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technicolor said:
Becuase colleges are made to produce people who can leave their institution and be an asset in the work place. Part of granting you a degree is that the institution as ensured you have met certain benchmarks and part of that is class contact hours. You are paying them(via scholarship, loan, your money, your parents money) to make you a commodity and part of that is making sure you are in class.

Uh, nope.

I got A's in classes that I rarely showed up to. If I can pass the tests, do the homework and show I understand the subject matter, it doesn't make a **** of difference if I show up or not unless it is "Work Ethics 101."

I'm not paying to have some knobhead lecture me on lateness and tardiness. That was highschool.

7on got a B, and it should stay that way without this BS.

Seriously, if you want to do a piece on how it doesn't make a bit of difference when me or my employees show up, just as long as the work gets done, feel free to PM me. We're not a design firm, but it is in the creative field. You did your tests, your assignments and what was required and got a B. Now your grade is being held hostage? If the C didn't matter, I'd tell him to keep his effing paper.

I guess there is a reason I work for myself.

Christ, I hated professors like this. They were most often washouts that couldn't make it in the real world.
Hey now, I go to class. Like I said all but one were tardies. 5 minutes late and a few 10 minutes. It's not everyday either - it only had to be 5. And this is more or less a studio class. We sit in front of computers doing our projects. So we have a lot of work days. The one day I skipped was a workday. Fridays were test days and I always got there before he handed out the tests so that's not a problem.

Just a side note, I work in the summer full time for the on-campus Publications and I show up usually 5 minutes early. So it's not about me not being able to wake up on time.

One thing's for sure, I'm definitely not going to be seeking a job in cold climates.
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