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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 21, 2001
Macfanatics please take note. OSX has been a disaster despite all the hype. It came out unuseable and is slowly addressing bug after bug. But look at what its doing to potential software developers:

The Mac OS X release of ThinkFree Office has been pulled until Apple fixes a serious bug in their MRJ, Robert Jackson, ThinkFree's technical support manager, said in an e-mail message. "I do not expect the bug to be fixed for several months. In the meantime, you can use the current version of ThinkFree Office on Mac OS X in compatibility mode."

MRJ is Mac OS Runtime for Java, Apple's implementation of the Java Virtual Machine.

MRJ is not OS X. It is a Java implementation. I haven't had too much luck with running Java applets either, but that has nothing to do with how well Mac OS X applications run. I hope Apple fixes the bug, but frankly, I have little interest in Java applications right now.

Some disaster... :eek:
So, ONE developer is not going forward, and a minor one at that... whoopdido. Condsidering how many software companies ARE developing applications for it, I am not worried. The only one lagging behind (as they are known to do very often) is Quark. Even they are saying there will be an update/patch to allow it to run native under OS X.

Have you checked lately at the numbers of freeware and shareware applications available for OS X??? They number in the thousands, with more coming out every day.

Which version are you thinking as unusable as you put it?? Was it the public beta, or before that??? I have been using it since the official release, and love it. I am using it exclusively on my 500MHz TiBook, and will continue to do so.

OS X is here to stay, it's just a matter of how soon you get it too.
although there haven't been a ton....

I'm getting tired of these pessimistic, negative people bashing around here.....

get over yourselves and get a life!! :eek:
MRJ is not OS X. It is a Java implementation. I haven't had too much luck with running Java applets either, but that has nothing to do with how well Mac OS X applications run. I hope Apple fixes the bug, but frankly, I have little interest in Java applications right now.

Some disaster...

here here:D :D :D :D
Minor point: it's "hear hear" - but, ditto

I agree OSX is more stable, has great apps and is here to stay.
to consider the porting and implementation job and what they have done so soon is impressive. M$ OSes don't get fixed as fast.

I left the mac platform years ago b/c Mac8 kept crashing when doing audio or video editong/animation.

OSX is way more stable - geez it's been production less than a year...

(yes, that was sarcasm)

:D :p etc.
Seriously, what's Think Free Office? Ive never heard of it.

That oughta sum it up fer ya.
OS X a disaster?

If you think it's less stable than OS 9 (or Win ME/XP/etc.), you haven't used it lately.

If you think MRJ is OS X, you haven't been paying attention. Unfortunately, Apple's MRJ has always been sub-par.

If you think ThinkFree's problems represent a big problem for OS X...well I don't get that. Who uses it?

If you think this problem represents the sentiments of developers in general, I disagree. The evidence suggests exactly the opposite. We now have more people writing apps for the Mac than, well, a very long time ago. The Unix folks, the Mac folks, and the NeXT folks all seem pretty keen. Maybe the Java folks are unhappy, but that's not OS X being "buggy" or "a disaster". That's just melodramatic crap.

Good that people are concerned, but things are actually looking quite good.

sr: are you planning to become the new gocyrus?

damn, get over Think Free Orifice!


Didn't think so either. Idiot (sorry, but your post was simply toooooo stupid!)
If OS Bugs was a deterrent to developers, Windows would not exist. Plain and simple. OS X has less security problems and stability problems. I use a Dell and a Mac at work and I can count on a "Critical Update Notification" at least 2-4 times per month on my Win2K system. On OS X however, not nearly as frequently.
in support of SR

hey man, i support you. don't let these tech illiterates get you down. OSX is still something of betaware as far as real world applications are concerned (server apps, etc. ) it seems to me that a lot of Mac fanatics have never coded anything worth a darn for themselves, nor have they tried to compile kernel modules. at the university, OSX has not been approved for widespread usage due to its instability- kernel panics galore. now before you guys flame me, imagine yourself losing part of your PhD dissertation or losing time when the kernel panics and you were optimizing your protein model....well that's a whole week's worth of work down the drain. i'm not pessimistic, i'm realistic.
Yes the macnuts are doing their usual stuff. Do you think I had heard of Think Free before I read that article? No I hadn't. But that is not the point. My point is why have there been so many issues with OSX? When OSX came out, little could be done with it. I don't mean lack of software. I refer to its functionality. Drip by drip apple made improvements. Infrared, dvd, cdwrite, usb support etc are the big things which affected me. ( By the way, re usb - have you tried copying files from a usb storage device? Takes bloody ages). We are now waiting for the big 10.2 which will address a whole host of issues. Tho' we might get a 10.1.3 before. They came out with a beta for all sorts of reasons not least their problems with plumetting shares and apple execs behaving like Enron directors .......And you should see it as such.

