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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 1, 2002
Brooklyn, NY
Those of you experienced in Apple releases, do your usually announce products in the morning or in the evening. Powermacs were unveiled in the morning... Are there going to be monitors at all...


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2002
I'm a bit disappointed as well. I've been waiting for reasonable display prices from Apple for long enough. Can anyone tell me why I shouldn't just buy the Formac Gallery 2010? I mean, I like the widescreen look of the apple displays, but for $500-1300 less (depending on which Apple display you want to compare it to) even with the old rebate, I'll get over it. Plus I think the Formac has even nicer styling, and it seems, better performance than the Apple displays in terms of brightness, viewing angle and color accuracy. Am I wrong? Is anyone aware of any issues or limitations regarding these displays?


macrumors 601
Aug 9, 2002
Just face the facts. We may or may not see new Apple displays soon... there was no substantial evidence of new displays today, all there was was an expired special on them, and if you recall it isnt the first special to expire without new ones being released.


macrumors newbie
Sep 24, 2002
This sucks, I was totally looking forward to seeing a nice announcement on apple's site saying "Introducing a new line of Widescreen Displays" but all I get is that crappy isync.

Oh well, no new 19" widescreen display, apple just lost me as a customer. I'm not going to switch, gonna stick w/ my p4 1.8 ghz. I'll probably go buy a sony lcd this weekend.

Good going apple, keep sitting on your lazy arses


macrumors 6502a
Mar 22, 2002
New York
Originally posted by jammer
I'm a bit disappointed as well. I've been waiting for reasonable display prices from Apple for long enough. Can anyone tell me why I shouldn't just buy the Formac Gallery 2010? I mean, I like the widescreen look of the apple displays, but for $500-1300 less (depending on which Apple display you want to compare it to) even with the old rebate, I'll get over it. Plus I think the Formac has even nicer styling, and it seems, better performance than the Apple displays in terms of brightness, viewing angle and color accuracy. Am I wrong? Is anyone aware of any issues or limitations regarding these displays?

first of welcome to macrumors and secondly check this out


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2002
Yeah, but I didn't even really consider this a rumor. Apple has been pretty predictable using their rebate end dates as springboards for new products. And the odd configuration of its current display lineup needs help. Dropping the 15 and 22 and inserting a 19 just seems like a natural, and a fairly easy thing to do.

I know a while ago there was a poster from Europe who said that their rebates didn't end until Oct 31, so maybe a shake-up in the line will come then. But let's face it, it's necessary. The line is far too expensive for me to jump in, and it's not even top-of-the-line.

RogueLdr commented in another post that the ADC was what made the Apple displays so much more expensive. Is this that big of a deal? I mean less wires is nice, but does it enhance performance? Is it worth $500 and less viewing angle?

Looks like I'm still going to wait to update my system and my 22" Sony CRT, but with the new generation Gwhatevers rumored to come out next summer or fall, I'm going to need something to tide me over until then...

mr evil brkfast

macrumors member
Jun 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
If apple plans to keep the same line...there needs to be a price drop. Perhaps as much as the last promo plan.

I still think if any hardware will have an update this fall, for sure, will be the display line.


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2002
Thanks for the welcome, TyleRomeo! Actually, your thread was what originally made me consider the Formac. So what have you decided? Are you going to get one or wait longer?

Unfortunately, I don't think I can wait much longer. The hamsters powering my ancient 9600 are slowly dying one by one and it's killing my productivity. I'm thinking of getting a stop-gap system until next summer since eBay Apple resales hold their value so well. Does the Formac have HD support like the 23 or is it more like the 22?


macrumors 6502a
Mar 22, 2002
New York
Originally posted by jammer
Thanks for the welcome, TyleRomeo! Actually, your thread was what originally made me consider the Formac. So what have you decided? Are you going to get one or wait longer?

Unfortunately, I don't think I can wait much longer. The hamsters powering my ancient 9600 are slowly dying one by one and it's killing my productivity. I'm thinking of getting a stop-gap system until next summer since eBay Apple resales hold their value so well. Does the Formac have HD support like the 23 or is it more like the 22?

i just switched back to macs (for good now) with the dual 1.25 and formac 2010 (which has yet to arrive, grrrrrrr)

the dual 1.25 is so sweet, it lives up to the hype. I'm glad a waited for this one, and i'm sure youre next one will be even sweeter then my set-up



macrumors 6502
Aug 31, 2002
Samsung has only just brought its 5G facility up and Apple is going to wait to take advantage of the lower costs it brings.

Aparts from any of which the newest ranges on monitors are only just being released and Apple will never have a zero rollover time.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 1, 2002
Brooklyn, NY
Thank you for a sensible reply

Thank you Telomar

Thank you for some info.
Would it be safe to assume, that we can expect something new in two to three months?

I am buying a 19' CRT Samsung anyway.


macrumors newbie
Jul 18, 2002
I waited and waited and still nothing new:(
The Dell Flat Panel 20inch is looking good now!
I have to switch between a G4, Dell and an SVHS (XBox, DVD, PS2 the works) for what I do (3D and Video).
Just found out that the Dell one can hold all three and switch betweend and get can do picture in picture with the SVHS input as well!!!
Way cool if with a 1600x1200 rez:O)
Someone want to try and talk me out of this?
Its wayyy cheaper than a 22 Cinema display....


macrumors regular
Jul 22, 2002
People's Republic of Ann Arbor
Originally posted by jammer
RogueLdr commented in another post that the ADC was what made the Apple displays so much more expensive. Is this that big of a deal? I mean less wires is nice, but does it enhance performance? Is it worth $500 and less viewing angle?

