Still sour, that flavor of finding out that the OneDrive that my client historically used and the OneDrive(for Business) that came with the new Office Small Business license I set her up with were not the same....
for now. Dropbox has also been taking their sweet time and have yet to show us what potential disaster is waiting for us. If this is anything like iCloud drive, it’s going to be hell especially for those who have big cloud storage but smaller storage space on the startup volume. Even on an friend’s 16gb ipad, they had constant issues with icloud drive syncing everything until there was 0 bytes free on the device and issues like randomly deleting all unsynced files if they ever toggled the icloud switch before it finished (it obviously can’t). Or suck up 80 GB of bandwidth per day syncing a random set of SMALL files non stop (macbook)
I currently have my startup volume as small as possible (keeping all data on a separate volume) so backups/restores from testing newer OSes are as quick and compact as possible. With just 40gb usage, i can really easily replicate that volume onto an external SSD to test things before committing.
Not going to be a happy camper if i’m forced to store 1TB on my startup volume.