The point is this. If you macnuts were less unconditional about your support for apple and behave like rational consumers, you would ultimately engender a better response from Apple.
Re: in support of SR

Originally posted by tadpole
hey man, i support you. don't let these tech illiterates get you down. OSX is still something of betaware as far as real world applications are concerned (server apps, etc. ) it seems to me that a lot of Mac fanatics have never coded anything worth a darn for themselves, nor have they tried to compile kernel modules. at the university, OSX has not been approved for widespread usage due to its instability- kernel panics galore. now before you guys flame me, imagine yourself losing part of your PhD dissertation or losing time when the kernel panics and you were optimizing your protein model....well that's a whole week's worth of work down the drain. i'm not pessimistic, i'm realistic.

I agree, to some degree. WinXP had a service pack available though the day it was released. OS X isn't a real "complete" system as of yet. It was definately released before it's time. It had to be for obvious reasons. Apple is slowly trying to grow from it's orginal roots of Graphics and home users. Slowly getting into businesses. If you consider doing hard core unix programming and modeling, consider Solaris maybe. It will ripen in time, it just takes time. But, it is a heck of a lot better than the Windows alternative. Of course, an etch-a-sketch would be a good alternative to Windows too. And boy is it stable, until you drop it. :)
I agree - a "new" OS that is less than a year old is not what I would call full production.
Look at XP (ok , you don't have to if you don't want to ;-) Hordes of people are ging out of their way to avoid it altogether...
I worked at oracle for a while and production DBAs would start laughing about putting a new DB relase into production (8.0 comes to mind...) in its first year.

Beta? I don't now if I would go that far - but we don't stress test the macs here like tadpole apparently does.

I thought 10.0 was beta.
I have found 10.1.2 VERY stable - the only thing that freaks it is when I disconnect my Ti667 from the netwrok and switch over to the internal airport...
I have to close all net aware programs AND connections to other servers before I do or it locks up for about 2-3 minutes - then recovers.

BTW - does anyone know an easy way to connect to a wintel server from MacOSX w/o using Dave?
Originally posted by maclamb
I agree - a "new" OS that is less than a year old is not what I would call full production.
Look at XP (ok , you don't have to if you don't want to ;-) Hordes of people are ging out of their way to avoid it altogether...
I worked at oracle for a while and production DBAs would start laughing about putting a new DB relase into production (8.0 comes to mind...) in its first year.

Beta? I don't now if I would go that far - but we don't stress test the macs here like tadpole apparently does.

I thought 10.0 was beta.
I have found 10.1.2 VERY stable - the only thing that freaks it is when I disconnect my Ti667 from the netwrok and switch over to the internal airport...
I have to close all net aware programs AND connections to other servers before I do or it locks up for about 2-3 minutes - then recovers.

BTW - does anyone know an easy way to connect to a wintel server from MacOSX w/o using Dave?

Just load the Apple Protocol on the Windows Server and Start an Apple Share on the server. This should do what you need.
Kernel Panic? Not for a long time

Sure OS X will KP if you hotplug some el-cheapo USB floppy drive with a ****ty USB ('Ure Screwed, Buddy) chip.

I have stock hardware in my aging G4/450, except for the mouse and FireWire CD-R/W drive. I also have a Countour Shuttle Pro (brand new, not using it full time).

No KPs yet. Using a beta (PRE RELEASE) kext for my mouse did lock me up twice, so I removed it. When its done I will try it again and it had better not KP or lock me up or it goes to the Trash.

If you start adding things willy nilly, install all kinds of "new" OS X software left and right and expect it ALL to work PERFECTLY then you are living in one of those glass cubes on the nintendo commercials watching the pretty pictures zoom by.

It just isn't reality bub. Not even on Windoze ExPee. Hell that thing shipped with THOUSANDS of bugs all over the place. Industry trade mags always say skip the first release and wait for a service pack when it comes to Windoze. Is OS X immune because its built on UNIX (with lots and lots of custom stuff piled on top including compatible drivers for hundreds of devices)?

OSX will not KP while using an app that was properly WRITTEN in the first place unless you are trying to also burn a CD from iTunes to your Que! Crap CD-R/W drive or using some crap video card you got in the bargain bin at Fry's. Then the fault is probably yours. Only work on work with the minimum of add-in software that is NOT BETA RELASE if its so damned important.

