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macrumors member
Apr 1, 2009
Don't think there will be a MBA upgrade this October, it was upgraded in July, only a couple months ago... I do not think there will be an iMac design change, it is only 2 years old. Hopefully there will be a MacBook design change though.


macrumors 68020
Mar 17, 2009
Don't think there will be a MBA upgrade this October, it was upgraded in July, only a couple months ago... I do not think there will be an iMac design change, it is only 2 years old. Hopefully there will be a MacBook design change though.

There most likely will be an iMac redesign.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 26, 2009
Santiago, Chile
Don't think there will be a MBA upgrade this October, it was upgraded in July, only a couple months ago...
I agree with you on this one...

I do not think there will be an iMac design change, it is only 2 years old.
I don't agree with you on this one... because, nowadays, technology goes so fast that if a product stays the same shape on the outside, it'll need a refresh instantly! (remember how we all went crazy over how the 3GS stayed the same as 3G on the outside...)

Hopefully there will be a MacBook design change though.

well, yeah, we do need one anyway... ;)


Sep 19, 2008
Don't think there will be a MBA upgrade this October, it was upgraded in July, only a couple months ago... I do not think there will be an iMac design change, it is only 2 years old. Hopefully there will be a MacBook design change though.

I have recently received directly conflicting information that you will most likely be wrong. A little birdie told me that nothing is confirmed but new/different MBAs are being used on campus like a release is possible for the little Mac with a big heart. And apparently the MBA is a favorite for most of the executives, marketing, and decision makers at Apple; that is great for the potential and future of the MBA.

I will not be surprised one bit to see a new MBA the same day we see a new MB. And the truth is we haven't really seen a rev C MBA as the so called current C is really a 2,1 MBA. So, this means the MBA is truly due a new 3,1 designation and be a real change over the 2,1 model. The last minor spec bump was truly just a bump of top end CPU as the chipset/GPU and major interior/exterior stayed exactly the same.

Again, nothing is a guarantee no matter how many are seen on campus or expected as anything can change with products like the MBA that are treated very differently than the MB.

I am also expecting a somewhat different MB than others/analysts are predicting also. I have been told that there is a supposed MB Lite/Nano type option on the table also. This was apparently thought to be some form of MBA from my source, but recently became clear that it was a MB "option." This would allow a price drop to the $800 range and differentiate the product substantially in CPU and GPU differences from the MBPs. The major goal of Apple is to compete at a lower price point right now. And Apple might be planning to use multiple options and reinvigorate the MB line completely as it remains the number one selling Mac notebook! This would allow a starting point of $799 to compete on the low end, while still completely competing for the standard $999 plastic MacBook too. The CPU/RAM/Drive would all likely be the upgrades... there could even be a smaller sized display like 10" or 12" in the lower end model to not be a netbook but compete on that level.

I predict we will see some changes in October through November, and I hope that means the MBA too.

I hope that my source is correct and not you. For not that you should be wrong but so that we could all benefit from a truly upgraded MBA.


macrumors regular
Feb 15, 2008
i just wish they would release a white keyboard option for the macbook pro line.

but for updates, i think its just imac update.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
I have recently received directly conflicting information that you will most likely be wrong. A little birdie told me that nothing is confirmed but new/different MBAs are being used on campus like a release is possible for the little Mac with a big heart. And apparently the MBA is a favorite for most of the executives, marketing, and decision makers at Apple; that is great for the potential and future of the MBA.

I will not be surprised one bit to see a new MBA the same day we see a new MB. And the truth is we haven't really seen a rev C MBA as the so called current C is really a 2,1 MBA. So, this means the MBA is truly due a new 3,1 designation and be a real change over the 2,1 model. The last minor spec bump was truly just a bump of top end CPU as the chipset/GPU and major interior/exterior stayed exactly the same.

Again, nothing is a guarantee no matter how many are seen on campus or expected as anything can change with products like the MBA that are treated very differently than the MB.

I am also expecting a somewhat different MB than others/analysts are predicting also. I have been told that there is a supposed MB Lite/Nano type option on the table also. This was apparently thought to be some form of MBA from my source, but recently became clear that it was a MB "option." This would allow a price drop to the $800 range and differentiate the product substantially in CPU and GPU differences from the MBPs. The major goal of Apple is to compete at a lower price point right now. And Apple might be planning to use multiple options and reinvigorate the MB line completely as it remains the number one selling Mac notebook! This would allow a starting point of $799 to compete on the low end, while still completely competing for the standard $999 plastic MacBook too. The CPU/RAM/Drive would all likely be the upgrades... there could even be a smaller sized display like 10" or 12" in the lower end model to not be a netbook but compete on that level.