Actually, I put the blame on the ADC not for the price of the component itself(entirely), but rather for the limited customer pool that Apple can sell these monitors to because of its proprietary connector. Since they do not sell in high numbers, it costs Apple more per unit to produce, keeping costs high. If everyone went to ADC as the standard for monitor hookups, the Apple displays would be less expensive because they would appeal to a broader market.

So in my opinion, this has alot to do with the price disparity in Apple v. Formac, et. al. (Of course, there is also the part where Apple just charges more for their products because they are Apple!;) )



macrumors 603
Jun 25, 2002
LaLaLand, CA
Originally posted by mayaLuvr
I waited and waited and still nothing new:(
The Dell Flat Panel 20inch is looking good now!
I have to switch between a G4, Dell and an SVHS (XBox, DVD, PS2 the works) for what I do (3D and Video).
Just found out that the Dell one can hold all three and switch betweend and get can do picture in picture with the SVHS input as well!!!
Way cool if with a 1600x1200 rez:O)
Someone want to try and talk me out of this?
Its wayyy cheaper than a 22 Cinema display....

Nobody's stopping you.

Apple's not perfect (though they seem that way compared to the competion, to para-phrase another poster :D), and if you find a product that suits your needs better, especially if it's cheaper (less expensive, not lower quality) go for it. I think it'd be cool if Apple made something like that too, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Just make sure it really does suit your needs, and actually works.

Do come back and tell us if it doesn't.

And yeah, Formac's products are great, but their service sux.

At least you aren't switching to (or staying with) a PC because Apple doesn't make a Display (yet) that you don't like. This was just speculation people. Mac RUMORS. This wasn't even really a rumor. Just a guess cuz a promo ended.


macrumors 68020
Jul 16, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
Originally posted by Fishy1500
This sucks, I was totally looking forward to seeing a nice announcement on apple's site saying "Introducing a new line of Widescreen Displays" but all I get is that crappy isync.

Oh well, no new 19" widescreen display, apple just lost me as a customer. I'm not going to switch, gonna stick w/ my p4 1.8 ghz. I'll probably go buy a sony lcd this weekend.

Good going apple, keep sitting on your lazy arses

So wait, you're not going to get a better computer because a new monitor didn't come out? That doesn't make sense. It isn't like you need an Apple monitor, I'm using a Cornerstone. It was EXTREMELY cheap and has been a great monitor for me.



macrumors 6502a
Nov 28, 2001
trogen horse- adc dvi 4 usb ports svid pnp{yea right}

Apple needs to relize that it is okay to have an Apple monitor hooked up to a Windoze PC. Not only would sales skyrocket, but it would be a trogen horse like the ipod. Once the other side gets used to the quality and style and ease of use, it's just a matter of time before a matching mac is sold. Add 2 more usb ports dvi to the adc along with {svideo inputs for dvds etc with PnP} this would not add more then $50 to the price and that would be offset by the increased sales.
But what do I know?


macrumors 6502
Sep 8, 2002
i totally agree with you Daveg5.

apple needs to keep the ADC, its a great thing IMO, but if they would just try to make it a more versatile peice of equipment i think they would get the numbers up and then maybe get the price down a little (which would just help move more out!).

hell, toss in video connectors and the extras and even i would be willing to drop money on one! (well i could certainly hit the family up for one to go with my TiBook and the powermac i am hammering for now:rolleyes: )


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Originally posted by Fishy1500
This sucks, I was totally looking forward to seeing a nice announcement on apple's site saying "Introducing a new line of Widescreen Displays" but all I get is that crappy isync.

Oh well, no new 19" widescreen display, apple just lost me as a customer. I'm not going to switch, gonna stick w/ my p4 1.8 ghz. I'll probably go buy a sony lcd this weekend.

Good going apple, keep sitting on your lazy arses

I hear the Brooklyn Bridge may be up for sale. Want to buy it?

Somehow I doubt your veracity in basing a purchase on rumors.


macrumors 604
Boy people really buy into this rumor crap. I do to at times I know but never to the point it pisses me off when Apple doesn't fulfill. To anyone that gets pissed off because some joker wrote something about apple going to make such and such and will unleash it on the world when ever, GET OVER IT!. And if it pisses you off so much that you hate Apple good riddens.

I have been making rumors in the BMW motorcycle world for a few years to simply screw with people and to see how long it took the rumors to come full circle with all sorts of new evidence.

People 99% of all of this stuff is made up and 80% of all percentages are made up on the spot.:D


macrumors newbie
Sep 14, 2002
More supposition than rumor reaction

I think a lot of people here weren't necessarily buying into the rumors, just anticipating the facts. Apple releases new products after a rebate ends a very high percentage of the time, and coupling that fact with the fact that the display line is a bit squirrelly at the moment with an obvious void in the middle and a log jam at the high-end, one would naturally anticipate some new displays, if not now then soon. Especially since the high cost of the displays appears unjustified at the moment considering there are several displays out there now offering better quality at a fraction of the price.

As for people who would pout because of the lack of a release, well, that's just childish. If that's all it takes to make you walk to the dark side, we don't need you.
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