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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jul 31, 2008
Northern VA
Anybody else think all these SSH questions are getting a BIT outta hand?

How to SSH

On Mac/OS-X:

Download/Install Cyberduck--

After Install, on your iPhone to into Settings, Wi-Fi. Press the blue arrow. Enter that IP Address into the SSH section of CyberDuck.

Username is root, Password is alpine

On Windows:

Download and Install WinSCP from

After Install, locate your IP Address on your iPhone:

Settings> Wi-Fi. and press the blue arrow.

Enter your IP Address into the WinSCP field.
Username: root
Password: alpine

Installing different themes onto Winterboard (Mac and Windows):

Download the theme from wherever.
Download Winterboard from Cydia.

SSH onto your iPhone (Described above).
Navigate to /Private/var/stash/Themes.XXXXX (the X's change depending on your firmware).

Copy/paste that theme from your desktop (or wherever you extracted it to) onto this Themes folder.

Open up Winterboard on your iPhone. Move your theme to the top of the list by dragging the 3 lines (on the right) to the top. Make sure your theme is checked, and then press the Home button. Your theme should now be activated.

Edit: Can mods sticky or something?
Hopefully this will be stickied and people will stop posting 5 threads a day about how to copy a file from PC to iPhone or visa vera. I doubt it though, they don't look or check anything else, they just click 'Post new thread' willy-nilly. Not like the info was posted the same day or anything.

Perhaps add how to change password, that's not terminal based? :D
True. But they might see the sticky on top right before they post.

Oh yeah, if I'm missing something, go ahead and post, and I'll add it.
after many attempts I finally got this to work. thanks for the instructions... only change is that when I installed Cyberduck there isn't a field for "IP address", so I selected sftp (ssh). I had to restart Cyberduck for some reason but I'm in now, and it works great.
after many attempts I finally got this to work. thanks for the instructions... only change is that when I installed Cyberduck there isn't a field for "IP address", so I selected sftp (ssh). I had to restart Cyberduck for some reason but I'm in now, and it works great.

Ah, sorry about that. Never owned a Mac, tried OS-X on my PC. Wi-fi didn't work, so I'm not familiar with OS-X
This is slightly off-topic, but... Do you think if I copied Cydia to my PC I could then put it back on my iPhone after a restore and re-jailbreak? But so it would remember all my installed packages so I can just reinstall them all, instead of individually having to find them again, or use AptBackup? Or would it simply not know what I previously had installed?
You can copy over all of your themes in the Stash folder, so everything in Winterboard would be copied over. and then AptBackup can do the rest...right?
You can copy over all of your themes in the Stash folder, so everything in Winterboard would be copied over. and then AptBackup can do the rest...right?

But I AptBack up only backs up actual apps. And about a quarter of the stuff I've got from Cydia don't appear on the springboard, so aren't classed as an 'app' and wont be restored. :(
Thanks for the information, this is really quite handy.
Anybody else think all these SSH questions are getting a BIT outta hand?

How to SSH

On Mac/OS-X:

Download/Install Cyberduck--

After Install, on your iPhone to into Settings, Wi-Fi. Press the blue arrow. Enter that IP Address into the SSH section of CyberDuck.

Username is Root, Password is Alpine

On Windows:

Download and Install WinSCP from

After Install, locate your IP Address on your iPhone:

Settings> Wi-Fi. and press the blue arrow.

Enter your IP Address into the WinSCP field.
Username: Root
Password: Alpine

Installing different themes onto Winterboard (Mac and Windows):

Download the theme from wherever.

SSH onto your iPhone (Described above).
Navigate to /Private/var/stash/Themes.XXXXX (the X's change depending on your firmware).

Copy/paste that theme from your desktop (or wherever you extracted it to) onto this Themes folder.

Open up Winterboard on your iPhone. Move your theme to the top of the list by dragging the 3 lines (on the right) to the top. Make sure your theme is checked, and then press the Home button. Your theme should now be activated.

Edit: Can mods sticky or something?

Before anything is stickied, you might want to post correct information. The username is not Root, it's root and the password is not Alpine, it's: alpine. :) Also, why Cyberduck? For Mac OSX, why not just say "your choice"? Personally, I use terminal and Fugu.

Also, if you are going to the trouble of showing folks some best practices to SSH, might also want to mention that they need to download Winterboard from Cydia and perhaps reference a link to those steps. :)

Sorry if I sound rude, just want to make sure the masses not familiar with this stuff, receive the proper info if this is to be stickied. :) FTW! u:root/p:alpine

Before anything is stickied, you might want to post correct information. The username is not Root, it's root and the password is not Alpine, it's: alpine. :) Also, why Cyberduck? For Mac OSX, why not just say "your choice"? Personally, I use terminal and Fugu.

Also, if you are going to the trouble of showing folks some best practices to SSH, might also want to mention that they need to download Winterboard from Cydia and perhaps reference a link to those steps. :)

Sorry if I sound rude, just want to make sure the masses not familiar with this stuff, receive the proper info if this is to be stickied. :)

Good call on the Root/Alpine, (Since I'm obviously not on a mac, I can't say I've heard of anything other than Cyberduck, but yes you can use whatever).

SSH is not a method for transferring things. It's not a program. It's not the name of a technique.

It's a protocol that allows remote access to a machine. SFTP/SCP allows for the transfer of files via OpenSSH -- which is what people are most commonly talking about when mention "SSHing" w/ regards to the iPhone.
Good call on the Root/Alpine, (Since I'm obviously not on a mac, I can't say I've heard of anything other than Cyberduck, but yes you can use whatever).

Thanks, but I see you only changed it under the Mac part, you need to change it under the Windows part too since you are still logging into your iPhone. :)

I'd recommend Fugu, works very well for me when doing my custom themes, etc.
I'd recommend Fugu, works very well for me when doing my custom themes, etc.

Also, if you're not afraid of the command line, every copy of Mac OS X ships with SSH and SCP clients. Used properly they'll allow you to work much more efficiently than you can with a graphical client.
Also, if you're not afraid of the command line, every copy of Mac OS X ships with SSH and SCP clients. Used properly they'll allow you to work much more efficiently than you can with a graphical client.

Graphic clients are much better or adding things, as you can simply drag and drop themes in and such :D
Graphic clients are much better or adding things, as you can simply drag and drop themes in and such :D

Not once you've learn how to use the command line properly they aren't.

For example: you can set up passwordless authentication and write a script to back up your calendar, address book, and apps directories every night whenever your iPhone is connected to your wireless network. Good luck automating that with some GUI-based client.
Not once you've learn how to use the command line properly they aren't.

For example: you can set up passwordless authentication and write a script to back up your calendar, address book, and apps directories every night whenever your iPhone is connected to your wireless network. Good luck automating that with some GUI-based client.

But that's not occasional usage. :) Sure, if you want to script backups, command line. To transfer a few files a couple times a month, different story. :)

I've seen you around these forums, you should know most people do not seem to read or search well, let alone be able to be comfortable with a command line. :)
I've seen you around these forums, you should know most people do not seem to read or search well, let alone be able to be comfortable with a command line. :)

Fair enough. Of course I'm also a strong proponent of giving them sudo and rm and letting natural selection cull the Hurd... *

That said, I still think that it's faster to use SCP for one-off transfers, provided you actually know where you're transferring to/from. Just browsing might be a different story (I'm faster browsing via the command line, but I do realize that most people aren't), but by the time I've got Cyberduck started up and connected I could be done if I'm using SCP.

* Yes, I know that that wasn't strictly relevant, but it was the only *nix pun I could think of.
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