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crappusad44 again

You are the one who needs to hit the prozac, mate.

My point about iPhoto was Apple's hype. And people believing it. I don't use it and would not install it. You no doubt use Photoshop and as you are finding in another thread that you are presently engaged in others are finding OSX very slow with Photoshop. But it works beautifully for you right? Quartz is pretty darn fast eh? Not according to others, crappuface but what do they know, right? And I bet you are have memorised Apple's hype about Gaussian blurs and **** like that.

Maybe too much prozac is why things are so good for you, crappuface. And for your info, no one has flamed me. But maybe now you will unless you pop another prozac quick.

Listen crap face, I know you are a geek but you should try to spell "engenius" correctly. In two separate threads you get it wrong. But I wouldn't worry too much if you don't know how to use a dictionary. No one believes your half-wit photoshop tests or your pronouncements and spelling correctly won't make the slightest difference. Ya nut.
Det som er så jævla kult, er at jeg kan disse deg så forbanna bra på norsk, uten at du forstår en jævla dritt av hva jeg skriver. Men så lavt skal jeg ikke synke.


I dun't give a rats ass abut mi mispelling. You seem to do though. You might not belive my Photoshop tests (well, then do them yourself), but that's yer problem mate, not mine!
You still don't really have a point now do you. And that is why you have to unleash your anger with me... I... Now wait a minute... Why do I even bother?????
Stupid english ****... Oooops. Sorry 'bout that...

Have a jolly good life mate!
My point is simple. Treat apple hype with the contempt it deserves. My point re you is that you are an irrational geek with a penchant for not only swallowing apple hype but manufacturing it as well it seems. Maybe you see yourself as a norwegian rasta born to exalt the mac. Thats ok by me. But don't expect me to be impressed. Goodnight.
love the sound of the bubble bursting

This just in from MacCentral...

ThinkFree Office for Mac OS X due within 60 days
by Dennis Sellers,
January 31, 2002 9:55 am ET

Tuesday we reported that ThinkFree Corp., a company that specializes in Web-based office productivity solutions, has pulled the Mac OS X version of ThinkFree Office for now due to problems with Apple's implementation of the Java Virtual Machine in Mac OS X.

The info was based on an e-mail from ThinkFree's technical support. However, CEO Bob Wise said the tech support personnel were "unfortunately not updated on our latest developments."

"We have made enormous progress on our OS X version in the last three weeks and support wasn't updated," he told MacCentral. "Needless to say we have corrected that and we expect to be shipping shortly. We intend to release our OS X product within 60 days."

ThinkFree Office uses Java technology to support a wide variety of operating systems and device platform. Written from the ground up in Java, the ThinkFree Office takes advantage of Mac OS X's Aqua user interface, according to TJ Kang, president and CTO for ThinkFree.

You can access the suite from any Internet-connected computer. File sharing capabilities are provided via a public folder that users can make available to friends and colleagues.

I love it when you can find an article to so thoroughly trash someone's statement... So much for OS X being buggy and dropped by developers. Your sources are way off... unless they are just the other voices in your head (which I suspect is the case).
Who really cares

if Quark isn't out for OS X yet. It's an absolutely garish program in appearance and usability. (I pay $1000 for a program and there's no undo's and I can't hang punctuation? Give me a break.)

InDesign in SOOOOO much better. Quark is on its way out. :eek:
re: flamewar

hey, speaking about flamewars

where is spikey and kela vs john123 or joeyj?

just wondering

but remember, we are all one the same side whether we are nice or mean and let's get mac back up to 5 percent market share!
Yow! why do I feel Like I just stepped back into High School???

Who are all these Freshmen, and why are they wasting my time?

There is only one way to guarentee a Kernel panic from OS X. Install it wrong.

Yer little USB device is slow because you're plugging it into either your keyboard or other "unpowered" USB hub.

OS X is second only to "straight" *nix in it's developer friendliness.

