Yes, I know, I didn't really want to say you could do it this way, it's not really for beginners/newbies.
But since you started I will explain this in short.
Open script editor, paste...
tell application "System Events"
shut down
end tell
....Into the area, under the file menu click export, choose export as an application run only and safe it on your desktop.
Also do this for the restart option.
So, you have now two Apps called ShutDown and Restart on your desktop but the icons are the same.
If you get info on the App you'll see something like in the screenshot below, click on the icon, it changes to blue, next choose a nice icon on an app that you want to set as the icon for the one above, again get info, click on the icon in the get info panel, it's blue, copy that one, next click on the other info panel and paste it into that one.
It's not hard if you know the tricks, for a newbie it's fairly hard.
View attachment 746939
Edit: WTF, it only works just after login, at least sleep works just after login, not later, and the other ones don't work either, tried without run only but doesn't work, will try later on again.