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Originally posted by alexholden
what would make me feel better about my computer is if

imovie3 actually worked!! ive downloaded all of the updates
and it still doesnt work!!

im very disapointed in apple. ive been using imovie on os9 for
a year and had no problems! and now after a week imovie on
ox 10 is completley trashed?!?!?!?!

i cant beilve it....i would expect this from a pc but never apple.


Hold on there. What you are experiencing is an exception to the norm - unfortunately, it seems to be you it is happening to.

Have you repaired permissions through Disk Utility?

Have you run fsck? ("s" at startup, "fsck -y" at the prompt, re-run until clean, then "reboot")

If that doesn't work, if you still have the Jaguar CD, do a "Software Restore" don't worry - it keeps your settings.

Run techtool?

Run Diskwarrior?
Originally posted by patrick0brien

Have you repaired permissions through Disk Utility?

Have you run fsck? ("s" at startup, "fsck -y" at the prompt, re-run until clean, then "reboot")

If that doesn't work, if you still have the Jaguar CD, do a "Software Restore" don't worry - it keeps your settings.

yes i repaird permissions often should you do that?

ok...what is 'fsck' ive seen that several times on this board and
i have know idea of what that is. could you explain that a little just barely computer literate :)

thanks for your help i really appreciate it.

after updating my imove, quicktime and os...imovie is working now
(knock on wood!!) although when i first updated these programs
imovie was still crashing like it was before i updated everything.

but then the next day it was working.....still waiting for the ball
to drop, a feeling i never thought i would have on an apple...
but oh well...begers can be choosers as my old pappy use to



I have OS X 10.2 running on an old 400mhz iMac.
Works fine for me. I also have a brand new 2ghz P4 laptop.
Other than folding, I have not seen a lot of difference.
My iPhoto library has almost 3k pictures, and I have 38gig of mp3s.
I music opens pretty much instantly and iPhoto takes about 3 seconds.

On the other hand, as most people mentioned, I don't have to reboot the iMac everyday like I do with XP.
Originally posted by alexholden yes i repaird permissions often should you do that?
I tend to do it when my machine starts to aske flaky like forgetting my finderpreferences. Winds up being every 3 months or so.

Originally posted by alexholden
ok...what is 'fsck' ive seen that several times on this board and
i have know idea of what that is.
fsck is UNIX-ese for File Sysem Check. And you do it by one of two ways, forced restart by holding down the power key for five seconds (please don't do this), or as you hear the startup 'bong' press the 's' key on your keyboard (single user mode - command line interface). At the command line, type 'fsck -y' let it run. it should say file system ok (or somethingorother), if it says anything about repairing stuff, keep rerunning it until it says everything is ok. Then in the command line type 'reboot'.

Originally posted by alexholden
my old pappy use to say
We a Mark Twain fan?
For what it's worth, you may not detect bad RAM with software. Might be a good idea to open up the machine and remove a chipe and see if things feel better or worse (keeping in mind that you just cut your memory back, I think you may be able to determine whether or not RAM is part of the equation).

Wow, look how quickly everyone jumps in to help. That's what I love about this site.

I'm a recent switcher and after a year or so of using my ibook I have to complain on some points:
first of all I didnt believe it, but also OSX crashes sometimes.
second, there are some things that I really dont understand:
why is the dvd player in OSX so clumsy and lacking simple functions like a fast forward or a rewind button? (Windows Media Player is far better)
Why is Quicktime not able to play DVD?
Why is OSX not able to handle UDF CD-RW discs like floppys as Windows does? (I mean a simple drag-and drop utility like InCD by Nero).
I think Apple has still a lot to work in order to catch up the divide in some areas.
Originally posted by maccarone
I'm a recent switcher and after a year or so of using my ibook I have to complain on some points:
first of all I didnt believe it, but also OSX crashes sometimes.
yes. this is not OS X's fault, you've done something wrong (installed bad software, put in bad RAM, or you have another hardware problem). or you may need to run routine maintenance like repairing permissions.
second, there are some things that I really dont understand:
why is the dvd player in OSX so clumsy and lacking simple functions like a fast forward or a rewind button? (Windows Media Player is far better)
don't ever suggest that WMP is better. you have no idea, man. uuugh! if you want to ff/rw in DVD player, all you have to do is hold down the (<<) or (>>) button on the little floating console. there are also "Fast forward" and "rewind" buttons on the control menu of the menubar.
Why is Quicktime not able to play DVD?
why do you care, when DVD player works fine? but for a legit reason, you can't fullscreen QT without paying for it. so if you could only play DVDs in QT, you would have to pay like $30 to watch them fullscreen.
Why is OSX not able to handle UDF CD-RW discs like floppys as Windows does? (I mean a simple drag-and drop utility like InCD by Nero).
yeah. they are definitely weak in the CD copying area. be patient!
Why is OSX not able to handle UDF CD-RW discs like floppys as Windows does? (I mean a simple drag-and drop utility like InCD by Nero).

yeah. they are definitely weak in the CD copying area. be patient!

---> There are two ways to look at this:

1) Neither X nor XP actually treat CD-RW's like they are floppies (inCD is a third-party application). Therefore (although, I agree that OS X can expand on the CD-RW abilities), this is not an XP advantage over X.

2) Regardless of the source, with the proper software, XP is capable of treating CD-RW's like floppies and X is not. Is this truly a problem with the expandability of X -- OR -- just a function that no Software Producer has yet to work on for X??? Maybe we, as Mac users, should be emailing the Software manufacturers about this.

