If you make any notes for a particular day in one view (monthly, weekly, daily) does it automatically appear in the other views?This is just like having the paper Franklin Covey - write down your to-dos, appointments and the right page for note taking. What it won’t do is provide an alarm for a meeting. What’s better than the paper Franklin Covey is that the hyperlinks work between monthly, weekly and daily views. Also, really like that you can do a search of your handwriting. I.e if you are looking for meeting notes for Damien Groton, you can just search the name. That was my downside of the paper Franklin Covey having to flip through pages to find specific notes.
For example: If I put "mail tax returns" in the 4/15 box of the monthly view, will it show up in the 4/15 of the weekly view and daily page (for 4/15)?
All of the other PDF-based planners I've tried don't allow for that capability. I find that limitation to cause confusion because of a lack of synchronization between views.