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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Apr 2, 2011
New Jersey
Okay folks I got my Note 8 yesterday. First...WOW, I forgot how many customization settings there are. It is simply amazing!!

Quick first impressions. The design of the phone is beautiful. Build quality is outstanding. I heard that build quality was good but I actually didn't expect it to be as good as it is. I can honestly say that it's as good and in some respects better than the iPhone.

The overall smoothness of the OS, the animations, opening/closing apps, typing Etsy is flawless. This phone is extremely smooth. Dare I say that it's a bit smother than my iPhone 7 Plus. This surprised me a bit. I guess I've just read so many negative comments about Android, (and Samsung in general) on these forums that it became a truth at some point in my mind.

The screen is gorgeous. Extremely sharp, great contrast and excellent color rendering. The fact that you can tweak the screen settings is awesome and a very welcome feature that I wish iPhone had.

The camera is also impressive. I only took a couple snapshots without editing any of the settings and the pics came out great. I took a couple nighttime shots and was very impressed with the lack of noise and the overall clarity and sharpness.

The phone is easy to grip and it's not slippery at all. As a matter of fact it feels almost sticky in hand which is really nice. On my iPhones I used the minimalist Peel or Caudabē cases only because they made it much easier to hold the phones otherwise they were just too slippery. I think I'm not even going to bother with a case for my Note.

One really nice surprise is that the AirPods work exactly the same in regards to tapping to pause/play. I though that setting was administered in the phone rather than the AirPods.

Absolutely love the stock keyboard. I was concerned that this might have been one thing I didn't like considering how long I've used iOS keyboards but concern evaporated 5 minutes into using the Note.

Couple things I wish it had are bounce at the bottom and tap to scroll to top. Certainly not deal breakers in any way but would have been nice to have.

I've tried all the unlocking methods and since I need prescription glasses the iris scan is last in terms of usability, facial recognition works extremely well and very fast, and the finger print unlock also works great but the positioning of the sensor could have been better.

I may start a review thread in a couple of weeks but for now I'm very happy and looking forward to discovering a lot more about Android and the Note 8 in the coming days.
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