Fairly big difference between them and usually a reason why people choose certain models. By starting a post, most would assume you wanted to start a discussion
Assuming you have it now, enjoying it?
It’s great. With the case i got it’s a bit bulky. I got a genuine leather iPad case by case-made that I paid $55 for.
I could definitely see it being useful. It’s really a product for enhancing what you already do, not a great standalone toy. That being said, it could be quite useful for what I already do. Typing on it (doing that now) absolutely sucks. I also wish the app switcher showed big icons instead of tiles. That being said, I can see myself using it a lot. Like, wow apple has created something awesome here.
It’s definitely not as good as the first gen iPad. Setting it up, despite apples best efforts was a PITA. Also, I feel like iPad apps are a bit clumsy. When the iPad was new, the dedicated iPad apps were absolutely amazing, making full use of the device.
Apple’s news+ is what I’m really excited for.. overall I really like it, when I fixed the screen, I saw the engineering on the inside. Wow. Like, woooow. Apples hardware is so streamlined and well done, I just stared st it for a while. No stray cables. The machining on the aluminum is incredible. The aluminum is also out of some incredible allow.
I could go on, but it’s getting rambly.
For what you pay it’s a no brained.
Regarding the other iPads, I don’t see much difference between them. The small feature differences to me mean nothing, and I like the physical home button.