The article was based on their time with the iPad immediately following the keynote in January. Pretty generic stuff, like how nice it feels to hold, how fast the processor seems to be...typing is a little awkward, but may get used to it after awhile, etc...
2 cons that I've heard ad infinitum on these boards:
1. "wahhh, there's no flash, there won't be a perfect web experience!!"
2. "What? It doesn't have a camera?? Screw that, I'm not buying one!"
Pretty generic article all-around by MacWorld's standards. If you watched the keynote, you don't really need to read their Q&A section either. (And yes, I realize that Macrumors members are more likely to have watched the keynote and the Q&A is for people who don't keep up with Apple as much as we do.)
Geeklawyer: Yeah, it's based heavily on that article (sans pictures.)