If the three of you could just get a life?

It bugs me when 2 or 3 fifteen year old punks get all high and mighty like they know their rectum from a hole in the ground. Go get laid.

:p :rolleyes:
My 3 cents (damn inflation :) )

When you post to ANY forum, nevermind one as vehement as this one, expect people to disagree and/or have something to say. If you take everything personally (as sr seemed to do) you're going to get into trouble.

Dissing people's spelling and/or grammar in just plain uncool. People post here from all over the world, so their english isn't always great. Sometimes people are just in a hurry and don't bother to be completely anal about proof reading. sr, I could point out several grammatical errors in what you wrote, but I'm not going to because that's not what these forums should be about.

And "mate", just because XP had a service pack out right when it was released is not necessarily a good thing. Sounds to me like Microsoft had to do some last minute bug fixing of their own. And don't even get me started on the security patches...
I can't believe this thread is still going. What evidence is there that I am taking it personally? But I can get dirty as the rest of them. My point remains: start behaving like rational consumers. If something isn't right, dont go all cult-ish and say its great anyway. If apple bring out a powerbook with a speed bump and then 6 weeks later release a combo drive - behave like rational customers and tell them there should be some way to accomodate those who bought the same machine 6 weeks ago for the same price but now have less functionality. Their upgrade program is still not underway. My plea is for rational behaviour not the nonsense behaviour of crappusad and other cult members. Crap face even does his own photoshop tests which are, to anyone who owns a pc as well, plain rubbish.
Dump Office X...

All is futile.. without ThinkFree Office.. face it, we're sunk.. Office X is a miserable failure, nobody wants it. We are doomed...

(heavy sarcasm)

Come on.. ok, I'll admit I don't like Apple's Java implement either, it doesn't
run, but I'm not about to jump onto the windows ship.. there's a few more holes in that hull.. Heck, even Bill Gates has his deck hands commanded to clean up the mess now and introduce "security".. how many times have we heard that? ouch!
Speaking of why this thread is still going...

How about we stay on subject here:

sr you brought up OS X, and the fact that you thought it was "buggy". Now you're slamming Apple's hardware release practices. Make up your mind. It sounds to me like you've got a bone to pick with Apple and you chose to vent here on these forums.

Yes, OS X is still not a "mature" OS. Once we can drop Classic we'll be doing a lot better.
But the alternative, XP, is so god-awful! You want to talk about Java? XP doesn't even ship with it! You have to download it from Microsoft's webpage. How's that for Java implementation: nonexistent.
Re: OSX is buggy enough to deter developers

Originally posted by sr
Macfanatics please take note. OSX has been a disaster despite all the hype. It came out unuseable and is slowly addressing bug after bug. But look at what its doing to potential software developers:

The Mac OS X release of ThinkFree Office has been pulled until Apple fixes a serious bug in their MRJ, Robert Jackson, ThinkFree's technical support manager, said in an e-mail message. "I do not expect the bug to be fixed for several months. In the meantime, you can use the current version of ThinkFree Office on Mac OS X in compatibility mode."

MRJ is Mac OS Runtime for Java, Apple's implementation of the Java Virtual Machine.

The Java VM is buggy? F*ck all, man, what Java VM isn't? Write your code in C like God intended.
Re: Who really cares

Originally posted by iH8Quark

InDesign in SOOOOO much better. Quark is on its way out. :eek:

I give that about as much credit as the people that have been saying the same thing about Apple for the past 18 years. We all remember the pc based media saying how Apple was going bankrupt, how it was dying, how it was going to be gone by the end of that year. All rubbish.

