ugh, I'm in this exact boat myself. I was set to buy a new 24" iMac in early december... Then someone told me about this site and I read the buyers guide that said don't do it. So I waited patiently for today (missing a week and a half of vacation that would have been perfect to setup and play with the new machine)... And now NOTHING?
My machine at home is a 4 y/o PC. I'm a photographer and I have ~10gb left on my external and ~20gb left on my internal in terms of space left for new images, and with my new camera it's filling up FAST... So holding out for January was already tough, but now????
my question is when will the update be? Waiting one month was OK as I could make it in terms of HD space. But now, another month is pushing it. Sure I can buy 2 new drives, but I was waiting to get the iMac to get a 1tb timecapsule to go with it... So should I buy a new set of drives and keep waiting, or bite the bullet now?
Basically, when will these get updated? This week? This month? or in a few months? I can wait the week, and probably through January, but if it's not January, I'm afraid I'll have to bite the bullet and get it now.