I’m a complete amateur but use a Sony a7 3 which I just use for family stuff. I find on holidays it’s a massive pain lugging bag and taking in and out if bag etc when the kids do something funny etc.
I love the results I get and I know I’m happy with my purchase but I only bought it because while iPhone photos looks great on the iPhone I was never truly happy when I got home and views on tv or iMac etc.
Now I wonder if there Is more portable cameras that are as good as a73?
I think it depends on what you're willing to compromise on.
The RX100 is a popular and compact camera, but it's value quotient is, I think, getting almost redundant when compared to a current flagship phone - there just isn't a big enough image benefit for even the small carry. It's also a cumbersome camera to use beyond full auto because there isn't enough room for decent controls. I'd say in the majority of cases it's actually
worse than a phone.
I used to have a D-Lux 109 then the D-Lux 7 a long time ago as a secondary (Otherwise known as a Panasonic LX100 & II) which has a slightly cropped micro 4/3rds sensor, which Leica have brought back recently with a minor update as the D-Lux 8 (an LX100 II update with no hardware changes). This is a much better
camera in terms of controls compared to the RX100 along with a slightly larger sensor and a better lens... but again, I think the image benefits over a phone are still on the debatable side, though not as potentially worthless as the RX100.
To me full frame & bright primes is where it's mainly at, and I primarily shoot current Leica Q's and M's (as well as SL, and the heavier/video-duty Panasonics and Sony bodies). The Q/M's are not compact as such, but they are small for full frame and significantly smaller than an A7 with a decent equivalent prime. The Q3's have pretty much unmatched controls in terms of both manual and auto shooting and it's what I use most - either a Q or M with a prime I've picked out for the day goes with me pretty much everywhere.
Fuji APS-C is another option with a pancake, also a fixed lens like the Fuji X100 would be notably more compact than the A7 again - and while the images probably won't wow in comparison to again the Alpha and a decent prime, it will be noticeably better than a phone and a lot of people like this rangefinder pastiche. Personally I'm not a fan - the controls and usage experience are pretty diabolical when compared with the Q despite the potential niche attractions of stuff like a leaf shutter, but you might not be as controls-focused as I am as a particular type of often manual shooter.
Other options - You could consider swapping to one of the compact or APS-C Alphas to cut a few inches/grams and pick up a compact prime(s). I'm still interested in the Lumix S9 - the first truly compact full-frame interchangeable, and the spiritual successor to the M4/3 GM1 - but until there are some actually compact <F4 full-frame pancakes in the 25 and 40mm range to have plugged into the front the vast majority of the time, it's kind of a product looking for a solution. I believe they've mentioned about rolling something like these out but I haven't seen them so far.
Then there's always sticking a compact prime like the Zeiss 35/2.8 on the A7, or even a manual focus prime on it of course...