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macrumors demi-god
Mar 15, 2008
Still think its bs.... if your gonna scrutinize the data that TikTok collects then you need to do the same with facebook, snap, twitter or X 😂, instagram, threads, etc.

Indeed... If NYC really wants to secure their networks, they should ban a lot more than just TikTok. Next to the usual suspects like every office Windows PC, even something basic like USB, Thunderbolt or ethernet cables bought from the local IT specialist around the corner could be fitted with bugs (most of that stuff is made in China too).
There are so many apps and devices that can scrape data without anyone noticing immediately. Android phones that listen to any conversation. Today the intelligence agencies barely have to make any effort to bug your home or office. We already bought all the equipment they need.

I recently got this automatic cleaning cat litter box. Harmless one could say. And while for its bare function it isn't mandatory, it does have wifi and an app. It is a Chinese product rebranded for the US and European markets and yes, I found that it is "fully compliant" with Chinese directives: both the litter box wifi and the app do scan the local network and try to contact Chinese servers vigorously. I haven't pulled the thing apart to see if it has a microphone inside too. 🤣


macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2022
Is FaceBook and Google also banned? Because those are a security threat too with the amount of spying they do.

Apple is also spying on us collecting our user data.
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macrumors 65816
Feb 2, 2021
Still think its bs.... if your gonna scrutinize the data that TikTok collects then you need to do the same with facebook, snap, twitter or X 😂, instagram, threads, etc.

Can someone explain to me how TikTok is any worse than Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc etc?

It goes through the Apple review process. Apple restricts the data that TikTok can access without proper permissions via their API's and sandboxing.

It's an app to watch people make stupid 30 second videos.

It collects data on what you watch, your IP, email addresses, etc, just like all the other social media apps.

Where is the real threat here that's different than Facebook? Or is this just ignorance and Chinese fear mongering?

(Side note: I've been an iOS app developer myself for 15 years now)

We're concerned about TikTok maybe stealing sensitive data, whilst we know Meta is. It's odd to ban TikTok but not Facebook. But I guess China is bad eh.

Anyway, this is about city owned devices. Those should be for work only. Ban all social media on them.
Ban them both. Ban them all.

What is the definition of fascism agin :rolleyes:
One thing is for sure, it's not limiting social media applications on publicly owned devices.

Wonder how much Meta would have spent to lobby for this.
Fixed it for ya. 😉


macrumors 68030
Jan 14, 2021
United States
Funny how the US always wants to ban stuff they can't control or when they struggle to get access to user data.

The U.S. TikTok ban on government devices is over concerns about the company’s ties to communist China and the type of spying they do, national security issues, etc. Isn't the UK also banning TikTok on government devices for the same reasons?

Or perhaps you are suggesting that the UK also "always wants to ban stuff they can't control or when they struggle to get access to user data."


macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2019
All social media is poop.

Tik Tok in particular is cat poop. The most vial of all poops in the pantheon of poops.

I should know, I have 2 cats


macrumors 603
Apr 13, 2010
Bedfordshire, UK
The U.S. TikTok ban on government devices is over concerns about the company’s ties to communist China and the type of spying they do, national security issues, etc. Isn't the UK also banning TikTok on government devices for the same reasons?

Or perhaps you are suggesting that the UK also "always wants to ban stuff they can't control or when they struggle to get access to user data."
The UK is far worse with privacy invasion than the US. And far more incompetent with the data they collect too.

When it comes to privacy, the UK makes the US look saintly in comparison. We don't tend to ban too much here, they just get the access and data they want, legally or not. Then exploit it.


macrumors 6502a
May 3, 2004
It's BS that China bans all these western apps but are allowed to run rampant in the west with their own apps. It should be reciprocal. No country should be allowed to operate a firewall like China. If they do, any app with any connection to said country should be banned or should be prohibited from making money in the west.


macrumors 68000
Jun 10, 2008
What is the definition of fascism agin :rolleyes:
Not this. That’s for sure.

