Hello, as a mac virgin who just got a blackbook, (i know i know.. theres a sucker born every minute
) i thought i shared some of the most "missed" tools/software with after switching to windows.
I'd like to thank those who have contributed to these solutions. Your answers are very much appreciated
1. I Miss my Microsoft office program..
- Alternatives include open office at www.openoffice.org
- MS office 2004 edition for mac (runs crazily slow)
- http://www.neooffice.org/
2. How do i transfer itunes music from my PC to Mac?
- Check out apple's website
- Copy all your music on your PC onto a DVD, insert this DVD to your mac and startup itunes, click on file and click ADD to library
- copy across network
3. Why does my mouse (logitech, genius etc) or trackpad feel so slow?
- Try going to Systems pref> Keyboard and Mouse > Mouse/Trackpad
4. How do i expand the browser, everything's too small!
- Drag the bottom right corner of your window to the size you wish
- Make two bookmarks in your Bookmarks bar, mine is called (N) for Normal size and (F) for Full screen. Right/ctrl-click the bookmark and Edit Address (Safari)/Edit properties (Firefox) and give them these addresses:
5. More resources here:
- www.freemacware.com
- http://guides.macrumors.com/Category:Apple_Software
6. What are the options for COPY, PASTE, SELECT ALL in Mac?
- It's the command/apple key (there's one on each side of the space bar) and the normal C, V AND A
- Cycling between aps APPLE key + TAB
7. What software allows you to use iSight and your Mic to chat with MSN people?
- MSN Messenger for mac
- Adium
I'd like to thank those who have contributed to these solutions. Your answers are very much appreciated
1. I Miss my Microsoft office program..
- Alternatives include open office at www.openoffice.org
- MS office 2004 edition for mac (runs crazily slow)
- http://www.neooffice.org/
2. How do i transfer itunes music from my PC to Mac?
- Check out apple's website
- Copy all your music on your PC onto a DVD, insert this DVD to your mac and startup itunes, click on file and click ADD to library
- copy across network
3. Why does my mouse (logitech, genius etc) or trackpad feel so slow?
- Try going to Systems pref> Keyboard and Mouse > Mouse/Trackpad
4. How do i expand the browser, everything's too small!
- Drag the bottom right corner of your window to the size you wish
- Make two bookmarks in your Bookmarks bar, mine is called (N) for Normal size and (F) for Full screen. Right/ctrl-click the bookmark and Edit Address (Safari)/Edit properties (Firefox) and give them these addresses:
5. More resources here:
- www.freemacware.com
- http://guides.macrumors.com/Category:Apple_Software
6. What are the options for COPY, PASTE, SELECT ALL in Mac?
- It's the command/apple key (there's one on each side of the space bar) and the normal C, V AND A
- Cycling between aps APPLE key + TAB
7. What software allows you to use iSight and your Mic to chat with MSN people?
- MSN Messenger for mac
- Adium