Where I work, we have approx. 86 copies of Quark at this site, and more at other sites around the country/world. I am getting ready to pick up Quark 5 for myself since I was in the group to use the pre-release version. What I took away from that, was that Quark 5 was an improvement upon version 4.x. I do look forward to the day they release the update/patch to make it run under OSX (it is coming).
Thanks all for your support! :) It was some though posting back there a little while ago... :p

What do I got to say this time? Well, I just wanted to point a couple of things, sr.
1st. Let Mac fanatics be Mac fanatics. The one great thing about the Mac community is that we support each other, and our beloved Macs. So what if we get a bit overemotional. This does not have to be a bad thing! Get over it!
2nd. Mac users never critizise Apple??? have you ever been to this forum??? What happend when there was no new G4s at MWSF. People complained and bitched. The iPod (OK, so everybody loves it now) when it was first introduced, the hype surrounding MWSF. we Macheads not critizising Apple??? Get real.

I don't know why you are so angry sr. And what's this with my PS tests being rubbish if you also own a PC??????? And what's crap about telling the Mac world that the new version of PS for OS X is fast, and faster than the last version for OS 9???

Well. Hope you got your dev tools for your powerbook. And good luck with OS X.

For the rest of you... Have a wonderful afternoon.... :)

crassus out
Sayer, I have to disagree with you on a few points

If you start adding things willy nilly, install all kinds of "new" OS X software left and right and expect it ALL to work PERFECTLY then you are living in one of those glass cubes on the nintendo commercials watching the pretty pictures zoom by.

I actually have succesfully "installed all kinds of "new" OS X software left and right" and my computer runs very well. OS X has not once crashed. The only programs I have managed to crash are some of those "new" software titles, but they did not touch the rest of the system.

OSX will not KP while using an app that was properly WRITTEN in the first place unless you are trying to also burn a CD from iTunes to your Que! Crap CD-R/W drive or using some crap video card you got in the bargain bin at Fry's. Then the fault is probably yours. Only work on work with the minimum of add-in software that is NOT

What's wrong with the Que! drives? i have a 24x10X40 Que!Fire drive and ihaven't had a single problem with it. And while I don't use iTunes to burn CDs because it doesn't let you duplicate entire CDs without first ripping them to your hard drive, I have not once crashed OS X while burning a CD under Toast, and Toast is still heavily a beta version.

And hey, SR, I know, just like a lot of people here, my life is now ruined because ThinkFree Office (a program I've never heard of before) isn't available for OS X and that no other software has been developed for it because of the MRJ virtual engine. Oh wait just a minute, Think Free Office WILL be available for OS X soon, so the world is all happy again.

by the way, MacLamb, OS X supports Samba natively, I forget what it stands for, i think it's also called cifs or something like that (someone PLEASE correct me on that). Check out this article from Apple's website on how to access and share files with Windows computers. at but here's the important info
To mount a share using the Finder, you will need at least Mac OS X 10.1. Previous versions of the OS do not contain the necessary features to support accessing SMB shares natively. The first step to mounting the share is to select the Go menu and then select Connect to Server. The Finder keyboard shortcut is Command + K. This will open the Connect to Server dialog box. In this box there is a field labeled Address. In this field you want to enter:

Then click the Connect button. If all goes well you will be presented with the SMB/CIFS Filesystem Authentication window. This window will list the workgroup, username, and server used in the previous window. What you will need to do now is enter the appropriate password and then click OK. When done correctly, you will now see an icon on your desktop that is labeled with the name of the share you just mounted. You should now be able to use the share just like any other drive on your system.

I am glad to see someone else that is happy with their Que drive. I had a 12x10x32 that I sold to another person before picking up my 24x10x40. I have not done as many burns on the new one yet, but that is only because I haven't needed to do many as yet. I did get a 100 count spindle of 24x media, and was able to burn a dozen cd's in rappid succession without a single problem.

Under Toast (version 5.1.2, non-beta now) I can burn a full cd in about 3 minutes. That is a 700MB, 24x media.
OMG, Troll, Troll, Troll!!!

Let's just use our collective powers and end this thread now.

-- No more posts to this crap. We know they want what we have, so why even give them a laugh. Let's wait a while, and they will BlueScreen of death anyway.
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