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so that couldn't work here?

I can't see how.

For what I've read, AIM's Push servers are keeping a live connection between their IM servers. Kind of acting like a middle man. Thats the bit that stays logged in for whatever period you so wish. It's not the phone that keeps the connection live.

FOr this app, the app will be closed when they make the connection with the phone so couldnt use the app to check if you're on a wifi network.

If that makes sense
I'm not so sure I like the idea of ALL my contacts knowing my WiFi status without friending. I guess it isn't a big deal.

There's a privacy option so you can keep yourself offline regardless of your actual status. We wanted to get the app out quickly, but we do see ourselves eventually giving the user more control over specifically who sees who.
Emailed the contact email for FacePlant and received the following:


Yeah.. we submitted last week, so we hope to get approval from apple and be available later this week or maybe early next week depending on how long apple feels like taking :)

Thanks for your interest!

Faceplant rep

On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 12:15 PM, <I> wrote:

I was really hoping for an app like this since apple didn’t include any integration within its own contact app. Is this been submitted to Apple and just awaiting approval? Just excited about this (as I know many others are) and any information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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