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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 20, 2003
Let's kick this month off right with some excellent October desktops.

As per before, ground rules apply.

Monthly Desktops Guidelines:
• For large images use rather than [img]
• Use attachments when necessary so images don't disappear when they are removed from their source
• When possible, include links to the full-sized original so others can download them. If you don't want to share, state that in your posts so others don't continue to ask for links.
• When quoting a post with images, remove the images to reduce clutter[/INDENT][/COLOR]

Previous Iterations: [URL=""]September Desktops[/URL] - [URL=""]August Desktops[/URL] - [URL=""]June Desktops[/URL] - [URL=""]May Desktops[/URL]

I'll start with a photo-chop of [URL=""]my last photo[/URL]:​


  • The Man.jpg
    The Man.jpg
    252.7 KB · Views: 322
This is a pic of Wil Wheaton's dog, Seamus. It is released under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial Share Alike license. For more information please visit creative commons dot orggg:D

Desktop on the left, wallpaper on the right.


  • Screen shot 2010-09-30 at 11.16.28 PM.jpg
    Screen shot 2010-09-30 at 11.16.28 PM.jpg
    385.1 KB · Views: 292
  • seamus 25x14.jpg
    seamus 25x14.jpg
    830.2 KB · Views: 240
Into fractals these days. :) Original is a few keystrokes away if you google "fractal wallpaper".

Very rainy morning as I sit here and drink my coffee before work..


  • qhXT1.jpg
    103.1 KB · Views: 427
Clean and fresh for Autumn, probably be Hiroshige with composition this good- unfortunately unless you're able to find a larger version it may be for those with 13" and are happy to fill screen :)
^ Thank you!

I've a few books on the artist and its amazing how varied his work and how influential he was (like Van Gogh and Whistler). He was prolific and I usually get my desktops with a google image search

There are some good image repositories/ information, if you're interested here's a link to one (and a picture very different but very interesting at the same time)

Hiroshige has been claimed to be making a comment on the shogunate of the time- the general in the picture was

Before it gets TMI, I hope you like!
^Wow! Love it:)

Did a tineye search and I'm guessing its not a real place (shame, the bouldering would've been sweet!)
Continuing with my Heat theme.

Question...anyone know where i can change the SD card and jumpdrive icons in Candybar?

This is the image I use for my desktop. If you want to download the full-size attachment you can find it on my deviantART page here. I figured that I didn't need to take an actual screenshot because I don't use GeekTool, I don't have customized icons for my external devices, and I hide my dock.

Question...anyone know where i can change the SD card and jumpdrive icons in Candybar?

I thought they showed up in the Device pane when they were plugged in. Is that not how it works with jump drives and SD cards?
Same as September for now.


Original from here: blog site. Not sure where they got it from, if it's not originally from there (hard to tell).
EDIT: Just want to point out that I don't endorse and have not read all/most of what's on that site. I found the image through a google search. Just wanted to make that clear.

^ Thank you!

I've a few books on the artist and its amazing how varied his work and how influential he was (like Van Gogh and Whistler). He was prolific and I usually get my desktops with a google image search

There are some good image repositories/ information, if you're interested here's a link to one (and a picture very different but very interesting at the same time)

That first link is a gold mine! Thanks :)
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