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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 15, 2008
Holly Springs, NC
Looking for those who have experienced being on the waitlist for iPad 3g. How long before you were notified it was in? I'm trying to decide if I should continue waiting, or, just order online? Thanks.
Looking for those who have experienced being on the waitlist for iPad 3g. How long before you were notified it was in? I'm trying to decide if I should continue waiting, or, just order online? Thanks.

I have been on the 16GB 3g list since last Friday and the 32GB list since Monday night. . .
Memphis TN

Been on the wait list at the local Apple Store for a 16G 3G since Monday.
Pittsburgh, PA

Got on the "Notify Me" list for a iPad 3G (32 GB) on Sunday and picked it up on Wednesday (3 days).
Natick, MA

On waitlist since Sunday, May 2. Called yesterday, no deliveries yet. Still waiting.
I was told by the Apple store employee that the waiting list was faster. But I got on the list for a 3G 64GB last friday, about 15 minutes after they ran out, and I still haven't gotten an email about it.
How to get on the Waiting List

Forgive my ignorance, but how does one go about getting on the waiting list? Can it be done online or do I have to go to the store in person? Thanks.
Go to an Apple store and request to go on the waiting list. It takes about 3 - 4 days. If you order online, it will takes at least a week. I was on the waiting list since Sat afternoon and got the email to pick up my iPad 3G on yesterday.
The correct answer is both. Cancel or return the one that comes in last. Pretty simple.
I've been on the wait list for the 64 GB 3G since Monday afternoon. I'm getting a little impatient but I don't think it will be too much longer. Hopefully by the weekend.
Ok guys - what's your status today?

I've been on the list for 32G 3G since Sunday. Nothing yet. Sadly, if I had ordered online, it should ship today, or so, right?

How are you doing? Where are you? Again, I'm in Cary, NC, which includes Raleigh/Durham Apple Stores.....
Been on the Waiting list here in S. Jersey since Friday at 6PM for a 64GB 3G.

Told that we were probably the first ones on the list for the store. One week later still nothing.
Sloooooww. I've been on the WL for a 16g 3g since Monday morning and no email yet, crossing my fingers for today.
I've been on the list for 32G 3G since Sunday. Nothing yet. Sadly, if I had ordered online, it should ship today, or so, right?

How are you doing? Where are you? Again, I'm in Cary, NC, which includes Raleigh/Durham Apple Stores.....

Pirate, I am with you. I went to both Crabtree and Southpoint Stores and got on their waiting list on Monday....still no email... I also ordered one online Monday as a backup plan...supposed to be delivered May 12 - 18th...

64GB 3g by the way
Last weekend, I made some calls to a couple semi-local BB's that have Apple stores. No luck. I know some people at one local BB and didn't get much hope that waiting for BB to get some would go well. Went to the local Apple store, they had WiFi's, but no 3G's. Didn't hear anything about a list, then again, I didn't ask.

End of story, I ordered one. At the time, Apple said it would ship in 5 to 7 business days. Today is day 5. I'm hoping the pre-exiting May 7 ship deadline/backlog clears soon. I'm after all those...
The race is on

After carefully reviewing return policies, I've placed an online order to augment my "waitlist" order. Online order status says "Ships 5-7 days, Delivers:May 15-May21.

If I end up with two, I suspect I'll have no problem unloading one of them!
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