My work-issued device under MDM has an App Store with ~50 apps available to me for download. Like 10 of them are Microsoft apps. Is it newsworthy? No. It’s a device meant to augment my work, not my play.
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macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2006
Still think its bs.... if your gonna scrutinize the data that TikTok collects then you need to do the same with facebook, snap, twitter or X 😂, Instagram, threads, etc.
its not about the data it collects - its about who it could be given too. I thought it was BS too - until it turns out - China does get your data out of TikTok despite the claims they couldn't access it - which allegedly is being plugged.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2022
Still think its bs.... if your gonna scrutinize the data that TikTok collects then you need to do the same with facebook, snap, twitter or X 😂, instagram, threads, etc.
When China doesn't allow FB, Twitter, Youtube, Google search why should US allow their apps ?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2022
True it's like they're doing this so people would feel safe using twitter, threads, facebook and insta.
When China doesn't allow FB, Twitter, Youtube, Google search why should US allow their apps ?
I will use their apps when they allow US based companies to operate in China.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2022
What is the definition of fascism agin :rolleyes:
People use big words like fascism, treason, first amendment etc with out knowing the meaning
This is for government provided devices, government owns these devices they have right to determine what apps are installed.

When China doesn't allow FB, Twitter, Youtube, Google search why should US allow Chinese apps ?


macrumors regular
Apr 4, 2010
you know there are official city presences on social media platforms, right? You have to communicate with your citizens on the platforms they actually use
Thru’ TikTok? Good. It will be good to lose those “citizens”.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2022
Agreed. Ban all Social Networks during WORK HOURS. After all, unless you work at one of these Social Networks companies you are wasting your employer's time and perhaps you'll get your work done sooner. Go SN till you're blue in the face, on your own time.
If i am working from 8 to 5 sure, but most people don't, they work with employees in other countries like India, Chine so work never ends.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2022
Please, do tell, all the things you hate so we may send them to the proper authorities to get them removed from other peoples devices.
this applies to government owned devices only.
When China doesn't allow FB, Twitter, Google, Youtube why should US allow Chinese apps ?


macrumors 6502a
Feb 21, 2022
That’s because the Chinese people complained about social media being a corrupting force and so the CPC tried to do something about it. It was all done out in the open with the consent and blessing of the public there. Thats basically how everything works in China, everything is transparent and accountable. When something is acting as a corrupting force, it gets stomped out.

We don’t have that law, culture, government, or standard for accountability so why should ByteDance compromise the stickiness of their algorithm to no longer reflect what Americans care about? They’re a business like everyone else right? Why don’t we ask for similar law to be passed like the Chinese did? The garbage that gets promoted on social media speaks to a deeper sickness in our society/culture that predates TikTok. Zoomers my age were already being exposed to this kinda demoralizing content on Facebook and Insta long before TikTok. If you want to go to the source go look at the advertising industry from literally half a century ago.

If it’s the fault of social media companies “willfully” promoting bad content in the west then we should start with Zuckerberg because he popularized and normalized social media for the young generation. ByteDance were simply late to the party but had a more potent formula.

It’s our fault, we are the only people to blame and the only people responsible for fixing it.
That’s because the Chinese people complained about social media being a corrupting force and so the CPC tried to do something about it. It was all done out in the open with the consent and blessing of the public there. Thats basically how everything works in China, everything is transparent and accountable. When something is acting as a corrupting force, it gets stomped out.

is that why they have their own Social Media platforms but don't allow FB, Twitter, Youtube in China ?
How exactly they get consent and blessing from Public in China ?
May be western governments should implement the same here.
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macrumors 601
Nov 6, 2020
So the city providing city owned devices to employees shouldn't be allowed to dictate what is allowed on those devices? OK

It's wild to me that these devices are even allowed to access social media at all, unless its part of the job requirement such as a social media manager.

I'd like my train, subway and bus driver to concentrate on diving.
Yeah, that was my first thought as well. This is a device issued by their employer, so why wasn’t it locked down to begin with?


macrumors 68000
May 29, 2018
Yeah, that was my first thought as well. This is a device issued by their employer, so why wasn’t it locked down to begin with?
It depends on the employer issuing the device. My hospital issued iPhones to virtually the entire professional staff. When I got mine, I asked my boss how he wanted me to use it. He looked at me as if he didn't understand the question. I was expecting him to lecture me on hospital security and all that but he basically said they were giving me a phone. Since I already had an iPhone (newer) I just kept it around. If the employer doesn't set boundries then all bets are off.
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Nov 3, 2014
TikTok is only used by sleaze bag narcissistic "influencers" looking for attention.
The app should be banned everywhere.
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