Anyway, making a comparison between XP and X in an area that neither Microsoft NOR Apple have addressed would be like stating that X cannot open a Microsoft Word document without first having Microsoft Word installed. After all, XP cannot open a Microsoft Word document without first having Microsoft Word installed. (In fact, Microsoft WORKS does not easily handle Word documents either!)

THE IRONY HERE: in Panther, X WILL OPEN Microsoft Word documents without the installation of Microsoft Word (i.e. FREE!) and Microsoft's own Windows XP will still not accomplish that feat!
Originally posted by shadowfax
yes. this is not OS X's fault, you've done something wrong (installed bad software, put in bad RAM, or you have another hardware problem). or you may need to run routine maintenance like repairing permissions.
If it's the users fault that the Mac crashes, then the same should count for the PC! As OSX, XP is also extremly stabile when you use good HW!

My Mac has actually crashed more than my PC, because the Mac doesn't support my HW very well.

There is no doubt at all that XP is more snappie than OSX!

Apps like Photoshop 7, Illustrator 10, Dreamweaver MX and Flash MX works alot better on XP than OSX. This is not Apple's fault, but thats just the way it is. I guess these programs will get alot better in the next version when OS9 is out of the picture.

This place is loaded with Macheads who worship Mac. Open your eyes, OSX aint perfect, either is XP!
Originally posted by F/reW/re
If it's the users fault that the Mac crashes, then the same should count for the PC! As OSX, XP is also extremly stabile when you use good HW!

My Mac has actually crashed more than my PC, because the Mac doesn't support my HW very well.

There is no doubt at all that XP is more snappie than OSX!

Apps like Photoshop 7, Illustrator 10, Dreamweaver MX and Flash MX works alot better on XP than OSX. This is not Apple's fault, but thats just the way it is. I guess these programs will get alot better in the next version when OS9 is out of the picture.

This place is loaded with Macheads who worship Mac. Open your eyes, OSX aint perfect, either is XP!
"the mac" supports your hardware just fine, unless it's broken (ram problem, bad mobo, etc). as for apps being better on XP, that's crap. photoshop 7 is fine on my mac, much better than on the PCs i've used it on.

i don't unconditionally worship apple, and there are few here who do. there are, however, a lot of newbies and jerks who come in here and accuse us of doing just that. it's a great way to get a warm welcome.

i wasn't talking about software like adobe, flash, etc; i was thinking more along the lines of bad antivirus software, small-name apps that haven't been tested enough and do quirky things to your system, and so on.

the basic principle behind this is simple. one man's computer runs unstably. he runs OS X. my computer runs OS X too, and it's rock solid. the logical conclusion is that it's not OS X per se that is the cause of the problem. it's the hardware. or something messing OS X up.

i don't know where you got the idea that i think XP is unstable by comparison. you will find, however, after running it for a month without restarting, that such is the case--compared to my OS X box, at any rate. but for a week's uptime, i was impressed with windows XP. it's very stable and usable. it's also ugly and overbearing (think activation here)
Originally posted by shadowfax
"the mac" supports your hardware just fine, unless it's broken (ram problem, bad mobo, etc). as for apps being better on XP, that's crap. photoshop 7 is fine on my mac, much better than on the PCs i've used it on.
The Mac does not support my HW. I have feks tried to use one of my USB ISDN modems on my iBook. Everythime I plug it in I get the GreyScreen. This problem was suppose to be fixed in 10.2.5 or something, but still isn't.

i wasn't talking about software like adobe, flash, etc; i was thinking more along the lines of bad antivirus software, small-name apps that haven't been tested enough and do quirky things to your system, and so on.
This counts for XP as well!

the basic principle behind this is simple. one man's computer runs unstably. he runs OS X. my computer runs OS X too, and it's rock solid. the logical conclusion is that it's not OS X per se that is the cause of the problem. it's the hardware. or something messing OS X up.
My OSX is also rock solid exept for thoose small HW issues. On the other side my XP is also rock solid as long as I don't crash it on purpose.

i don't know where you got the idea that i think XP is unstable by comparison.
The whole quote was not directly to you, sorry.
you will find, however, after running it for a month without restarting, that such is the case--compared to my OS X box, at any rate. but for a week's uptime, i was impressed with windows XP. it's very stable and usable. it's also ugly and overbearing (think activation here)
There is software that let you emty RAM etc. This can make your XP run many weeks without restarting. Knowledge is power, spes in XP. On OSX there aint that much you can or have to do to make it work.
Yes, XP is ugly ;)
Originally posted by F/reW/re
On OSX there aint that much you can or have to do to make it work.
i agree that there is not much you have to do. but there is a TON that you can do to maintain it, with just a slight familiarity with the terminal, with disk utility.

heh, i was just thinking, one of the longterm advantages of OS X is the file system (suck it, mymemory :p). we don't need to defrag it, ever, because the file system keeps itself pretty darn clean.

In support of Shadowfax's comment about having to restart, My 12"PB has been up for 46days 2:06hrs.

It's plenty stable - if you don't do anything bone-headed.

{EDIT} Let me add a little info about this PB to the mix for some further credence. This machine travels with me to wor every day and plugs into a Windows 2000 network with Novell. Interfaces with my desktop Compaq Evo (typing this now on it), then when I bring it home, I FoldersSynch with my 2001 Quicksilver.

It's by far the mose traveled, used and abuse machine I own - and it doesn't even have a scratch.
46+ days!

Yep my macs (including the laptops, which sleep, not shutdown) are typically on continuously unless a Software Update -- or -- a third party Software install requires a restart.

I can hardly say that about any of the new Dells we run at work. Also, as you install new software (of any type) on the Dells, they get slower. My Macs have typically gotten faster as time goes by (especially when OS X updates have come out)!
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