not by what we say.

Or post.



4th option buy it and live with it and realize it came with all this great software and it still works even though there is a newer version.
don't kill me but..

You're all so going to kick my ass for suggesting this.. BUT

will the new iLife apps have serial numbers and all that ****? or will it just be a case of getting hold of the install file? surely these will be floating over the internet from the 16th>? that way, although it is *slightly* illegal, you could just download the iPhoto app. which i'm sure we all agree SHOULD be free (due to its small size, and the fact that we've already got it but it doesn't work. It's not our fault that the version we paid for doesn't work well.. why should we have to pay for Apple's poor engineering>? although saying that.. Apple kick ass.. and they can have my money. :)
I do remember (though not where) reading lots of people saying iPhoto was so good that it was worth the money.
I won't buy it cus I don't like it.
iLife =
Garageband - don't have an interest in composing music
iDVD - I've only used it once and most people can't use it.
iTunes - pretty useless upgrade outside the US
iMovie - needs DV streams - any movies that you what to edit must be converted or come out of a video camera. Conversion means Quicktime pro (more money).
Also iPhoto is not fully functional outside the US either. and I'll have to pay more for it than in America. So pay more get less - cool.

£39 here (which according to currency convertions) = $72

(I know prices here are not Apples fault but I'll still get less for my money)
Re: don't kill me but..

Originally posted by djdarlek
You're all so going to kick my ass for suggesting this.. BUT

will the new iLife apps have serial numbers and all that ****? or will it just be a case of getting hold of the install file? surely these will be floating over the internet from the 16th>? that way, although it is *slightly* illegal, you could just download the iPhoto app. which i'm sure we all agree SHOULD be free (due to its small size, and the fact that we've already got it but it doesn't work. It's not our fault that the version we paid for doesn't work well.. why should we have to pay for Apple's poor engineering>? although saying that.. Apple kick ass.. and they can have my money. :)

*cough* *cough* they are already "available" *cough* *cough*

edit: imovie 4 + iphoto 4 are only 70mb together.
While we're on the topic of less than reputable activities, why would someone buy a "Family Pack" of Panther or some of the other software products? I mean, couldn't you just install the same disc on several computers in your household anyway? Or can they only be installed on one computer?


yeah dude.. you can. Thats the extra special thing about Apple is that they don't bother with all the serial bulls**t ala Windoze. I own three pretty recent Macs which I use at home/work and mobile. I think it's unreasonable to expect the user to fork out three time's the cash to have the latest OS running on all three machines I own and use. Isn't it enough that I layed a huge wad of cash down on Apple's table for the hardware>? Three times!?!?! hence, buying 1 copy of the OS is enough good-karma for me to install it on all three of my machines.

I have just come over from the Wondows world, and to me, 50 bucks is a great deal! (I'm a student, so its 20 bucks less for me, but its worth it reguardless..). On XP, it was nearly impossible for me to manage my photos and movies nearly as easily as I can on my Mac.....I couldn't afford any decent software (as Windows come with practically nothing), so I was forced to limp along in Windows Explorer, viewing my files like that.....pretty lame... When I wanted to actually modify my files, I had no other (financially feasible) option than to pirate overly complicated and poorly designed software from the internet (damn Kazaa: too many viruses on that network!!!)
Really, just try to manage everything on a Windows machine, and you will realize just how good a deal iLife is!

Besides, if iLife 04 sells really well, then that will just give Apple incentive to create even more, and better software!!!
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