PaulinMaryland said:There's no docking station for the MacBook.
My daughter hasn't been asking for wireless printing; I don't think she's thought that far ahead. But if you stop and think about the workflow, you'll appreciate that in the real world, when you've just printed and think you're good to go, there's one more word you want to change.
Back in the 1980s, I was out of work and needed to create resumes. My well-meaning mother advised, "So-and-so will be glad to type it up for you."
She didn't understand that getting a resume "just right" can involve more than a dozen printouts. I'm not talking about spell checking; I'm talking about getting the right words in the right places.
So if my daughter will be using her MacBook anywhere but in her dorm room, tethered to the printer by a cable, she'll find herself inserting and removing the USB cable annoyingly often. I suppose she could work at her desk, but that's not her style and defeats the freedom that the MacBook promised.
Just set an airport express with WPA and MAC filter. I doubt they will do anything to her because shes a girl. If they find me, asian male, with a router, I would be more likely be in trouble.