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macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2008
I’m up to 3 sport loop clones and all are nearly indistinguishable from the Apple ones (that I also own). All 3 of my loops are exactly the same width as the 42mm Apple loops and lugs fit securely without gaps. The most notable difference is they are all about 1” longer than my Nike S4 black reflective loop, but I think even the Apple branded loops were longer until the S4 generation? I would not rate these clones clearly better than Apple branded other than price.

I’d recommend Crested brand at for $5-7 loops vs $50 Apple brand any day, as long as you find a color you like. Also got one from Amazon but it was double the price for the same thing, so I’d rather wait a week or two and order from AliExpress. (yes mine arrived in under 2 weeks!)

If you simply must have the current Apple colors then you have no choice but to pony up or wait and hope it’s cloned eventually. [Update: Appears they already have the Fall 2018 sport loop colors!] However the opposite is also true; you can buy clones of many colors and styles that Apple no longer sells.
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