I predict we will see some changes in October through November, and I hope that means the MBA too.

I hope that my source is correct and not you. For not that you should be wrong but so that we could all benefit from a truly upgraded MBA.
I'm trying not to get too excited because as you say, nothing is confirmed at all, but I can't help it!

Scott, you should just have a "Scottsdale on the Grapevine" thread where you tell us these tidbits :D

Great stuff, I hope you're right. I can't wait for an updated MBA like you just wouldn't believe. It's not a completely rational affection, but it's there and I don't care I don't care I don't care :apple:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
Kudos to anyone getting the Smiths reference, you have my instant friendship by virtue of common interest :D


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2003
Area 51
I have recently received directly conflicting information that you will most likely be wrong. A little birdie told me that nothing is confirmed but new/different MBAs are being used on campus like a release is possible for the little Mac with a big heart. And apparently the MBA is a favorite for most of the executives, marketing, and decision makers at Apple; that is great for the potential and future of the MBA.

I will not be surprised one bit to see a new MBA the same day we see a new MB. And the truth is we haven't really seen a rev C MBA as the so called current C is really a 2,1 MBA. So, this means the MBA is truly due a new 3,1 designation and be a real change over the 2,1 model. The last minor spec bump was truly just a bump of top end CPU as the chipset/GPU and major interior/exterior stayed exactly the same.

Again, nothing is a guarantee no matter how many are seen on campus or expected as anything can change with products like the MBA that are treated very differently than the MB.

I am also expecting a somewhat different MB than others/analysts are predicting also. I have been told that there is a supposed MB Lite/Nano type option on the table also. This was apparently thought to be some form of MBA from my source, but recently became clear that it was a MB "option." This would allow a price drop to the $800 range and differentiate the product substantially in CPU and GPU differences from the MBPs. The major goal of Apple is to compete at a lower price point right now. And Apple might be planning to use multiple options and reinvigorate the MB line completely as it remains the number one selling Mac notebook! This would allow a starting point of $799 to compete on the low end, while still completely competing for the standard $999 plastic MacBook too. The CPU/RAM/Drive would all likely be the upgrades... there could even be a smaller sized display like 10" or 12" in the lower end model to not be a netbook but compete on that level.

I predict we will see some changes in October through November, and I hope that means the MBA too.

I hope that my source is correct and not you. For not that you should be wrong but so that we could all benefit from a truly upgraded MBA.

What a load of CRAP! You don't have a source any more than I or anybody else on the board does.


macrumors 601
Jul 1, 2004
Going in a slightly different direction, I hope that Apple moves from a 6-8 month update cycle to a 3-4 month one. Even small upgrades (like minor CPU bumps or increase in storage) would help people feel better about their purchases. Cause right now, those who are well informed (without an immediate need) have about 3 months (give or take a few weeks) to feel really good about buying a mac. After about 4 months, you figure we are at least halfway through the upgrade cycle and we decide to wait (unless, as I said, there is an immediate need).


macrumors regular
Jun 17, 2007
Leeds, UK
Going in a slightly different direction, I hope that Apple moves from a 6-8 month update cycle to a 3-4 month one. Even small upgrades (like minor CPU bumps or increase in storage) would help people feel better about their purchases. Cause right now, those who are well informed (without an immediate need) have about 3 months (give or take a few weeks) to feel really good about buying a mac. After about 4 months, you figure we are at least halfway through the upgrade cycle and we decide to wait (unless, as I said, there is an immediate need).

And given the release of the clarksfield processors in a few mid-high end machines such as Dell Studio 15.6, I think many mac users currently in the market for a laptop may feel aggrieved at paying top whack for hardware/specs that are out of date.

If we seen a significant price drop on the current systems I would buy now, but this is apple we are talking about, aint going to happen.


macrumors member
Jul 12, 2009
I bought Rev. C SSD several months ago. I am a writer, who carries my computer almost everywhere I go. I use the USB port for an occasional backup when I don't backup wirelessly. This computer is every bit of computer I need, and more (I actually don't need so speedy a computer). I may be a tiny piece of the market, but I repeat, this computer is all that I need, and the difference in weight on my aging back is enormous. I have all my work and all my notes and all my documents for the past twenty years on here, and I still have 88 gb free.

If weight what matters most, on a machine that runs OS X, this is the machine for you. The cost will be about $50 a month for the three years between purchase and the expiration of Apple Care. The chiropractor is $75 a visit. If weight doesn't matter, it makes little sense.


Sep 19, 2008
What a load of CRAP! You don't have a source any more than I or anybody else on the board does.

