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strider42 said:
actually, the iMac maxes out at 512 megs of ram now that low profile 256 meg ram chips are available for that lower slot.

And every CRT iMac can take up to 127 gigs of formated hard drive size. the only caveat is that on a tray loading iMac like a 333, you have to partition the drive so the OS is on a partition residing within the first 8 gigs of the drive. has some good info on doing the upgrades.

Yup. But finding a 256 Lo Pro with the old RAM mapping aint easy.

You certainly could do up to a 127 GB but running any form of disk utility on a drive that size at 333Mhz would be HELL.

You could go up to X.3, sure but again.... 6MB of SDR video RAM on a RAGEPro chip with a 333Mhz G3 makes Panther PAINFUL.

I switched from exactly that iMac (different colour though) to a Mac Mini recently. Night and day. I can definitely say that you'll want a bigger drive but not one much bigger than 80 GB for previously stated reasons.

BTW: The 6400 uses SCSI and the iMac is ATA so you'll most likely find that the drive in the 6400 won't work in the iMac and vice versa (without an ATA host card).
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