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Who's fault is it that Apple doesn't support or offer Blu-Ray? The Studios? Don't think so. It's the weak "Bag of Hurt" line from Jobs. Seriously, what kind of argument is "Bag of Hurt" for not putting the latest technology to use?

First of all, that has nothing to do with the Studios. I didn't say it did? *confused at you putting words in my mouth* I don't know why you're turning what I said into something else, looking for an argument maybe.

My point was this, if you didn't understand: Apple are more likely to push for downloads, over store bought. Its the iTunes store, Wireless iTunes Store and Apple TV based.

They will include Blu-ray, in the end, but I doubt they'll rush like other manufacturers because they have their own standard which generates them more cash.

Quite simple really, don't know why you can't understand. :confused:

So you're saying the movie companies want to make money, but they won't offer their products in the most popular online digital download store? :rolleyes:

C'mon. That argument is ridiculous.
No. I'm saying that they'll go the route that will make them the most money.

As I have previously explained :)rolleyes:) Apple have strict requirements for studios and labels who wish to be associated with their store.

Perhaps the studios wanted to charge more money for the content going the 'Apple route' since it is so popular, it would equal instant £££.

If they go with a lesser known company, with the studios being the studios, they can dictate more - something which they can't do with Apple.

Not ridiculous at all, really. But I have a feeling you'll continue to argue.

So if you haven't heard of something, it can't be any good. Again, :rolleyes:.VUDU
Again, not what I said. Bit of a pattern here. I'm not going to argue with you, however.

My point was that Vudu, compared to iTunes is not well known. Thus, giving the studios more control (as I have said, quite a few times now).

Apple's more than likely to blame. They're probably pressing the movie companies to "Do it the Apple way" and the Movie Execs aren't having it. Hate to say it, but good for the Studios...

And bad for you since you can't get the movies.
Looks like they added some more HD titles for sale today. Most are pretty crappy though. The same thing happened with Blu-ray, studios released a bunch of their not so popular titles to cash in on early adopters. I'm sure we'll see an expanded catalogue by the end of the year maybe even this summer.. :rolleyes:
I just saw. Butterfly Effect 3? Into the Blue 2? Do they actually think they'll make money on these movies? I don't even understand why they produce this junk. If I were Apple, I would not even sell these. It's embarrassing.
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