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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 5, 2003
Seattle, WA
I dont know about every where else, but here in Seattle WA there is no where to find those m-audio keyboards. I have been calling the apple store and they keep saying that they are expecting a shipment in. how is it everywhere else?
I ordered one, along with iLife, from the apple store the day of the Keynote speech. That was on the sixth, I just got an email from apple that the keyboard wouldn't ship until March 8th. More than two months after I ordered.
That's odd... my dad ordered his a few days after the keynote and he got his on Friday. Ordered from Apple Online Store... I didn't order one because he's the kind of person that will probably get bored with it after a month or two and then I can run over to their place and "borrow" it for a few years... :)
Go With The OZone

M-Audio makes a keyboard that's a few steps above the one Apple is promoting called the OZone. The nice thing about the OZone, other than the fact that it has everything you'd want in a controller, is that it also has two 1/4 inch line inputs (i.e. for your guitar and/or mic).

That's what I used and I'm quite happy with it. You can find this at Sam Ash.

- MT
Where can I buy an m-audio $99 keyboard

Originally posted by jigglyjon
I dont know about every where else, but here in Seattle WA there is no where to find those m-audio keyboards. I have been calling the apple store and they keep saying that they are expecting a shipment in. how is it everywhere else?
Saw one on display a few days ago in the Phoenix AZ • Apple Store; check Chandler AZ store too.

Keystation 49e—49-Key Entry-Level USB MIDI Controller
There was a lot of hoppla over the new Keystation 49e, especially since Apple CEO Steve Jobs highlighted it with Apple’s new entry-level sequencer, Garage Band, in his Macworld keynote speech a few weeks ago. This 49-note, velocity-sensitive keyboard is a no frills USB MIDI controller for just $99.95 MSRP. Available in both Apple stores and M-Audio dealers.

Good luck finding one at a dealer.
If you want a more serious M-Audio keyboard with some "frills", check these at discount, some barely over $100:

No $99 keyboards at the Grove the day before yesterday (Jan 24 2004).
Consider The Research

Originally posted by 512ke
No $99 keyboards at the Grove the day before yesterday (Jan 24 2004).

Hey gang,

I did some research before I bought the piece that I did. Both myself and my friend who worked at the music store where I bought the keyboard from are college trained tech musicians (he has a major, I minored). It was both of our beliefs, as well as countless others that I've spoken to, that the $99 you would spend on that keyboard would be better served going to a just slightly better model (I think I paid close to $200, but I did get a $25 break).

Now, I'm not saying that you should take my opinion as fact, but I'd hate to see someone buy something and find out later it wasn't worth the money they spent.

- MT
Consider The Research

Originally posted by mtorbin
Hey gang,

I did some research before I bought the piece that I did.
It was both of our beliefs, as well as countless others that I've spoken to, that the $99 you would spend on that keyboard would be better served going to a just slightly better model (I think I paid close to $200, but I did get a $25 break). - MT
Well, what did you get and where did you get it? Model #?
Why I reccomend the OZone By M-Audio

Ok, here's the deal. The real reason we all want to play with GarageBand is really two-fold:

1) The MIDI capabillities are insane for the price.
2) You can plug your guitar in an audio jack on the computer and record without ANYTHING in between (such as an amp).

With that in mind, this is why I suggest the OZone:

Keep in mind, I don't write music professionally (I have a minor in music tech which I use more for corporate than anything else). I'm a digital artist. This means my flash / PowerPoint / web work / videography comes first and if we need music, then I'll whip something together. The music comes second. I need something that is easy to use, that will allow me to get tracks in quick and fast, and won't inhibit me down the road.

The OZone does just that. It's smaller than its 44 key counterpart (25 keys to be exact), but then again, it has an octave shifter, so do you really need that many keys? Yes, I can fit both hands on the keyboard, but if you're looking to record MIDI classical tracks, then you might want to go to the next model ABOVE this one.

The OZone comes with the usual toys:
- Pitch Wheel
- Modulation Wheel
- Full Size, Pressure Sensitive Keys

However, there are also a number of other things that make this a very useful gadget for those of you who need a compact, MIDI keyboard on steroids:

On the back you have:
- MIDI out for USB and Keyboard
- 1/4 Sustain Jack
- 1/4 Headphone Jack
- 1/4 Stereo Out Jack
- 1/4 Line In
- XLR Mic In
- Phantom Power

On the top you have:
- Eight Pan Knobs (don't ask, I haven't gotten that far yet)
- Gain Knob
- Headphone Knob

There are other features, but I haven't gotten that far yet. The thing you should focus on is the 1/4 Line In and the XLR Mic In. All you have to do is plug your guitar in one jack and your Mic in the other. The OZone connects to your Mac via USB, so you're all set. That's it. Truly plug and play.

