My workplace has recently migrated to Office365, for Outlook etc.
Whereas my mail still works through Outlook on my Mac, iPhone and iPad - and calendar, contacts etc. still get pulled in correctly to the various native apps (and 3rd parties - Fantastical etc.), has simply given up the ghost.
Timeouts on trying to connect, and as a result, mails downloaded only up and till the end of October, when the switch was made...
My first option would presumably involve removing the Exchange account in its totality (from Preferences/Accounts), and setting it up again?
When trying to remove it from macOS, I am given the choice of removing the account from all devices, or only locally, on my MBP.
Being conservative initially, I opted for the latter. This doesn't really do anything, other than making the account "inactive" - so it looks like it is all or nothing.
My biggest fear about going all in, is that I might not get it syncing again - which would be quite problematic.
I'm happy using Outlook on my Mac - but the primary reason I would like to get the functionality going in, is due to my MailActOn and MailTags plugins, which offer some very useful features. That, and the ability to archive my Outlook mail account into Devonthink Pro Office, with all its many benefits...
Anyone experience a similar issue? Any suggestions? Should I just give it a go, and remove all, and hope that the re-introduction of the account will fix things?
Just checked DTPO again, and never realised that it now/always(?) supported mail account archiving from within Outlook as well - which I'm now doing. If it works as is hoped, then that's a big concern taken care of. Would still be useful to have MailActOn and MailTags hit my Exchange account in, but at least one issue has been resolved satisfactorily.