Actually you're quite incorrect. One of the people I went to business school with, who became best of friends with I, and whom I speak with at least once per week has a family member that works at Apple. Now, my friend is an Apple junkie, and he picks and begs for information all the time. He tells me a lot about what prototypes are being used on campus and a lot about peripherals.

He actually has given me extremely accurate information in the past. Three weeks before the 24" LED-backlit ACD was released, he gave me all of the exact information including it was for Mac notebooks, had mini display port, and had power and usb hub to provide docking station like capabilities... NONE of that information had been rumored anywhere else and I heard about it. Next, he told me the glass trackpad information perfectly about the MB & MBP. He also claimed the final unibody construction was confirmed and that Apple was sticking with dual cores and a few others. He also gave me information that the rev B MBA would have a new chipset and GPU.

Moving on... two weeks before the June update he told me that the MBP was going to takeover the aluminum MB. Told me FireWire would be on all models, and told me the 9400m was definitely still being used. What he told me next was that the MBA was NOT BEING UPDATED! And for the most part, it wasn't. It had the same chipset, GPU, grade CPU, and exactly same form factor, ports, display, and etc. The very minor CPU bump for high end along with battery bump by 3 (to achieve "green" status) was all. I would say he has been fairly accurate, and I have reported most of this.

So, go ahead and tell me how wrong I am about my source... I don't give a *****, but I am not making this up... AND OTHERS CAN ATTEST THAT I HAVE LEAKED THIS EXACT INFORMATION IN THE PAST!

At the same time, what my friend's family member sees and shares could have information lost in translation. Originally, about three weeks ago I was told the MBA being seen was carbon fiber or plastic, was a little thicker than current model, and had Atom/Ion combination HE THOUGHT! Well, turned out that was a MacBook "option" and not an MBA of any sort. What you have to remember is these Macs on campus aren't stamped with labels and often differ. But what I have been told is those higher up are seen with MBAs that are currently different than what is on market... they love them. But the peons get to see glimpses and occasionally get brief access, but that doesn't mean it's a finalized version NOR CAN THEY ACCESS THE ABOUT THIS MAC INFO... THAT INFO IS KEPT COMPLETELY SECRET TO EMPLOYEES! What employees see are ports, displays, form factors, and changes in materials.

I often find information is lost in translation too from something heard and passed down three times before I get it. And the vast majority of the time, it's the same TYPES of rumors we see on these sites like Mac Rumors.

I don't care if you believe me or not, but that last thing I care to be called is a liar. If that persists, I will just share the information via PM to the people I trust here at Mac Rumors... also note, I do NOT start threads about the inside information I get intentionally because the last thing in the world I want is for anyone to get in trouble for leaking information.

A lot of my supposed "guesses" or "predictions" have a basis of information heard through this source along with a business guess as to why Apple would pursue that route.

And honestly, it's pretty low class for you to call me a liar! I haven't lied about one word ever written here, and I don't appreciate it! People like you end up ruining the fun of information for ALL/EVERYONE!


macrumors member
Oct 7, 2008
@scottsdale: what do you think is the the chance of a 15" MBA coming out with the next update? thanks!


macrumors 6502
Nov 10, 2008
next on the list is imac , and macbook

what would possible happend is apple change the mba 1,86ghz in a apple tablet 1,86ghz
theres no point of having 2 mba portatable in the market , if is a tablet on the way.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2003
Area 51
A little birdie told me that nothing is confirmed but new/different MBAs are being used on campus like a release is possible for the little Mac with a big heart.

Nothing is ever confirmed - what an out! Apple, as well as other electronic makers, are always trying out various prototypes at any given time. You haven't relayed anything that we don't already know. You don't know anything so please stay off the koolaid. It's wannabe knowitall's like you that ruin forums like this.

Lastly, nobody called you a liar; you labeled yourself as one.

Oh, by the way, I know somebody who has a cousin who was in preschool with this dude who knows the guy who takes out the garbage at the Apple campus and he said that there were some new Macs coming out real soon and they were going to be really, really cool. And this dude has always been right on with all the secrets he's leaked out of the Apple campus.


Sep 19, 2008
A little birdie told me that nothing is confirmed but new/different MBAs are being used on campus like a release is possible for the little Mac with a big heart.

Nothing is ever confirmed - what an out! Apple, as well as other electronic makers, are always trying out various prototypes at any given time. You haven't relayed anything that we don't already know. You don't know anything so please stay off the koolaid. It's wannabe knowitall's like you that ruin forums like this.

Lastly, nobody called you a liar; you labeled yourself as one.

