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I have the new iphone 5 and notes are disappearing. At first I thought I erased by mistake, but after the fifth time, I know it's not me. For example, yesterday I had 19 saved notes and today there are only 4. Can anyone help me retrieve them from somewhere??
I find myself on these help forums a lot for issues with my apple products. I used to believe they were dumbed down but problem free however now I'm realizing they are dumbed down and problematic.
I too am missing notes on my IPhone 4. To start, my phone is not jail token and never has been. The notes missing are the most important notes I have and are the largest in terms of bytes or memory. This has just started happening within the last few months.
I will try the non-sync method but that is BS! It's like amputation. "oh sorry sir, your leg can't be saved. Have to cut it off". My notes have synced just fine in the past.
The only variable that might have changed for me lately is I've been charching my phone via USB port on my mbp since I lost the ac converter.
I have the itunes auto sync turned off.

This is one of many issues I've been having.
I have an iPod fourth generation, and I've never had a problem with it until now. I went recently to read a note I had made with about half of an essay typed on it, and was unable to find it... I never use the accounts linked to emails because I had heard they cause problems. Then today I noticed three other very important notes had also disappeared. The strange thing is that not only were all of them saved to my iPod, but they were the four most recent notes I had written... They're completely untraceable and now I have to remember a list of over 100 things... -.-
Recent problem for me

I've had an iphone for years and never had a problem with my notes disappearing before. But recently I noticed a few notes were gone so I just assumed I'd deleted them. But today all my notes were gone! I hoped I could find a solution here but I guess no one has it.

I was able to get my notes back on my phone since they are connected to my yahoo account. I emailed them to myself then copied and pasted them in the notes again. Of course, I did the same yesterday when I noticed some were missing and they just disappeared again. Guess I'll have to start using another notes program.

your profile email@yahoo>folder>notes... it was sent to my profile email because the sync was set on my ipod. The notes started dissapearing... forum...back up 3 days ago...!!!found the notes in email...
Well it happened with me when I updated my phone to IOS 6
I was never able to recover my notes.. But, the problem fixed by itself.. :confused::confused:
thank you foundit!

This never happened to me in the four years I've owned iPhones until I got my iPhone 5 with iOS6 installed. I stunned the Notes would vanish whenever I turned on my phone. :mad:

Now I know to check the email account these are synced to. :eek:

Appreciate the tip.
I can't believe there isn't a setting that keeps notes on the iPhone itself while also back them up. No other type of content, like music and movies get automatically deleted from the device. I hope iOS7 fixes this. As it stands, I have the gmail and yahoo app on my iPhone so that I can view notes automatically deleted from my iPhone. Extremely annoying.
disappearing notes

I have this problem too, i even asked someone at the apple store and they looked at me like i was crazy. what ever you do don't listen to these idiots on here telling you to go to settings and turn off notes in your mail acct. i just tried that and it absolutely erased all of my notes. now I'm pissed. I'm hoping i can restore them. people shouldn't post such nonsense unless they know it works. smh
Should be linked to your email address used for App Store. Or at least mine are. Should be a back up there.
Maybe you notes were actually deleted, but it is possible to get it back. If you haven't turn on iCloud backup setting before, you can find that on your iCloud account. Or you can try to recover notes on iPhone via iTunes backup. Launch iTunes on the computer and go to iTunes>Preferences>Devices. There are all of your backups listed in there. You can follow Apple official guide for more details:
But you should know that restoring backup will erase your original data on your device...
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