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I ordered online on May 2 and my order for a 32GB 3G changed status to Prepared for Shipment yesterday. At the same time, I got on the waitlist at a local Apple Store last Monday and I got an email this morning telling me it's ready for pickup.
No news yet for me

I ordered online on May 2 and my order for a 32GB 3G changed status to Prepared for Shipment. I got on the waitlist at a local Apple Store last Monday and I got an email this morning telling me it's ready for pickup.

Waitlist last Monday. Order online Friday.
... I got on the waitlist at a local Apple Store last Monday and I got an email this morning telling me it's ready for pickup.

You got an email telling you to pick it up on a Sunday? I'm a little surprised as I wouldn't think they would get shipments on a Sunday. But what do I know? This leaves me hopeful that I may get the email today. Which Apple store do you go to?
If you have the time to make a return trip get on the wait list and you should get a call in 2 to 4 days, then you will have a 24 hour window to pick it up or your reservation is voided. If you can wait you might be better off ordering through the Apple Online Store.
You got an email telling you to pick it up on a Sunday? I'm a little surprised as I wouldn't think they would get shipments on a Sunday. But what do I know? This leaves me hopeful that I may get the email today. Which Apple store do you go to?

Yes, I was surprised to get the email this morning. I have until tomorrow to pick it up.
You got an email telling you to pick it up on a Sunday? I'm a little surprised as I wouldn't think they would get shipments on a Sunday. But what do I know? This leaves me hopeful that I may get the email today. Which Apple store do you go to?

I think a lot of these are from people who never show for their pickup, so the next person on the list gets it.

the shipment would have could have been days ago.
I think a lot of these are from people who never show for their pickup, so the next person on the list gets it.

the shipment would have could have been days ago.

That could be. But I've been on the list since 4/30...launch of the 3G. I was in line when they sold out of the 16GB's and I was on the list shortly after. I imagine I'm at the top of the list somewhere.

FWIW - I got my email today, and have my shiney new toy. Eight days on the waitlist. My order from last Friday still said "ordered", so, today I cancelled it.

All's well, that ends well....

I placed an order online today, then decided it would be quicker to go waitlist. So I got on the waitlist and then canceled the online order.

Now I'm a little worried that canceling the online order automatically canceled the waitlist as well. Anyone know for sure?
Call the applestore where you wait listed to be sure

I placed an order online today, then decided it would be quicker to go waitlist. So I got on the waitlist and then canceled the online order.

Now I'm a little worried that canceling the online order automatically canceled the waitlist as well. Anyone know for sure?

I would be surprised if they are connected. You should have received an email from apple confirming the wait list.
Patiently waiting

I am on the wait list at two Apple stores. Went on the first list Monday night and the second one on Tuesday afternoon. I have hope that I will get my hands on my shiny new 64GB wifi+3G soon! All I want to do is give Apple more of my hard earned money. Don't they get it?
I would be surprised if they are connected. You should have received an email from apple confirming the wait list.

Yeah, I did, but then I got my online-order cancel confirmation afterwards, so I was vaguely worried that it canceled both.
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