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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 18, 2006
Hello, as a mac virgin who just got a blackbook, (i know i know.. theres a sucker born every minute :rolleyes:) i thought i shared some of the most "missed" tools/software with after switching to windows.:)

I'd like to thank those who have contributed to these solutions. Your answers are very much appreciated

1. I Miss my Microsoft office program..
- Alternatives include open office at
- MS office 2004 edition for mac (runs crazily slow)

2. How do i transfer itunes music from my PC to Mac?

- Check out apple's website
- Copy all your music on your PC onto a DVD, insert this DVD to your mac and startup itunes, click on file and click ADD to library
- copy across network

3. Why does my mouse (logitech, genius etc) or trackpad feel so slow?

- Try going to Systems pref> Keyboard and Mouse > Mouse/Trackpad

4. How do i expand the browser, everything's too small!
- Drag the bottom right corner of your window to the size you wish
- Make two bookmarks in your Bookmarks bar, mine is called (N) for Normal size and (F) for Full screen. Right/ctrl-click the bookmark and Edit Address (Safari)/Edit properties (Firefox) and give them these addresses:



5. More resources here:

6. What are the options for COPY, PASTE, SELECT ALL in Mac?
- It's the command/apple key (there's one on each side of the space bar) and the normal C, V AND A
- Cycling between aps APPLE key + TAB

7. What software allows you to use iSight and your Mic to chat with MSN people?
- MSN Messenger for mac
- Adium
1. Drag the bottom right corner to the width/height you want
2. The easiest way is probably to go into iTunes and import them from the DVD (I believe it's under the 'File' menu option at the top of the screen)
3. You can adjust mouse sensitivity in your System Preferences (click on the apple logo in the top left corner of your screen)

4. Enjoy =P

farqueue said:
1. The internet browser is soo teeny, how do i expand it to full screen?

Well, the green button makes the window the size it need to be. You arnt in the windows world anymore of taking up the whole screen for a web browser window.

2. I copied my itunes folder onto a DVD so that i can transfer all my music from me PEECEE to my new macbook, how do i place or find the itunes directory?

Put the DVD in and then open itunes. then go to File>Add to Library. Then locate the iTunes music folder on the DVD and you should be good to go.

3. Why does my logitech mouse feel so slow.......???

Go to System preferences>keyboard and mouse. Under there should be something to turn up the tracking speed. I would also try to find the logitech drives for your mouse. Also think about a program called mousezoom which will allow you to speed up the mouse tracking speed.

Hope that helps
how do you like it so far?

isn't it a whole lot better? doesn't looking at the desktop give you a warm fuzzy feeling?
ok thanks, but how do i make the icons at the bottom smaller?

i have seen on certain ppls mac when u move ur mouse over the icons at the bottom enlarge etc
Systems Preferences > Dock

You gotta start playing around with the options more. Click on things. A lot of it is in System Preferences.
farqueue said:
ok thanks, but how do i make the icons at the bottom smaller?

i have seen on certain ppls mac when u move ur mouse over the icons at the bottom enlarge etc

System Preferences -> Dock

You can "tweak" quite a few things in System Preferences to get 'em the way you like them. Enjoy and check out the guides section of macrumors. :)
There's the grey line towards the right of your dock that seperates the trash can from the other apps. Click on that line and drag. That will change the size. To change any other options, go into System Preferences and then into Dock.
Congrats on the purchase of your 1st Mac and congrats on making the switch
amac4me said:
Congrats on the purchase of your 1st Mac and congrats on making the switch

Thanks everyone, i just realised how much i was missing all those years... :)

This is a really cool OS, still need getting used to tho :rolleyes:
and my blackbook is just gorgeous:D
w8ing4intelmacs said:


One thing that i still miss about windows is MS office, and MSN web messenger...

any alternatives to MSN webmessenger, as most of my friends use it? the MSN software that Microsoft provides for mac sucks, and its laggy, and i cant use the isight or voice comm at all.... and MS office takes FOREVER to load :(
farqueue said:

One thing that i still miss about windows is MS office, and MSN web messenger...

any alternatives to MSN webmessenger, as most of my friends use it? the MSN software that Microsoft provides for mac sucks, and its laggy, and i cant use the isight or voice comm at all.... and MS office takes FOREVER to load :(

personally 3 years post switching, I still miss a real maximise button. To me it's just more of the one button mouse mentality.

BTW does anyone know if there is a third party app that can add that functionality?
MB Buyer? said:
personally 3 years post switching, I still miss a real maximise button. To me it's just more of the one button mouse mentality.

Give it a chance... it's amazing how soon you'll get used to the idea of using all your screen real estate by overalling useful windows rather than having everything full maximised.

I manually maximised things for the first few weeks when I got my Mac again. Now in Windows at work, I work with windows that I've manually resized to 'just wide enough' without white space and overlap them. Now, if I could only get my programs to interleave as they do on my Mac, I'd be content.
farqueue said:
2. How do i transfer itunes music from my PC to Mac?
- Check out apple's website
- Copy all your music on your PC onto a DVD, insert this DVD to your mac and startup itunes, click on file and click ADD to library:

The easiest way that I've found is to use a crossover cable between your mac and pc and then just copy the files over.
farqueue said:
Does adium allow voice and video chat to other MSN users?
No, aMSN allows video chat but I don't think it does audio yet, to see how best to copy your music over see [guide]copying music from your old pc to new mac[/guide]

for number 6, you use Command (the one next to the space bar) instead of control on your PC, the letter combinations are usually the same, (except command-Q quit's)

farqueue said:
6. What are the options for COPY, PASTE, SELECT ALL in Mac?
- Urrr someone please update me on this:confused:

It's the command/apple key (there's one on each side of the space bar) and the normal C, V AND A.
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