I can't really shave and eat breakfast while driving my daughter to work if I want to avoid a car accident, is that Plymouth's fault? Hardly.
To Sayer

Sayer, you are what we call a twerp. I am using a simple usb 64mb storage device. Not a floppy drive. Its like a pen and you shove it in the usb port. The mac does not crash. It is just very slow at copying files. If I stick the same device on a pc, I can zip thru 64mb with no probs.

All this is besides the point. The point is not to be unconditional in your praise of macs. Why the f*** do we have two macs in our household?( And three pcs for the record). Coz we like them, twerp. I like my powerbook. Git it, twerp? But to be uncritical - that is just irrational.

AMEN brotha! I'm so tired of folks painting things black and white, macs are the good guys and pc's are the bad guys. except that macs are also technically pc's. you can love another human unconditionally, but you certainly cannot hold a machine in the same esteem.
sr: we are not uncritical, it's just that your ONE example is so bullsh*t. I use OS X every day, and love it. I know there are some issues to be solved still, but these are minor. If you look back one year and see what Apple has done, it's actually mighty impressive. This is something M$ never could have pulled off. When the clock strikes twelve for OS X, we can really start to discuss. What really p*ssed me off with your first post, was your bold statement that developers are not coming to X, because ONE Java developer has had some problems. Never, NEVER, is history have we seen so many developers looking towards Apple and the Mac. Your statement is plain wrong! Many interesting things are happening on this side of the fence, thanks to, well... Mac OS X.

OSX has been a disaster despite all the hype. It came out unuseable and is slowly addressing bug after bug.

Disaster? Hardly. Yes, OS X need to get more polished, and it will, but for a first year, OS X has been the greatest thing happening for the platform since the original Mac.

A last question for you. Why do you whine about being flamed? When you make stupid statements like in your first post, ON A MAC FORUM, expect to be flamed. Every «Machead» I know is exited about OS X. Many of us have our grapes about this new OS, and issues we want fixed, but when somebody (like you) are stupid, YES STUPID, enough to call our new favourite OS, a failure and even worse, a disaster, well then you will be flamed. You are welcome to start a discussion on what Apple has done right, and what they did wrong, with OS X, but please don't be the stupid ass you appear to be now.


Calling OS X slow and not delevepor friendly is just not right. Actually it is quite the opposite, developers are flocking to OS X to take advantage of its abilities. Comparing OS X to XP is like comparing a Porshe to a Kia, mind you XP is on the NT kernel so when it came out there were already 50000 hacks for NT, meanwhile when OS X came out it has a completely different kernel and there was not a hack for it yet. M$ rushed to put out XP after OS X came out.

Developers will hate OS X blah blah blah its buggy Blah Blah Blah:eek: You can feal the sarcasm:)

Not all who wander are lost.

Dear sadcrap44, Apple is a company. Like any company selling its wares it is allowed to indulge in hype. But why the hell do you the consumer believe all of it, hook, line and sinker?

The latest hype was the "great final component" of the digital hub. Oh boy - what was it? iPhoto. Do you know how iphoto behaves? How much space it takes up? That it keeps even the slightest alterations? But you will say, its a great step forward, and in a few months time it will be even better. Get real. Act like a rational agent. iPhoto is bugger all.

Does this mean I don't like macs? No it bloody well does not. But I don't wash my mouth out or flagellate myself with a whip everytime I utter the word pc or microsoft.
oh boy. waz up with you. having your period or what. you are so sad...

hmmm.... I'm sound to much like you... scary.

Sorry, don't mean to diss you, but listen to yourself. How many pints did you have tonight???
I for one, does not buy everything that comes out of Mr. Jobs' mouth. As for your iPhoto comment. Well, I WILL NOT install iPhoto, but simply because iPhoto is not for me. But iPhoto will be perfect for my parents. They know nothing about computers, but like to take family pictures. iPhoto would be great for them.
And as for the rest of the digital hub. iMovie? No, I use Final Cut Pro. iDVD 2? Although it's a great app to produce a DVD without much fuss, I prefer DVD Studio Pro.
I really don't see your point with all this posting. Let Macfanatics be Macfanatics. That's what's great with this community. We love our Macs. What's wrong with that??? OK, so maybe not everybody in this forum like to see negative post against the Mac. So what!
My point is. Expect to get flamed when you post stupid statements like in the start of this thread. You are welcome to call OS X a disaster, but you seriously need better arguments than what you have presented as of now.

So sad, so sad, so sad... :(
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