That's certainly debatable. Back in my late 90's/early to mid 2,000's yesteryears I used to build desktops with others as an enthusiast. Sure AMD, formerly known as ATi had some good cards, such as the 8,000 and 9,000 series, I had a 9500 Pro and a 9800 Pro that I really liked. But overall nVidia had always had better quality/stability, especially when it came to their drivers. Remember the Detonator drivers, when you'd see double digit performance increases? ATi always lacked in that department and still does to this day "fine wine", especially their historic Catalyst drivers. A new driver would fix one problem, but at the same time create another problem with a different application, which lead to consumers desperately using beta and hacked up 3rd party drivers to get all their programs to work properly. Overall the drivers from nVidia where far superior to ATi's offerings. Also, today AMD cannot compete with Nvidia's high end offerings. So it's fair to say quality and driver wise nVidia has higher quality offerings than AMD.
I don’t know why you wrote all that. It had nothing to do with my post and it didn’t impress me
Nvidia doesn’t output 10 bit video unless you step up to Quadro, so let’s not even debate GeForce cards in a forum dedicated to pro users. Nvidia does great gaming cards. Radeon is better for certain professionals. These companies know how to not step on each other’s toes these days.
Back TO WHAT I SAID, Apple is a lifestyle brand. When they changed their corporate name from Apple Computer to Apple Inc the direction of the company went from computing to lifestyle.
They create a narrow line up of tools that reflect they are a lifestyle brand. Their emphasis is communication, fashion, health, creativity.
Companies like that cannot have throw kitchen sink level of options on their product pages. It’s messy, creates too much support issues, loss of focus, end up looking like an awful Dell website. A ugly computer website.