Oh, by the way, I know somebody who has a cousin who was in preschool with this dude who knows the guy who takes out the garbage at the Apple campus and he said that there were some new Macs coming out real soon and they were going to be really, really cool. And this dude has always been right on with all the secrets he's leaked out of the Apple campus.

Dude, you went to preschool, wow; that's a far higher education level than I would have ever expected by someone with such little class as you. Well, remember your playground rules to be nice and play fair. Unfortunately some people truly need reminding and you are the perfect example.

Actually I think I will use you and your low class as an example in a lecture I give at some point. Do you know what the moral of the story will be? I didn't think so as you are too wrapped up in preschool speak... LMAO!


Sep 19, 2008
@scottsdale: what do you think is the the chance of a 15" MBA coming out with the next update? thanks!

Heard nothing about it since the rumor early this year. I would love it myself. In fact, I really don't wish to deal with immature worthless people criticizing me any longer. From now on, if anyone has a question for me about future potential and anything I may have heard, please personally pm me. I gladly reply to all people with class who care to share rumors, insights to what's being seen on campus, and etc.

Normally I don't post a new thread but release information within an existing thread. Those of you who have been around long enough to know me have seen those. Anyways, as of right now, I am done with that. When people can get back into the spirit of this forum it might become enjoyable to share, but for now I don't care to deal with negative baseless people who lack any real worth to and the forum members here.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 30, 2009
Heard nothing about it since the rumor early this year. I would love it myself. In fact, I really don't wish to deal with immature worthless people criticizing me any longer. From now on, if anyone has a question for me about future potential and anything I may have heard, please personally pm me. I gladly reply to all people with class who care to share rumors, insights to what's being seen on campus, and etc.

Normally I don't post a new thread but release information within an existing thread. Those of you who have been around long enough to know me have seen those. Anyways, as of right now, I am done with that. When people can get back into the spirit of this forum it might become enjoyable to share, but for now I don't care to deal with negative baseless people who lack any real worth to and the forum members here.
Scott, listen to me for a second. Don't let others' posts put you off. We all know the essence of this forum, it's called MacRumors for goodness sake, it doesn't have to be true at all!

People appreciate certain types posts, others can't stand them, that's the nature of the beast, the beast being personalities.

For instance - you don't seem to enjoy posts (to say the least!) on more hazy, wild conjecture...even though this is a rumors site... would that be about right? :D

What I wouldn't do is take it to heart dude and let someone else change the way you post - I'd never ever, ever let someone force a change in how I behave unless it was a valid criticism.

And to be fair to Stockscalper, he probably said what he did because he does think it is a valid criticism. I'm not going to start taking sides, but others might not.

Basically my conclusion Scottsdale is don't you even dare think about not telling us the rumors you hear. Do you understand that???


macrumors member
Sep 29, 2009
Scottsdale - I've been reading this forum for a long time. But I registered today just to post how much I value the information, opinions and assistance you've provided. Thank you. I don't have a clue how to PM you, but I hope to continue reading your posts on here.


Sep 19, 2008
Scottsdale - I've been reading this forum for a long time. But I registered today just to post how much I value the information, opinions and assistance you've provided. Thank you. I don't have a clue how to PM you, but I hope to continue reading your posts on here.

Thanks for your signing up and support. Jobsian too. I just get frustrated when some people have to act like jerks. The point here is to share and have fun. And truthfully, my information is generally very accurate. At the same time, NOTHING is for certain. That doesn't mean I am looking for an out or guessing. In fact, most of my supposed "guesses" are partially based on what has been seen and what I think makes business sense/savvy for Apple.

Jobs has pulled things at the last minute many times. Supposedly the iPod Touch just had it happen within three weeks of what was set to go with a camera. If it doesn't add up or look or work just perfectly, NOTHING is beyond getting the axe. And the other thing is there will be literally HUNDREDS of a certain Mac prototype on campus and something released will have a completely different configuration and setup. Apple will run 100 or even 1000 of a product and the rumors fly that it's for certain the next iteration of a Mac, but then the plug can be pulled. POLL ANYONE ON APPLE'S main campus and they will tell you just THAT!

Sorry for my letting one person spoil the fun, but at times it gets frustrating as I don't claim to know anything for certain... but share simply some of what has actually been seen at Apple.

Thanks again for those of you who PM'd me or put a message here in my support.


macrumors 601
Jul 1, 2004
Scottsdale, if you don't like what people say to/about you, you could always just add them to your ignore list. Personally, I think your insight, opinions (though you can be really hardcore sometimes ;)) and observations add value to this site. Don't let a few spoil it for you.
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