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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 7, 2007
Im trying to overclock the 2600XT in Vista and going nowhere fast. I have the latest 7.9 cats and Im using DH mobility program to alter the drivers. When I go to install the altered drivers it only gives me an option to install the catalyst manager. Im getting pretty frustrated here as I want to unlock the potential.

I am trying rivatuner 2.04 and the newest atitool as well to no avail on the 7.7s provided by bootcamp.

Has anyone had any luck overclocking this imac 2600XT in Vista?

Thanks in advance!
Nothing? not a single one of you yahoos has any info on this?
Nothing? not a single one of you yahoos has any info on this?

You may not get much help calling members of the forum "Yahoos". Anyways since this IS a "Mac" forum and your question is involving Windows it's best to ask that question, where else? A Windows forum.
Because it's an iMac and you are inquiring about the HD 2600 doesn't qualify this question to be answered in a Mac forum. Most people here are trying to refrain from using Windows which may be why no answer.
I can't even install any drivers beyond the out of date ones that come with Bootcamp, let alone think about overclocking!

I'm pretty sure it's not possible at the moment because the ATI software doesn't recognise the GPU as a bonefide Radeon. Its odd characteristics seem to flummox it and it's not recognised well.
I'm pretty sure it's not possible at the moment because the ATI software doesn't recognise the GPU as a bonefide Radeon. Its odd characteristics seem to flummox it and it's not recognised well.

I agree with this, the iMacs use a custom made GPU and standard ATI drivers wont recognise it.
I agree with this, the iMacs use a custom made GPU and standard ATI drivers wont recognise it.

I hate bad information...

Apple does not use a custom GPU. It is a standard ATi part.

All they do is modify the firmware (which is separate) to give the card a new "identification number". If you modify ANY* Radeon driver to include this new I.D. number then standard drivers will work on it.

*Of course the driver has to be compatible with a 2600...

Nothing? not a single one of you yahoos has any info on this?

I know how to do this. However being called a yahoo strangely makes me not want to help you! Good day!
I hate bad information...

Apple does not use a custom GPU. It is a standard ATi part.

All they do is modify the firmware (which is separate) to give the card a new "identification number". If you modify ANY* Radeon driver to include this new I.D. number then standard drivers will work on it.

*Of course the driver has to be compatible with a 2600...

I know how to do this. However being called a yahoo strangely makes me not want to help you! Good day!

How rude I was just trying to be helpful... Do you know for sure that this isn't a custom job (as in something between a PRO and XT)?
How rude I was just trying to be helpful... Do you know for sure that this isn't a custom job (as in something between a PRO and XT)?

naah im pretty sure its an undercloked XT. apple has put their own drivers on.

i tried upgrading to the windows catalyst drivers, and the omega ones.
both failed!!!!!
(this is in xp btw)
so i havent had ne luck either with OC'ing it.
naah im pretty sure its an undercloked XT. apple has put their own drivers on.

i tried upgrading to the windows catalyst drivers, and the omega ones.
both failed!!!!!
(this is in xp btw)
so i havent had ne luck either with OC'ing it.

Thanks for the info.

Anyway to trick the drivers to install to see how they work?
How rude I was just trying to be helpful... Do you know for sure that this isn't a custom job (as in something between a PRO and XT)?

Posting ill informed information isn't useful. You said the "iMacs use", not that you think they use. You weren't posting what you thought, you instead posted fact. Which is bad because you were wrong.

Have you any idea how much money it takes to make a custom GPU? Do you have any idea how much money it takes to make even a standard GPU?

As DOFOT9 said is it just an underclocked XT.

Please be helpful, but at least be correct. Wrong answers aren't helpful ones.

I could be helpful and tell someone that they can use petrol in a diesel car. I'm sure when they break down a few minutes later they won't be thinking that i was "helpful", especially not after they get the repair bill.

EDIT: I hate to post this because the OP wasn't very nice but other people want it. has a program which lets you modify radeon drivers to allow you to install them on an iMac.
DoFoT9 - you have to edit some ini files in Catalyst drivers (simple add "apple" ati card vendor id, you can find it in ini files from "apple" drivers from boot camp)
This is the reason why you couldn't install it, ati graphic card in imac has completely different vendor id than in original ini files from ATI.
There is a simplest way - just unpack the drivers from boot camp, delete all files from drivers folder, and put there drivers from new ati catalyst :)
I've installed catalyst 7.9 in al24" but I'm still not able to OC (tried att and amd gpu clock utility), the gpu and mem clocks are locked ... :(
Posting ill informed information isn't useful. You said the "iMacs use", not that you think they use. You weren't posting what you thought, you instead posted fact. Which is bad because you were wrong.

Have you any idea how much money it takes to make a custom GPU? Do you have any idea how much money it takes to make even a standard GPU?

As DOFOT9 said is it just an underclocked XT.

Please be helpful, but at least be correct. Wrong answers aren't helpful ones.

I could be helpful and tell someone that they can use petrol in a diesel car. I'm sure when they break down a few minutes later they won't be thinking that i was "helpful", especially not after they get the repair bill.

EDIT: I hate to post this because the OP wasn't very nice but other people want it. has a program which lets you modify radeon drivers to allow you to install them on an iMac.
aahh cmon cut the man some slack. you're always right about things are you??
does the driverhaven drivers actually allow you to OC?? or does it just allow you to use diff/more advanced drivers??

DoFoT9 - you have to edit some ini files in Catalyst drivers (simple add "apple" ati card vendor id, you can find it in ini files from "apple" drivers from boot camp)
This is the reason why you couldn't install it, ati graphic card in imac has completely different vendor id than in original ini files from ATI.
I've installed catalyst 7.9 in al24" but I'm still not able to OC (tried att and amd gpu clock utility)... :(

haha somehow i dont think the amd OC'ing utility will work.
so changing the ini files wont allow you to OC still?? dang huh!
EDIT: oh you changed the post. i now kind of understand. but OC still doesnt workies??
Posting ill informed information isn't useful. You said the "iMacs use", not that you think they use. You weren't posting what you thought, you instead posted fact. Which is bad because you were wrong.

At no point did I say what I said was gospel it was indeed what I thought to be true, it would get irritating if everyone said "I think" before everything they said because very rarely can you be 100% sure of something.

But on this, subject closed!, sorry for my mistake.
DoFoT9 - amd = ati
amd gpu clock utility, not amd clock utility :)

OC still doesnt works, probably they've locked gpu & mem clocks in card's bios...
DoFoT9 - amd = ati
amd gpu clock utility, not amd clock utility :)

OC still doesnt works, probably they've locked gpu & mem clocks in card's bios...

lol wth am i on then????? oohh nvidia.. hahah im retarted.
but ati-tool is still the OC'ing tool tho aye??? so im not completely off :p
hhmm amd doesnt make drivers for the 2600 MOBILE. they leave that up to the manufactorer, 3rd party drivers must be used id say...
hhmm amd doesnt make drivers for the 2600 MOBILE. they leave that up to the manufactorer, 3rd party drivers must be used id say...
They don't have to, just install desktop version 7.9 :)
I'm sure this is not the drivers issue, they've locked clocks in bios...
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