It was there, if you had looked closer.Dark mode aside, the widely reported system-wide font switch from Helvetica Neue to San Francisco - I don't see any sign of it...
It was there, if you had looked closer.Dark mode aside, the widely reported system-wide font switch from Helvetica Neue to San Francisco - I don't see any sign of it...
Complete the keynote? I was back to sleep so I didn't follow it at that time.Dark mode aside, the widely reported system-wide font switch from Helvetica Neue to San Francisco - I don't see any sign of it...
Basically no change.someone with the beta can confirm/dismiss that aren't changes in the dark mode?
Somehow I doubt this would be something they silently add without announcing it at WWDC. However, darkened context menus are a good idea and there's a chance we may see those appear sometime.Well, I'm hoping they add to it thought the betas. Remember that dark mode didn't include Spotlight or the volume/brightness indicators at first.
Though I want it for App UIs, it really needs to be there for the Control-Click menu because the white menu with the black menubar and dock looks really out of place.
Basically no change.
Somehow I doubt this would be something they silently add without announcing it at WWDC. However, darkened context menus are a good idea and there's a chance we may see those appear sometime.
Agreed. Safari, for example, should have a space gray type look to match the menu.I love Dark Mode, but yeah it doesn't seem finished to me. I would have loved to seen dark mode applied to dialog to windows. It is very inconsistent. (Something I just live with)
I like dark mode not just aesthetically, but it help increase contrast and usability in some places (white menubar translucency on a dark background leads to black text on a murky grey background.).
I'd like to see it implemented for app UIs like in Finder and Safari.
Dark mode aside, the widely reported system-wide font switch from Helvetica Neue to San Francisco - I don't see any sign of it...
ye what is the point of DM if its not across the board, late at night I just dont want to see white unless its a font..... duh.The current Yosemite implementation of dark mode for just the menu bar and dock seems incomplete and doesn't match the rest of the UI very well. Does anyone think 10.11 will come with a system-wide dark mode, and if so what apps will it be compatible with?
Your wish has come true with macOS 10.14 Mojave and it looks stunning.QuickTime X has always had a dark theme to it. Even without dark mode unable it should still look like that. Just like iMovie. I think it looks really good though. Apple needs to implement it system wide.
I'd need to see photos to believe this.Your wish has come true with macOS 10.14 Mojave and it looks stunning.