I really like the 13 inch MBP, too. My daughter gave my 17 year old grandson a 13 inch MBP as a combination high school graduation and birthday gift. My grandson is spending a couple of days with me. He went to lunch with a friend today, so I am working Mac Rumors with his new MBP while he is gone. I have been surfing the Web with it for more than an hour and the battery icon still shows 8:58 battery life remaining. That's not chopped liver. It is an impressive little machine. I still may end up buying a 13 inch MBP and upgrading it with 8Gb of RAM and a 256Gb SSD, rather than buying an upgraded MBA -- it there ever is an upgraded MBA.
For me, the 13" MBP has been a better replacement for my MacBook Air than I expected. I've definitely gotten over the difference in weight and I have to admit each day I use it I'm seeing it more and more as an adequate replacement for my MacBook Air. I do like the extra battery life, the power, extra ports, even the SD card slot has come in handy, I could do without the DVD.
So, this is a good thing, right? I should be happy my 13" MBP filled the gap my Air left behind better than I expected it would, right?
Hell, NO.
It's not a good thing. Because if Steve Jobs and the staff at Apple are sharing the same feelings, that 'hey for now we'll let the Air ride or slide or fade away and the 13" MBP is fine for a more powerful option', then us MacBook Air fans are in trouble.
In that case I would expect the Air to be EOL'd under the premise that the 13" MBP will only get thinner in Q1 2011 and maybe have an option for or eliminate the built in DVD...
Who knows it's all speculation but sure is interesting to see where Apple goes with 'premium ultra portable notebooks'. The iPad cannot fill that gap and at 4.5lbs, with C2D processor in the 13" MBP it's not going to get recognized in that class. In a way, shouldn't Apple be embarrassed, the company that's known for leading and innovation is missing a market that's still big, important, and gets a lot of attention from people in the tech circles.
At it stands now Apple is happy meeting the needs of the basic consumer, getting the iPad in grandma and granpa's hands and anyone else who's a light computer user ...
It's obvious where followers of this forum fit in with those plans for now anyway
But if former MBA owners all start getting happy with the 13" MBP as a replacement, (as I am), then it makes me think more about where the Air is going to fit into all this. Maybe there's a chance it's simple been squeezed out due to the iPad and 13" MBP.