Why I recomend the OZone by M-Audio
The KB comparison harkens to the age old Apple arguments over
Whether to get a simple G4 iBook OR a PowerBook?
Price ($1000 difference); if you go cheap, how long before you yearn for more?
Capability (do you need a SuperDrive, FW800, PCMCIA port, larger RAM, backlit KB, etc.)
Size (12", 14", 15" or 17")
For GarageBand enthusiasts, think ahead a few years about that KB's future use:
Garage - with the BAND, including a Guitar picker and sultry Singer, or
Studio - with lots of jacks & plugs, mixing soundtracks
Study/Bedroom - just a lonely keyboard solo and NO BAND
Lots of guys are not into the BAND scene and will never team up with other musicians or a singer, so the Apple M-Audio Keyboard is PERFECT!
But, if you are a social musician, a BAND person, or even a serious Studio geek, plan ahead and consider the other M-Audio offerings within the range of your pocketbook. Visit your local Guitar Store, and take along your 'BOOK to plug in.
Another thing to consider is GROWTH. When I got my G4 DP 1GHz with a SuperDrive, I'd never burned a DVD before, or edited a movie digitally, but it didn't make sense to downgrade to a ComboDrive, I wanted to grow & improve my capabilities. Can't do that with a Combo.
And, you can't grow very much with the basic Apple M-Audio Keyboard.
So, CHALLENGE yourself to intigrate other artists into a BAND sound for your Mac projects, which you can do more easily with a KB that is more capable than the basic M-Audio model offered by Apple. Then again, for $99 - solo is also cool! (Hell's bells, I can't play a lick of music, so I'm stuck with loops.)
If you do a search for places to buy M-Audio Keyboards, you will find a wild mix of capability costing from $139 to just over $500. Compare them to the Apple KB, then buy what's right for YOU!
Matt makes a good point about moving UP from the Apple M-Audio Keyboard -Originally posted by mtorbin
The real reason we all want to play with GarageBand is:
1) The MIDI capabillities -- insane for the price!
2) You can plug your guitar into an audio jack on the computer and record without ANYTHING in between (such as an amp; saving $99 to $449).
That is why I suggest the M-Audio OZone (List $300; discount $225):
It's smaller than the M-Audio 44 key model Apple is selling (25 keys to be exact), but, it has an Octave Shifter, so do you really need that many keys?
I can fit both hands on the keyboard, but if you're looking to record MIDI classical tracks, then you might want to go to the next model UP for a full keyboard.
The OZone comes with the usual toys:
- Pitch Wheel
- Modulation Wheel
- Full Size, Pressure Sensitive Keys
However, there are also a number of other things that make this a very useful gadget for those of you who need a compact, MIDI keyboard on steroids:
On the back you have:
- MIDI out for USB and Keyboard
- 1/4 Sustain Jack
- 1/4 Headphone Jack
- 1/4 Stereo Out Jack
- 1/4 Line In
- XLR Mic In
- Phantom Power
On the top you have:
- 8 Pan Knobs (don't ask, I haven't gotten that far yet)
- Gain Knob
- Headphone Knob
The thing you should focus on is the:
1/4 Line IN and the
All you have to do is plug your guitar in one jack and your Mic in the other.
The OZone connects to your Mac via USB, so you're all set. Truly plug and play.
The real piece that your buying here is portability...the OZone is just over a foot long is very attractive, especially when you consider all the other capabilities.
The street price at $225 is a little more than double that of the Apple keyboard, but when you consider that if you bought:
$ 99 Apple M-Audio Keyboard
$ 80 1/4" Guitar Adapter
$179 TOTAL
$225 M-Audio OZone - with everything!
The KB comparison harkens to the age old Apple arguments over
Whether to get a simple G4 iBook OR a PowerBook?
Price ($1000 difference); if you go cheap, how long before you yearn for more?
Capability (do you need a SuperDrive, FW800, PCMCIA port, larger RAM, backlit KB, etc.)
Size (12", 14", 15" or 17")
For GarageBand enthusiasts, think ahead a few years about that KB's future use:
Garage - with the BAND, including a Guitar picker and sultry Singer, or
Studio - with lots of jacks & plugs, mixing soundtracks
Study/Bedroom - just a lonely keyboard solo and NO BAND
Lots of guys are not into the BAND scene and will never team up with other musicians or a singer, so the Apple M-Audio Keyboard is PERFECT!
But, if you are a social musician, a BAND person, or even a serious Studio geek, plan ahead and consider the other M-Audio offerings within the range of your pocketbook. Visit your local Guitar Store, and take along your 'BOOK to plug in.
Another thing to consider is GROWTH. When I got my G4 DP 1GHz with a SuperDrive, I'd never burned a DVD before, or edited a movie digitally, but it didn't make sense to downgrade to a ComboDrive, I wanted to grow & improve my capabilities. Can't do that with a Combo.
And, you can't grow very much with the basic Apple M-Audio Keyboard.
So, CHALLENGE yourself to intigrate other artists into a BAND sound for your Mac projects, which you can do more easily with a KB that is more capable than the basic M-Audio model offered by Apple. Then again, for $99 - solo is also cool! (Hell's bells, I can't play a lick of music, so I'm stuck with loops.)
If you do a search for places to buy M-Audio Keyboards, you will find a wild mix of capability costing from $139 to just over $500. Compare them to the Apple KB, then buy what's right for YOU!