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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 26, 2007
i wish apple would give us folders on the iPhone - i see pages and pages of applications and web links.


macrumors 65816
Mar 15, 2008
It's not the best solution, but you can organize each page as if it were a folder - like have a page (or two) for games, a page for web links, etc. Then put your most-used stuff on the main page.


macrumors 68000
Feb 12, 2008
It's not the best solution, but you can organize each page as if it were a folder - like have a page (or two) for games, a page for web links, etc. Then put your most-used stuff on the main page.

Exactly. After all, Apple didn't expect anyone to use nine pages of webapps, right? :p


macrumors 65816
Sep 26, 2006
A question for those who have uploaded a bunch of apps on their iPhone already. Where do the apps GO, in terms of where on your homescreens? Do they just fill up the first available free space you have? Or do they end up on a separate new homescreen?

Right now, I have all my homescreens organized the way DreamPod mentioned: 1 for games, 1 for news/entertainment sites, 1 for social sites, 1 for main Apple apps, etc. Most of the screens have only 1 or 2 available spaces left. I've already downloaded about two dozen apps from the app store, but when I get the 2.0 software and sync them to my phone, I'm curious as to how they will end up appearing on the phone...


macrumors 68000
Feb 12, 2008
A question for those who have uploaded a bunch of apps on their iPhone already. Where do the apps GO, in terms of where on your homescreens? Do they just fill up the first available free space you have? Or do they end up on a separate new homescreen?

Right now, I have all my homescreens organized the way DreamPod mentioned: 1 for games, 1 for news/entertainment sites, 1 for social sites, 1 for main Apple apps, etc. Most of the screens have only 1 or 2 available spaces left. I've already downloaded about two dozen apps from the app store, but when I get the 2.0 software and sync them to my phone, I'm curious as to how they will end up appearing on the phone...

Just fills up the free space. So when you have the 2.0 software and the contacts app is on the second page, the apps still fill the last two spaces of the first page, then it starts as the second app on the second page (cause the first app on the second page is the contacts).
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