If I Safe Boot, what is the process/procedure to follow in order to check what resources are being used or are causing issues problems?
I emailed SuperDuper about the 35.09GB difference in HD & SSD sizes after transferring all the data & if any Data was missing & was told that:
"This is due to sleep images, swap files, temporary files and the like. You may have even had some "dead" folders in /Volumes from network mounts that failed. If you received no errors, you're fine."
Does that sound correct to you as I just wish to ensure that there was no actual Data Missing or Loss?
I have now deleted all on your list except Flash as I not sure where version 10 is - I cannot seem to find it? The info I get is mine is version I also found some Flash Folders (one called PepperFlashPlayer?) & a Flash Player.prefpane - are these the ones you mean or something else? Where is this Flash 10 so I can get rid of it?
As for RAM< it gets very heavily used/depleted - with no apps running it varies between 3-5GB & if only Mail & Safari are running then it can get into the low MB region. CPU usage on basic apps/usage is still very high & I get a fait few spikes when the fans kick in at high speed randomly & temps go crazy - much higher than on Mavericks. I still get Spinning Beach Balls & this quite upsets me as I did not think that would ever happen with a SSD?
Yes, for SuperDuper, there are lots of things that don't get cloned, because it is a waste of time/space. The Sleep Image, for example is the same size as the amount of RAM installed, in this case 16GB. Your Mac will build a new Sleep Image...no need to move it.
Cache and other files are similar: Temp, OS stuff, not user data, no reason to move.
As for RAM, looks OK. Modern OSes manage RAM in such a way that it varies widely by what is installed and what is used.
FLash looks OK. the version report above was likely a reference to something else. Disregard.