The real piece that your buying here is portability. As any developer knows, you have multiple things on your desk and very little space to work. The siimple fact that the OZone is just over a foot long is very attractive, especially when you consider all the other capabilities.

Is this keyboard for everyone? No, of course not. Like I said earlier, if you're looking for a PRO controller, this isn't it. This is a unit built for developers whose work is complimented by the music, not the other way around.

The price is just about double that of the keyboard that Apple is offering, but when you consider that if you bought:

Apple Keyboard: $99
1/4 Guitar Adapter: $80
TOTAL: $179

You're almost already up there anyway, and now you have 1/2 the amount of space on your desk that you would have had with the OZone.

I don't work for M-Audio and I'm not a sponsor. I'm just a developer who shares the tips and tricks that I learn as I come across them.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

- MT
Where I bought it

LOL... sorry, forgot the most important part. I bought my M-Audio OZone at Sam Ash in Franklin Mills Mall in Philadelphia, Pa. I'm not sure of the price (since I bought it through a friend) but I believe that it's something like $250. That's not a lot considering what you get.

Currently, I know that they're out of them, but they should be getting more in soon.

- MT
so i have been calling everyday to both the apple store here in seattle and in bothell and no such luck. I am thinking that i will head down to guitar center. I remember seeing a keyboard there at 150 so i will take a look at it. i will let everyone know how it turns out :)
Re: Where I bought it

Originally posted by mtorbin
LOL... sorry, forgot the most important part. I bought my M-Audio OZone at Sam Ash in Franklin Mills Mall in Philadelphia, Pa. I'm not sure of the price (since I bought it through a friend) but I believe that it's something like $250. That's not a lot considering what you get.

Currently, I know that they're out of them, but they should be getting more in soon.

- MT
It's $299.99 MSRP, and only 25 keys. So, while I'm sure it's good, probably not quite the market that garage band users are looking for.
It depends upon what you consider to be a typical GarageBand user. Frankly, I think that even the least savvy Mac user will find the $99 keyboard constraining.

Just because there are 25 keys does not mean its worthless. You have an octave shifter on it that allows you to access the full range.

You also have more sonic control than you would normally have with the $99 keyboard.

Also, if you go with the $99 keyboard, where are you going to plug in your guitar/bass? How about your mic?

In order to use those items, you'll need an additional piece that goes for about $80. This feature comes standard with the keyboard I suggested.

As far as the price, while the MSRP is $299, Sam Ash is selling it for about $75 off of that price.

Like I said, this keyboard isn't for everyone. It's a prosumer keyboard. That's who its intended for.

- MT
You should also remember not everyone is looking to use a guitar in any of there songs, and if they are the apple loops might suffice them.

But how good is the quality on the $99 M-Audio keyboards? Im thinking about purchasing one, im probally going to take down to soho to try one out.
Originally posted by jadam
You should also remember not everyone is looking to use a guitar in any of there songs, and if they are the apple loops might suffice them.

But how good is the quality on the $99 M-Audio keyboards? Im thinking about purchasing one, im probally going to take down to soho to try one out.

From what I heard, it's not worth the money because it's very limited. Trust me, I originially didn't want to spend the extra cash either, but I got the same reponse from several people. They all said that the $99 keyboard was just OK. Not spectacular and hardly adequate. I don't know this from personal experience, I just know that's what I heard from reliable sources.

- MT
All im looking to do though is to use it to run the synths on garageband. It should do that fairly nicely shouldnt it?
Yeah, if you're looking for the big three:

1) Pitch wheel
2) Pressure sensitive keys
3) Modulation Wheel

Then you're good to go. It has all that.

- MT
Originally posted by jadam
All im looking to do though is to use it to run the synths on garageband. It should do that fairly nicely shouldnt it?

it will be MORE than enough. i used to use a non-velocity sensitive keyboard (everything comes out at 64) with a few keys missing from a moving incident. i did strictly house music and had no problems.

from what i gather, this keyboard is velocity sensitive with the mod, pitch, etc. (i'm not sure about aftertouch, but i would think that in this day and age it would have it, too.) for synths and looping, i can't imagine why you would need more.
Originally posted by Thom_Edwards
...i can't imagine why you would need more.

Personally, as a pro developer, I DO need more... that's why I went with what I did. I need the capability of being able to add analog instruments and microphone recordable audio.

- MT
Re: e-keys (or sumthin)

Originally posted by javabear90
I was looking at some cheap keyboards also and I found this one. And its even compatable with macs!

This keyboard is fine, so long as you don't want the pitch wheel, the modulation wheel, and touch sensitive keys.

- MT
Apple is good to me . . !

I ordered the Keystation 49 E from the the Apple store (Norway) on January 12. It was supposed to take 5 to 6 weeks but they shipped it after 3 days! It was delivered to me on January 19th.

I’m no pro, but I sure love it! :D
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